Seven Crowns

Chapter 30 Opening Attack

Before the start of the game, when a coin tossed and picked sides under the auspices of the referee, No. 4 Middle School won the right to pick sides, and Meijiang Middle School won the kick-off.

Seeing that Nie Yingkun won the kick-off on behalf of Meijiang Middle School, and seeing the relaxed expressions on the faces of all the players in No. 4 Middle School, Lu Wenbin's heart moved. He called Han Dapeng, Nie Yingkun, Xiang Youming and others together and explained a few words. talk.

Hearing Lu Wenbin's kick-off plan, Han Dapeng and others were taken aback.

However, thinking of Lu Wenbin's strength, and looking at the relaxed expressions on the faces of the fourth middle school players, everyone felt that they could give it a try.

So, several people nodded and promised to rush to the fourth half after kick-off later, cooperate with Lu Wenbin, and cover him.

Then, Lu Wenbin and Han Dapeng stood in the middle circle, ready to kick off, and all the starters of the two school teams also stood in their positions.

The four-middle players played four-three-three, an offensive formation with three distinct lines.

Meijiang Middle School changed its formation, playing a 5-3-2 defensive formation, focusing on defensive counterattacks.

After all, the overall strength of the opponents in the city-level competition is stronger than that of Meijiang Middle School, and there are more linemen in the back line.

Standing in the middle circle, Lu Wenbin looked at the players in the fourth middle school opposite, with relaxed eyes. Some people were still looking at the performance of the audience in the stands. Lu Wenbin knew that the players in the fourth middle school were a little careless.

After all, Meijiang Middle School came from the county below, and in the eyes of the players of No. 4 Middle School, it is indeed uncompetitive.

Since the high school football league city-level competition a few years ago, the championship and runner-up have been completely covered by several urban high schools and Maotai children's schools, and have never been left behind.

As the runner-up last season, No. 4 Middle School has every reason to despise Meijiang Middle School in Meitan County.

It's no wonder that the players of No. 4 Middle School are about to start the game and still lack concentration. This is simply a blatant contempt!

However, Lu Wenbin didn't feel insulted at all, instead he secretly laughed.

"Let's underestimate the enemy, be careless, it's best that you all can't see when I drive the ball over!" Lu Wenbin thought to himself.

At 15:00 on February 27, 2007, with the whistle of the referee, the first round of the city finals, the competition between Meitan County Meijiang Middle School and Zunyi Fourth Senior Middle School officially started.

Lu Wenbin passed the ball to Han Dapeng with a light kick, and then ran forward immediately, rubbing shoulders with the first four-center forward who was standing at the top of the arc in the middle circle and rushed towards the half-court of Meijiang Middle School after kick-off. And passed.

After receiving the ball, Han Dapeng slanted the ball forward for two meters, just avoiding the fourth-center striker who rushed up and gave up just to try to grab the ball.

Then, without waiting for the opponent's second player to come up to grab the ball, Han Dapeng directly passed the ball back to Lu Wenbin, and Lu Wenbin started to drive the ball to the penalty area of ​​No. 4 Middle School.

Behind and on both sides, Han Dapeng, Nie Yingkun, and Xiang Youming, three teammates, also threw off their arms and rushed towards the fourth middle half, making a gesture of responding to Lu Wenbin and attacking the fourth middle goal.

Seeing that Lu Wenbin from Meijiang Middle School didn't return the ball after kicking off, but after passing the ball once, he drove the ball to the penalty area of ​​No. 4 Middle School. The players of No. 4 Middle School on the court and the audience in the stands were stunned for a moment.

"What kind of routine is this?" Many people muttered in their hearts.

In the games that everyone usually sees, most of them return the ball after kick-off, and then organize the attack slowly. In a high school game, how could anyone rush to the opponent's penalty area with the ball just after kick-off?

Do you think you are the football champion Maradona?

However, although Meijiang Middle School made an opening attack,

But there were only Lu Wenbin and other four people, and the back five and the midfielder Bi Rui remained in place.

It seems that this is just a tentative attack by the offensive players in the frontcourt of Meijiang Middle School, not a strong attack by the whole team.

Originally, they looked down on Meijiang Middle School. Coupled with Bi Rui and other players and the backcourt players staying put, the players of No. 4 Middle School were no longer nervous.

The three forwards ignored Lu Wenbin and other four who had already rushed into the half of the fourth middle school, but ran to the half of Meijiang Middle School according to their own ideas, waiting for the teammates in the backcourt to pass the ball to them after stealing the ball, and initiate attack.

As for Lu Wenbin, who dribbles the ball, no one thinks that he can really break through the entire back line of the fourth center by himself, even if his dribbling speed does not seem to be underestimated.

Therefore, among the three midfielders, only one of them defended Lu Wenbin, and the other two focused on Han Dapeng and Nie Yingkun who were running, and did not come up to grab Lu Wenbin.

It seems that Lu Wenbin killed the Quartet in the county-level competition, and the people in the fourth middle school did not understand at all.

Seeing that the opponent had only one person defending him, Lu Wenbin was overjoyed.

The more the opponent despises him, the more conducive it is for him to break through and shoot. It seems that his plan to take advantage of the opponent to underestimate the enemy's careless kick-off and attack is likely to succeed.

Without any hesitation, Lu Wenbin charged at the midfielder of the fourth middle school with the ball.

Song Haitao, the midfielder of the fourth middle school, is a midfielder with both offense and defense. Last season, he was the main force who won the runner-up in No. 4 High School. This season, he has become the captain of No. 4 High School after the senior of the third year left.

This is also the reason why none of the fourth middle school players came to help him: everyone was full of confidence in the captain's defensive strength, and felt that Song Haitao should have no problem stopping Lu Wenbin.

The two sides quickly approached, and Song Haitao stepped back while staring at the football at Lu Wenbin's feet, always ready to steal.

However, Lu Wenbin's strength was beyond his imagination, and he was not mentally prepared for Lu Wenbin's strength.

Just when the players of No. 4 Middle School were waiting for Song Haitao to steal or stab the ball under Lu Wenbin's feet, Lu Wenbin even stepped on a bicycle while running.

It is rare for an amateur high school player to step on a bicycle during the game.

It's not that no one can ride a bicycle at all, but it is more difficult for amateur high school players to make this action according to the actual situation in a tense game, with both speed and deceit.

Song Haitao had never encountered a situation where his opponent was stepping on a bicycle in an official competition, and he was unprepared for it. He could only sway left and right with Lu Wenbin's fast shaking feet, for fear that Lu Wenbin would suddenly break through from either side.

However, how could the swinging speed of his body keep up with the speed of Lu Wenbin's bicycle?

Just when Lu Wenbin swiped over the ball with his left foot, his steps were a little bigger, and Song Haitao thought he was going to break through to the left with the ball, and then he exerted more force there.

As a result, Lu Wenbin's right foot did not pass over the ball, but moved the ball to the right with the outer instep and quickly rushed past Song Haitao.

Song Haitao, who forcibly turned around and tried to intercept Lu Wenbin, had an unstable center of gravity and fell to the ground.

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