Send Money to Grandpa, Invincible on Earth

Chapter 59 You rob, I'll call the police

"What's the matter with you?"

Han Shuo was a little puzzled. He didn't know these guys, let alone coming to greet people, such a posture was somewhat inappropriate.

"Brother, our brothers are a little tight recently, and want to borrow some money from you." A man with bangs dyed green hair and a cigarette in his mouth stepped forward and said.

"In broad daylight, are you robbery?" Han Shuo frowned slightly.


The residents in the southern area of ​​the city have all been relocated, but the law is still there, and there are soldiers stationed outside the ghosts, so these little ruffians are not afraid.

"Brother, what you said is wrong. You voluntarily lent money to your brothers to spend."

"Oh, so that's what happened." Han Shuo said suddenly, "Then I won't borrow it, you can let it go."


The five of them were obviously stunned, and then said angrily: "Brother, don't you understand human language? Then I'll make it clear to you that we need your money, whether you want it or not, you have to lend it to us."

"Unfortunately, I don't want to borrow it, you still want to do it?"

The green-haired man in the lead clucked his fingers and said fiercely, "If you don't want to borrow it, try it out. Brothers are very heavy, and the yellow-haired man will show him."

The man with dyed yellow hair stood up and lifted his clothes, revealing a two-centimeter scar on his waist.

"Brother, did you see this scar? Back then, I knocked over three middle-aged men with weapons with my bare hands." The yellow-haired man stretched out three fingers and said, "Do you know what the concept of three middle-aged men is?"

"They must see you as young and let you."

"Fart, I'm really trying to beat three middle-aged people."

"Yellow hair, you have to show him a little ruthless when dealing with this kind of person." A man with dyed purple hair stepped forward, took out a folding dagger, and showed him a bells and whistles: "Playing with flowers Have you seen the sword? With my sword skills, I can easily knock down several like you, so I advise you to take the money out obediently."

"It's very good-looking. What other skills do you have to show? Maybe, I'll lend you money when I'm in a good mood."

"Boy, you are courting death."

Huang Mao and Zi Mao said that they were about to start.

"Wait a minute, I also have a background in the south of the city. You are not afraid of my revenge." Han Shuo extended his hand to stop it.

"Haha, I'm afraid you don't know the names of our five colors in the south of the city. I'll give you a chance to shake people now. No matter how many you come, the five of us are worth it." Lu Mao laughed loudly.

"This is what you said, you wait, I'll shake people now."

Han Shuo took out his phone and was about to make a call when he heard Chengnan Wusei exclaimed, "Apple 4, I didn't expect that this time I encountered a fat sheep."

"Fat Sheep, wait for you to look good."

Han Shuo pressed the number and put the phone to his ear, beeped twice, and a voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Someone is going to rob me."


"Yes, on the bustling road in the south of the city, there are five of them."


"Okay, try not to wear work clothes, I'm afraid to scare them."


Han Shuo hung up the phone, put it in his pocket, looked at Chengnan, and said, "Wait, my eldest brother will be here soon. I hope you won't be so frightened that your feet and legs go weak when you see my eldest brother."

"Listen, I'm so afraid. I'm not even afraid of the mayor. Who else would I be afraid of?"

"Brother, you don't need to delay time. Judging from your outfit, you should have just come out of a ghost. If you are a countryman, with any background, you should be able to save money and eliminate disasters."

Han Shuo walked to the stone pier next to him and sat down and said, "I will tell you my background to scare you to death. If you have the kind of things, you will wait for a while, and there will be times when you cry."

"I still don't believe it, Zi Mao went to buy a few bottles of water, and my brothers will spend it with this little brother today."

"yes, Sir."

Zi Mao got on the motorcycle and left in less than ten minutes. He returned with a bag in his hand. He parked the motorcycle and gave water to the other four. large.

The people who came out of the ghosts, who do not know that they are from the townships, towns, and villages below the L city, are commonly known as hillbillies.

In the past few days, many small gangs in the south of the city have made a small fortune relying on the people from below.

The five colors in the south of the city can't be any worse than others in this regard. They finally caught a single person, and they have to make a fortune no matter what.

As for.

Why don't they go straight up.

First of all, robbery is an illegal place, and it is not illegal for them to borrow money like this. Even if the police come, it is a civil dispute.

Second, they also want to show off their strength and let this guy understand the influence of the five colors in the south of the city.

Fame is something that can only be achieved by propaganda alone.

"Brother, a police car is coming this way." Lu Mao reminded as he looked at the approaching police car.

Lumao looked up at the approaching police car and said with a puzzled face: "Strange, what are the police patrolling in this day, calm down later and don't show their feet."

The police stopped in front of Han Shuo and the others, opened the car door and walked down the five police officers. Without saying a word, they stepped forward and pressed them to the ground.

"Uncle police, is there any misunderstanding? We didn't do anything."

"Someone called the police and said that you not only robbed but also threatened other people's lives. Now go back to the police station with us immediately."

"Uncle police, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding, whoever is idle and bored on the phone, we are good citizens, look who we robbed."

"You robbed me, comrade police, I was the one who called the police just now. This is my ID card. They saw that I had just emerged from the ghost and came up to rob me without any relatives and no reason. They also threatened me that the entire south of the city was what they said. Forget it, even if the police come, it’s useless, if I don’t pay today, I’m giving my life, I can’t help but lie and tell the police that my relatives will send the money,” Han Shuo explained.

"Uncle police, he is a framed accusation, we are just asking him for directions on the side of the road." Lu Mao tried his best to defend.

The police took a look at the ID card in Han Shuo's hand and determined that he really just came out of the ghost.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

The police ignored Lu Mao's explanation and escorted all five to the police car.

"It's not very safe in the south of the city recently. You people have just arrived. It's best not to walk alone. If you encounter something, call the police."

"Thank you, comrade police."

Han Shuo watched the police car leave, carrying his backpack and walking towards the hotel according to the route given on the map.

After half an hour.

Summer Red Maple Hotel.

Han Shuo looked at the red signboard and the pink decoration, how could it not seem like a serious hotel.

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