Xiao Shu is back.

She was standing in the heavy rain outside the house, her long soaked hair hanging down beside her pale cheeks, her raincoat was gone, her coat was stained with stains, and there was no blood stains-embarrassed but nothing serious.

It should be a good thing.


"Where is Brother Li?"

"I don't know, I didn't meet him."

"Then who is behind you?!"

In the alley behind Xiao Shu, wind, rain and night are woven into a dark curtain, behind which a vague outline stands silently.

It followed Xiao Shu.

At first, everyone hoped that it was Li Changan.

But when Xiao Shu's expression gradually frightened--the answer was already self-evident.

The flashlight hurriedly threw into the deep alley, the thing was startled by the light, and suddenly retreated deeper into the darkness.

But in that short moment, it was enough for everyone to see its face.

A skinny, wrinkled and dark spotted face with missing features.

A monster's face!

"Xiao Xiao, come in quickly!"

Xiao Shu seemed to be frightened, shaking like a quail, but he couldn't move at all.


Yi Baohua cursed, gritted his teeth and rushed over, grabbing Xiao Shu, and hurriedly glanced at the alley from the corner of his eyes.

Just one glance, like a falling ice cellar.

But seeing that strange shadow is like a beast, crawling on all fours, and quickly approached here.

Also at this time.

I don't know which one threw a Molotov cocktail, over the top of the two of them, and smashed it into the alley, making a bang in the rain.

"No... useless?!"

"Nonsense, you didn't fire it!"

This conversation is really dumbfounding.

But how can Yi Baohua care about crying now? Where can I take care of laughing? Fortunately, this Molotov cocktail also shocked the monster and temporarily returned to the shadows.

So he seized the opportunity, dragged Xiao Shu, and ran to the house, into the "circle" left by the Taoist priests.

The distance is actually very close, but just a dozen steps, but even if every step Yi Baohua exhausted his life's greatest strength, he still desperately heard-"pop".

This is the sound of something beating against stagnant water.

The voice was urgent and fast.

Yi Baohua only crossed the gap and rushed into the house, his voice already rang from behind.

"Get down!"

He didn't catch it at all, but he hurriedly mixed garlic under his feet, pulling Xiao Shu by accident and falling together. At the same time, several Molotov cocktails flew over his head.

This time, the fire was lit.


Fire and heat are rising.

He looked back in a panic, and a wall of fire rose close to his feet, blocking the gap in the room, and it seemed to have ignited something. The thing that was too late to see its appearance rolled into the stagnant water and disappeared into the darkness.

"What are you still doing?"

Yi Baohua was agitated, grabbing Xiao Shu, using his hands and feet together to return to the "circle of talisman".


Outside the house, the wind and rain are noisy; inside, there is a dead silence.

Everyone squeezed in a small "talisman circle", holding their only weapon-a Molotov cocktail, and staring at the gap in the old house.

However, until the flames were gradually extinguished, the monster never appeared.

"It..." Wang Zhongmin's voice knotted, "go away?"

"Maybe it's gone." Zeng Guangwen didn't believe it himself.


The sudden sound originated from the roof.

It's not the wind and rain that I'm used to, but something has stepped on the tiles.

"It's on top!"

Wang Zhongmin's hoarse words are not so much a reminder as a wailing.

Also in this wailing, the sound became more and more dense, from left to right, from east to west.

The monster kept moving on the roof, pulling everyone's trembling eyes back and forth, making everyone's nerves tense, tense and tense, until...


A few tiles fell and the roof broke through a gap.

The wind and rain were howling, and the candlelight was dim.

The monster finally showed its true face.


It slid in through the gap in the roof.

Roughly into a human shape.

He has a frighteningly old face and a thin body.

The hands and feet are as flexible as boneless maggots, wriggling in with their bodies, each wrapped around the frame of the house, and their heads hung down.

Muddy yellow eyes, empty eyes, lifelessly peering at the living people below.


Zeng Guangwen felt like a frog caught by a poisonous snake.

The heart was clearly beating the drum, but his hands and feet were so numb.

He smelled a pee in his nose.

I don't know who it is.

But it's better not me?

This untimely funny thought just came up in my mind.


A sharp cry almost tore the eardrum.

Immediately afterwards.

A Molotov cocktail flew to the monster abruptly.

Zeng Guangwen woke up like a dream, and his face changed drastically.

"do not want!"

It's a pity it's still too late.

The bottles in everyone's hands have already been thrown out with the former one after another.

The monster was trapped between the beams of the room and couldn't dodge it. It was instantly ignited by the flames. While struggling, it shuddered off a rain of fire.

But everyone in the house is not doing well.

They soon discovered that the old house was getting older and older, and most of the wooden structure had already dried up and became the best fuel.

The Molotov cocktail not only repelled the monster, but also ignited the beams of the house.

Then the fire spread quickly.

In a blink of an eye, there was a flame of fire.

The short lag is another chaos.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

"Stop howling, who can't see it!"

"How to do?"

"Only run away!"

"But Brother Li's circle..."

"Don't worry! Stay here and wait to burn to death?"

I don’t know who brought the first head.

Everyone left the "Talisman Circle" and hurriedly plunged into the Laoshan Village in the rainy night.


Li Changan tasted the embarrassment he had missed for a long time.

There is an iron knife in his hand, which is enough to cut off the head of the demon, but the opponent can still jump alive even if the corpse is broken.

There is a stack of magic charms in his pocket, which can burn monsters into ashes, but the power of the fire charms is limited, unless the monster is restrained and cannot escape. And if you want to win by quantity and deal with them one by one, I am afraid that the number of talismans rushed out is not enough.

Therefore, when Li Changan discovered the monster's siege, he rushed into the alley without thinking.

The dense houses in the old village and the twists and turns of the roadways are a good place to get rid of the enemy or break through each.


With God walking on a horse, Li Changan's every step is like an arrow from the string.

But tonight, in this old village in the deep mountains, there is something faster than him.

"DaDa" footsteps were dense in the dark.

The Taoist flashlight swept it away, and the "six-legged monster" lifted up a crippled face in the dim light.

Li Changan kept turning and turning, and it was about to become a gloomy light reflecting in the alley, but the monster stepped on the wall, over the tile roof, and stepped on the wall, still biting.

When he tried to shake off the opponent again and got into a narrow alley.

Unexpectedly, there is a dead end ahead.


Turn around.

The monster had already kept pace with him, and suddenly fit into his body and bumped into it.

Can't dodge.

Both sides lose balance at the same time.

While tumbling, the "Hexagon" jumped off another little monster and rushed towards the Taoist priest. There was no body. An ugly head was directly connected to slender hands and feet, and two rusty iron knives were copied. cut.


A few sparks vanished in an instant.

One of the rusty knives in the little monster's hand was already thrown high, and the other was embedded in his forehead.

The Taoist stepped on the handle of the knife, and the blade penetrated completely, and the little monster was kicked and slammed into the arms of the "hexagonal monster", becoming two gourds on the ground.

Due to inertia, the Taoist priest also rolled several times in the stagnant water, and finally hit a stone wall. He didn't care about the pain, and immediately stood up.

The monster was in the alley a dozen steps away.

After a short period of wind and rain.

Li Changan exhaled a stale breath and slowly got up; the monster pulled out the rusty iron knife on his forehead, and the wound healed quickly.

The short confrontation is no more than a few breaths.

The monsters pounced again.

Li Changan suddenly climbed over the courtyard wall and got into the hut behind the wall.

Two monsters followed closely behind.


It's a house, but it's actually a shack.

A hundred years ago, when the village was still "alive", it might be used as a utility room or as a firewood shed, but it doesn't matter at this moment. The important thing is that it is narrow enough and there is no room to escape. , So narrow that the two sides can only fight each other as long as they come in.

But when they met on a narrow road, Li Changan didn't immediately swing the iron sword, let alone smash the roof to escape, he just threw out a Molotov cocktail.

A Molotov cocktail with a tightly sealed top.

Zhang Huangfu was immersed in the bottle, and red light was emerging from the symbol.

The red light blazed quickly, and the bottle body swelled and deformed.

The monster kicked around with six feet, desperately stopping, before he had time to jump out of the house; Li Changan had a coffin at his feet, and he struggled to lift the thick lid of the coffin and it would stand in front of him.

next moment.


The flames shook the torrential rain.

The old wall on the side of the shack burst open, and the flames burst out, Li Changan was wrapped in a light green light and the tattered coffin board was thrown away, and he fell into the long alley of stagnant water, curled his back and glide all the way, plowing out the alley. Two walls splattered.

Is it resolved?

The Taoist priest had just thought about it, and suddenly a familiar smell penetrated his nose.

His expression changed, and before he could turn over, he slammed his right elbow under the stone slab.

The whole person just soared into the sky.

A black shadow swept across under him, followed by a blast like a whip.

But seeing stagnant water, weeds, mud, and gravel, it was wiped out in no time.

The person was in the air, turning his head to look away.

In the front, the slender and slender monster with no arms or legs stood tall and long, and its "tail" was raised again, like a long sword and a large axe, carrying a gust of wind and showers, and slashed into the narrow alley.

It is the narrow alley, where is the room to dodge?

Taoist priests have always had only one choice.

A kick against the wall, the whole person retreats instead of advancing.

The snake's tail then took a step slower and wiped the Taoist shoulders into the empty space; and the sword in the hands of the Taoist shook, and a cold blue light was reflected in the secluded and deep alley.

In a flash.

The cyan light was annihilated, the Taoist took his sword, and the basilisk had already cut in two.

Half of the snake's tail was thrown far out of the alley, and half of the snake's body was shaking and was about to fall into the water.

It sounds miserable, but Li Changan knows well that, let alone cut off, it is just a small injury to the monster in front of him.

He had already swung the knife again, leaning upwards, trying to split the monster's head.

But when the knife was swung halfway, the Taoist priest suddenly retracted his arm to protect him.


There was another explosion.

The stone wall on the side of the alley burst into pieces.

Amidst the rubble and the splash of rain, a huge fist as big as a human head was punched out.

Then, in the darkness, the crash sounded like a muffled thunder.

The wind and rain are stagnant.

Immediately afterwards.

Like a cannonball, Li Changan smashed the alley wall. He cast his momentum unabated and slammed into an old house outside the alley.


The walls fall down and the beams are scattered.

The house collapsed, and Li Changan was buried in a piece of broken bricks and shingles.


The fighting in the alley subsided for the time being.

The wind and rain whizzed in again, pressing down on murderous intent and smoke.

The thing that knocked Li Changan into the air also showed its shape.

It was a fat giant, taller than the wall, fat filling the alleys.

The "Giant" picked up the "Basilisk" with one hand, and there was a "Da Da" sound in the alley. The "Six-Legged Monster" came out of the night, with some burns on his body and some glass shards, but his actions were completely unimpeded. Immediately afterwards, the little monsters also gathered, the same wound, the same action was unimpeded, only the tail of a snake that flew out half of it was dragged in his hand.

The "Giant" took the snake's tail and fractured the body and tail of the "Basilisk", but after a few breaths, the "Basilisk" was intact.

So, after a fight.

The four monsters gathered in the alley again.

However, Li Changan was buried in the ruins, without a trace of movement, looking from a distance, a barren grave.

The Taoist priest is dead?

The monsters are much more cautious.

It doesn't matter whether it's mending a knife or digging up a corpse.

Without seeing them communicate, they all approached the ruins.

But the monsters just took a step when the "giant" suddenly stopped.

Lower your head.

"Foot" is swimming with seven or eight small fishes.

Of course the fish is not surprising.

The strange thing is that the fish are all made of paper, and the paper is painted with cinnabar, and the cinnabar reflects the red light, and the red light is getting stronger and brighter.

I don't know where.


The fire went up into the sky.


For a while.

The fire gradually extinguished, and a series of violent coughs sounded between the remaining brick Fewa.

It was seen that Li Changan pulled away the **** and got out of the muddy face.

"Hey~ good guy, it's like hitting a dump truck." He moved his arms. "Fortunately, he is ready."

He moved stiffly to the alley and saw the ashes left by the four monsters. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly tossed a yellow talisman away from his clothes, suddenly feeling a lot more relaxed.

This is the "Wooden Talisman", which borrows a wisp of yimu aura to protect the body, and at the same time has the magical effect of protecting the body, shielding pain, and healing wounds.

Of course, the side effect is that it will gradually assimilate you into a real piece of wood.

"It's really hard to get these monsters together and get burnt."

Li Changan pulled out the "Fire Talisman" and quickly folded it, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

"But the yellow symbols are limited, and there is no way."

After speaking, the talisman paper was already folded into a frizzy paper crane, held it to his mouth, and let out a sigh of relief.

The paper crane came alive instantly, flapping its wings into the night sky.

Then, Li Changan took out half of the plastic bottle from his pocket. The bottom of the bottle was lightly red, which was a mixture of cinnabar and idol powder. Glue your fingers and quickly outline it on the knife.


The outline is complete.

At almost the same time, a ball of fireworks burst into the air, and inside the flames was a monster that was desperately flapping its wings.

The Taoist immediately turned around and threw his arms.

The iron sword is under the wind and rain.

The monster fell.


For the first time, Li Changan took a close look at the monsters in the mountain village.

The skin is gray and lacks texture, the body is thin but no joints are visible, and the limbs are arranged on both sides of the body in a disorderly manner. They are connected to each other with fleshy membranes to form a pair of wings, which is also the basis for it to fly.

It looks weird, too weird to be human, but the image lacks a bit of horror.

Maybe it's because you can't move, like a dead thing?

Li Changan drew the iron knife from the monster's chest.

The monster opened his eyes immediately, his wings flopped violently, and he was about to fly again...


The knife stabbed back again.

So the wings fell weakly, and it became a dead thing again.

The Taoist rubbed the stubble on his chin. It was terrifying and not terrifying. He didn't feel it because of his increasingly rough nerves, but he could see that the powder of "Ye Yae Ke" was indeed very useful, and it was effective quickly.

Professor Shao's safety is also more assured.

As long as they are obedient, don't run around...Li Changan turned to look for the direction when he came.

The distant place was faintly beating with flames.

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