Back at home, my parents and Shanshan sat in the house, chatting very happily about the new house, because Shanshan's laughter came out for a while.

Lu Wei felt bored, so he slipped out and walked directly to the garden. It was also dark, and the workers had already left work. I don't know if the roots are hollowed out after the fruit corn in the No. 1 greenhouse is cut down, and these roots generally grow very thick, if they are not dug out and cleaned up in time, it will not take a few days to grow new corn stalks.

However, corn stalks that grow in this way basically do not produce beautiful ears. Lu Wei thought about this and immediately walked towards the No. 1 greenhouse. It was dark, the garden was very quiet, the temperature had already dropped, and the cool breeze was blowing, and Lu Wei felt very comfortable.

In the No. 1 greenhouse, there are already a lot of flowers and bones on the cucumber shelves, and it seems that these beauty cucumbers are about to set fruit again, no, they have to be watered with pure immortal spring water. In this way, it is possible to ensure that after picking, they do not lack nutrients and continue to file.

Thinking like this, Lu Wei turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and looked down at the roots of those fruits and corns, and as a result, Lu Wei saw that these huge roots had been dug up, and even the location of the dug out roots had been filled in with soil.

It's really good, needless to say, it must be the second uncle who arranged for someone to do this in advance, it's really good, this thing, if you don't do it in time, when they grow seedlings again, it will be a waste of fertilizer and this immortal spring water. At this point, Lu Wei is very grateful to the second uncle, you think, I didn't realize it at all, and when I thought of it, I came over to arrange it, and the time would have to be pushed back by another day.

This month, the two team leaders, the second uncle and the second uncle, should each give them an additional bonus of 200 yuan. Thinking about it like this, Lu Wei was very ironed in his heart. He slowly made his way around the greenhouse.

Beauty cucumbers, this is going to bloom again, as soon as it blooms, it will soon be able to set fruit, it seems that it will be about a week at most, and this second crop of cucumbers can be harvested. And in these few days, I have to hurry up and pour the immortal spirit spring water on them, otherwise, once there is a shortage of water, it will be very serious later.

The batch of beauty cucumbers harvested earlier is fine, and there has been no uneven thickness, uneven size, and hollowness. The current batch, and every subsequent batch, cannot have this kind of thing that affects sales.

Therefore, Lu Wei made a decision in his heart, he will pour pure immortal spring water on these beauty cucumbers today, and when he finishes watering, he will look at the time of morning and evening, and then decide whether to water these horn-sharp green peppers again.

After all, the price of these things is really high, and he can't afford to be a little sloppy, but this matter of pouring pure immortal spiritual spring water is impossible to disclose to everyone, even if he is a little tired, he can only punch out buckets by himself and water it slowly.

Now these beauty cucumbers, temporarily without ripe fruits on the shelf, it seems that the branches and leaves are particularly lush, and those yellow and white small flowers and bones keep flashing in his eyes, Lu Wei feels that this thing, the yield is high, this is just the end of the harvest, and immediately began to accumulate strength, ready to blossom and bear fruit. That's a good thing, and it would be nice if that corn could do the same.

This sheep's horn tip green pepper is not much different from these beauty cucumbers, and Lu Wei also saw a lot of small flower bones with white flowers drilling out dense green leaves, and the number is also extremely large. It seems that this sheep's horn tip green pepper and this beautiful cucumber are estimated to be harvested again within a week. Lu Wei thinks it's incredible, but these flowers are about to bloom, think about it, will it be far from the fruit ripening?

Then, the next thing may be a little fun, the first is the raspberry in the No. 2 greenhouse, which is estimated to be the first to ripen, and then the beauty cucumber and the green pepper, and then the fruit corn.

Oops, I almost forgot that the seeds raised by these fruits and corn have not been watered yet, and I just care about wandering around this greenhouse. As soon as Lu Wei thought of this, he immediately jumped up, ran out of this greenhouse, and ran towards the hawthorn field that had been transplanted.

Yes, after these seedlings were raised, they had not been watered, and now it was just right, Lu Wei looked around, and there was no trace, so he immediately took out the immortal spiritual spring water, uncovered the film, and slowly poured it on the dry soil of the seedlings.

There was not much land in the first place, but it took less than five buckets of water to water it. Looking at the soaked nursery field, Lu Wei covered the film again. He knew that although it was still hot, the temperature could drop several degrees in the morning and evening, and the heat preservation could promote the rapid germination of these seeds.

After watering the seeds of these fruits and corn, Lu Wei returned to the No. 1 greenhouse. He is now carrying a bucket of water, watering those beauty cucumbers one by one, he is equivalent to increasing the amount of pure immortal spiritual spring, only in this way, he himself feels that these beauty cucumbers are more secure, more symmetrical, more delicious, and more lovely.

I don't know what price Boss Fang can sell these cucumbers at after shipping them out, the price he set for himself is 20 yuan a catty, can he sell it for 40 yuan a catty, if he can, then this boss will make a lot of money. And he is not envious, after all, he has earned his share.

From the process of trading with him, the boss of the family is quite far-sighted. And so far, there is still a million in their own hands.

Hehe, Lu Wei himself doesn't know why Boss Fang gave himself such a high price, because these products that went out of Lu Wei's garden, knife loach, yellow eel, crayfish, and even these sheep's horn tip green peppers, fruit corn, and beauty cucumbers, were actually put into the market in the form of traditional Chinese medicine.

Because there are many people who eat these things, one is that they feel that the taste is superb, and the other is that after eating these things, not only the small hairs and diseases in the body are gone, but also the whole person is a lot easier, and even more, after many women eat these things, those wrinkles, spots, and even melanin on their faces are much less.

Therefore, now as long as these products are pulled by the boss of this side, they are being chased by some large buyers like crazy, and the price has also soared. Take this beauty cucumber as an example, today's shipping price has soared to 58 yuan a catty, yes, yes, it's 58 yuan a catty.

And most of these goods were grabbed by those exporters, and in their first transit, these things have been transported directly to the ...... in the domestic airspace

How would Lu Wei know about these, he only knew that these products of his were so delicious that they exploded, and where would he know that there was a medicinal diet in them.

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