Shadow Rogue

Chapter 52: : Bright Judgment

A system prompt sounded suddenly in the ear of Chu Rui with the spider queen, Iris, let him stay for a moment. Looking around, I saw that Harlef, Chris, and Ronnie stood together from left to right. The three hands were stacked together, and the look was very firm and looked at him, a fire by faith. The ignited high-spirited warfare spurred into a very sharp sword, pointing to the spider queen, Elisa.

Perhaps it was influenced by the three Ronnie. Chu Rui’s heart was like a fire, and it burned wildly, so that the whole body was surrounded by deep fighting. The fire of the war burned all over the body, and finally rushed into the brain, boiling him all over the body. An unprecedented feeling filled his body, filled in his mind, filled with his soul.


A mad scream screamed out of Chu Rui's mouth, and an unknown energy burst out of his body, letting the people around him feel his blood boiling.

“Hey, congratulations on triggering unknown conditions, opening up talents, tapping your own potential with your own strength and momentum, and influencing others, comprehending skills – courage!”

"Hey, congratulations on becoming the first player in the world of "Tianyun" to comprehend the skills, gaining reputation of 1000, 1000 coins, a mysterious scroll!"

At this moment, Chu Rui's whole body, the whole brain, the whole soul is about to be burned by the war. There is no interest in rewarding, but the skill that is understood.

Enthusiasm for courage: active skill, 0 level 0/10000, cost 50MP, with your own warfare as the source, with your own courage as the source, mad roar, encourage yourself and friendly, improve 10% full attribute, get extra self-attack 20 % bonus (30% for skill release), 10% chance for additional critical strikes (20% for skill release), lasts for 3 minutes! Cooling time is 1 hour!

"Courage is inspiring!"

Chu Rui did not think about it, and used this skill in an instant. In an instant, he felt a very special force rising from the body, and instantly spread all over the body. A very high-spirited warfare was like a horn of war, so loud and stimulating.

Not only Chu Rui, Ronnie, and Ye Feng, but also four people were affected. It was only in an instant that everyone became wary.

"This... What's going on?" Feeling the change of everyone, Iris suddenly became stunned. Maybe she is very strong in strength, but when she faces Chu Rui, she feels A hint of fear. Without him, just because of their momentum, it is really terrible.

"Damn bastard, what did you do?" Elise snarled wildly at Chu Rui.

“What did you do?” Chu Rui sneered: “I have done a knocking ring to you.”

"Damn ugly monster, die!" Didn't wait for Elise to answer, Ronnie and Harlef left and right, madly killed. And Iris, holding a priest's cane in the back, began to mourn the mantra, and the bright white light shone on her body, looking sacred.

"Sweet children stay in the same place, even if the property is improved, you can't look down on the attack of the spider queen. I can go up with it. Xihuo, you don't need me to say, play it yourself!" The excited sweet child, told a sentence, and then nodded to each other with the cockroach, carrying weapons and followed Ronnie and Harlef rushed up.

"Ha ha ha ... ugly spider, today, is your death!" Seeing everyone's all-powered assault, Chu Rui suddenly looked up and laughed. Previously, he was still worried about how to deal with the Spider Empress after the end of the effect of the Smart Wind. Now, it seems that there is no need to worry. With so many people encircling, it is absolutely impossible to kill her. Although faith does not represent strength, it can maximize the potential to transform into strength and create miracles. Now, their beliefs will create miracles. Kill this powerful spider queen and complete this legendary level mission!

"A group of ants, look for death!" Harlef and Ronnie, but Iris actually saw the leaves and cockroaches of the leaves and cockroaches who did not know what to do (in her view), so the two weak people dared to attack her. Suddenly angry. The eight feet danced like a war weapon, and the savage and incomprehensible attacks continued to sway.

Chu Rui glared at her own speed, constantly revolving around her weakness in the dead corner that Iris could not catch. The strong Harley and Ronnie are at the forefront, brave and fearless to fight with Iris, creating a relatively safe environment for the leaves and scorpions in the back.

"The great knight of the knight, please give me the courage to surpass, with your compassionate and powerful force to inspire us to overcome evil, sweeping the demon!... Glorious and inspiring!"

"The great **** of light, please give me the boundless compassion and gentleness, help me to comfort the injured companion!...the light of angels!"

Ronnie and Chris's augmentation skills fell again, and the two rays fell into everyone's body in battle. In an instant, under the blessing of BUFF, the property increases.

I got an increase, and the sweet child on the side was still unable to sit still. I ignored the disappointment of the fire that was releasing the elemental light ball and rushed up with a short sword. Before she was transferred, her archer couldn't do anything, only melee.

"The great **** of light, please use the boundless compassion to pity the world, use your power to reveal miracles, and judge the ugly demon who violated the light and the darkness!..."

In the rear, Chris suddenly burst into the unparalleled white light, and the whole person floated in the air, and a bunch of illusory white wings appeared behind her body.

Angel, definitely an angel!

The action in the battle stopped for a moment, and stunned as he looked at the celestial angel, and the look on her face became peaceful.

The strong light made Chu Rui and others feel the incomparable warmth, but it caused extremely great destructive power to Iris. Under the circumstance of white light, she continually twitched, and her mouth shook screams, and it was the white light that gave me 100 points per second.

"Bright - Judgment!"

A mighty and majestic voice came out of Chris's mouth, and the angel's heart hanging on her chest shone with endless soft white light, and quickly formed an extremely huge one on the head of Iris. White holy sword. With the exit of Chris's "Judgement", the White Sword fell wildly, and the body of Iris was penetrated.

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