Seven Crowns

Chapter 512: Kaka's Goal

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After Marcelo scored to give Real Madrid a 10-point lead away from Zaragoza, the game continued.

The style of La Liga teams is rarely to shrink defensively, let alone Zaragoza's home court.

Therefore, despite falling behind in the score and facing a giant like Real Madrid, Zaragoza's players are still firmly fighting against Real Madrid.

In the 9th minute, Sago's full-back Juarez suddenly went forward for an assist, broke through Real Madrid's sideline defense and made a pass from the bottom. Sago No. 9 center Uche took the first place in the penalty area with Pepe's defense on his back. Point, raise your foot to volley.

The quality of this shot was quite high, and it went straight to the lower right corner of the goal. Tens of thousands of Sago fans at home had already stood up and prepared to celebrate.

However, Casillas, the double goalkeeper of Spain and Real Madrid, rejected Uche's volley.

The moment Wu Qie shot the goal, he predicted ahead of time and threw it out, and then he spotted the ball's path and fished out the bottom line.

Immediately, there was a sound of lamentation at the scene, only hundreds of Real Madrid fans who accompanied the team on the away game cheered happily in a corner of the stands.

Even Real Madrid has only a few hundred fans traveling with the team, which shows how much Spanish fans do not like traveling with the team.

Therefore, it is normal for Spanish teams to have worse away records than other leagues.

Zaragoza lost an excellent scoring opportunity, and then it was time to bear Real Madrid's counterattack.

In the 16th minute, Real Madrid organized an attack. Alonso handed the ball to Lu Wenbin's feet. Lu Wenbin's dribbling attracted the siege of three Sago players and then distributed the ball to Ronaldo on the side at the front of the penalty area. Then He rushed forward and rushed into the penalty area.

Cristiano Ronaldo made an inward cut on the wing to deceive the defense of the Sago defender, and then made a pass from the bottom. Lu Wenbin successfully grabbed the first point with his excellent off-ball running and jumping ability, and was high near the penalty spot. Jump up, shake your head and attack the goal.

Ronaldo's passing power is very strong, and Lu Wenbin's head-shaking attack power is also very strong, resulting in a very fast ball.

Despite the angle, Sago goalkeeper Roberto still missed the ball, and the ball flew past his fingertips and flew into the goal.

Real Madrid's commentator roared:


"Goal scored, Lu scored again!"

"Real Madrid's fast attack is too fast! Sago didn't even have time to organize the defense. Ronaldo's pass has already entered the penalty area. Lu Wenbin has no opponent in the penalty area. No Sago defender has Lu Wenbin jumping. High. Lou's goal was too easy, like a goal in training!"

"Lu's total number of goals for the year has reached 83 goals, and he is one step closer to the 100-goal mark!"

After Lu Wenbin scored to help Real Madrid lead by 20, Real Madrid played more easily.

In the 27th minute, Real Madrid played a wonderful positional coordination. More than ten consecutive passes did not allow Zaragoza's players to touch the ball. Unfortunately, Di Maria's shot was a little anxious at the end, and the angle was slightly right. Sago goalkeeper Pounced out.

Otherwise, it was a wonderful team goal.

Even so, Real Madrid's third goal came quickly.

In the 33rd minute, Zaragoza's attack was intercepted by Pepe with a tackle when it hit the frontcourt, and then Real Madrid made a quick counterattack.

In this counterattack, Lu Wenbin showed the world his superhuman counterattack speed.

Starting from getting the ball near the middle circle, Lu Wenbin dribbled forward all the way, Sago's players still failed to catch up with him, and even Benzema, who was originally in front of Lu Wenbin, was left behind by Lu Wenbin who was carrying the ball.

Lu Wenbin took the ball and broke through the defense of Sago's two defenders in a row, forming a single-handed fight. On the line of the penalty area, he faced goalkeeper Roberto and hit a far corner. Roberto rushed to the near end.

In the end, he could only helplessly turn his head and watch the ball fly into the goal from the far end.

Lu Wenbin scored twice, and Real Madrid took a 30-point lead in the away game.

Zaragoza is indeed too far behind Real Madrid's strength.

Even though it is Zaragoza's home court, and even though the home fans are cheering and cheering in the stands, the huge gap in strength still prevents Zaragoza from even threatening Real Madrid's goal.

Even if there is an occasional threatening shot, facing the top goalkeepers in the world like Casillas, it is difficult to score, just like Uche's volley in the 9th minute of the opening.

The game continued.

Zaragoza did not shrink the defense because of the big score behind, but continued to bravely attack Real Madrid.

This is the style of La Liga, and it is also the willingness of La Liga that is most likely to have a big score.

So, in the 42nd minute, Zaragoza was hit by Real Madrid again.

This time, Angel Wings Di Maria made an inward triangle pass after breaking through from the wing. Ronaldo shot the ball in the penalty area, and the ball flew into the goal like a cannonball.

Goalkeeper Roberto couldn't catch it, he could only watch desperately as the ball entered the net in front of his eyes.

Real Madrid scored a fourth goal to lead the home team Zaragoza 40 away.

With such a score, the overall situation is almost settled.

Therefore, during the half-time break, Mourinho replaced Di Maria with Kaka. For the first time in the league, Lu Wenbin, Ronaldo and Kaka played at the same time.

Not only Real Madrid fans, but even some Zaragoza fans applauded, and countless Kaka fans cheered in front of the TV, hoping that Kaka would take advantage of this opportunity to gain a foothold.

After all, the sidewalk is not a position Kaka is used to, and it was a bit unaccustomed at the beginning.

But after more than ten minutes of adaptation, Kaka is getting better.

If the speed is not good, Kaka uses his own experience to score goals.

In the 62nd minute, Lu Wenbin pulled to the side. After receiving a pass from Khedira, he broke through the defense of two opponents one after another and advanced to a position about 20 meters away from the bottom line, and then crossed the middle.

Kaka received the ball outside the top of the penalty area and made the illusion of breaking into the penalty area, which caused Zaragoza central defender Paredes who was defending him to take a step back and gave Kaka a shot.

Kaka shifted the ball a little to the side, exposed enough shooting gaps and decisively took a long shot.

Although the power of the ball is not great, it passes through the penalty area like a satellite with a navigation system, draws an arc in the air, and falls into the goal from the intersection of the beam and the post: an absolute dead-end shot.

Although the goalkeeper Roberto made a save, but because Kaka's shot angle was too tricky, he still failed to catch the shot in the end.

Kaka scored the first goal of the new season, which caused countless Kaka fans to cry on the spot and in front of the TV.

With Kaka's goal, Real Madrid is already 50 ahead of Zaragoza in the away game. There is no suspense in this game.

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