Huaxia, City C.

"It's the weather forecast time. It will be sunny and cloudy tomorrow in City C. Air quality, moderate pollution, AQL.

"The smog is getting more and more serious, the pollution is so big, and I don't know when I can breathe the pure, fresh and sweet air."


Han Shuo turned off the TV, and placed the remote control on the coffee table.

In a space full of green light.

He saw his grandfather, who had been dead for many years, floating in front of him, with a kind and loving face, stretched out a hand, kept beckoning, and told him to go home quickly......

I kept talking in my mouth, there are treasures in the yard of the old house, burning paper......

Han Shuo abruptly woke up from the bed, his eyes widened, he was panting heavily, and unconsciously he was covered in cold sweat.

Dreaming again.

still the same dream.....

How strange.


work impact.

He has not gone back to worship his grandfather for more than a year.


In the past few years, paper money was not burned less, but it was burned in bundles and kilograms.

Did it run out so quickly?

have to say.

That's too fast to spend...  

Han Shuo took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and cleared his mind.


He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods. The young people of the new generation must believe in science, and ghosts and ghosts are all nonsense.


The same dream for three weeks in a row.....

Could it be.

There really is...  

Han Shuo decided to go back to his hometown first, pay homage to his grandfather, and do something filial by the way.

only hope.

After grandpa receives the honor, don't look for him again, keep going like this...

It's so creepy.

The next morning.

Han Shuo came to the company where he had worked for more than half a year, wrote a leave application, and went to the office of the section chief.

"Senior Cheng, I want to ask for leave."

"What? Leave?"

When Section Chief Cheng heard that he was here to ask for leave, his face turned gloomy, and he said fragrantly: "Xiao Han, I didn't tell you, with such a good company and such good working conditions, you should not think about how to serve the company... …”

"Yes, yes, Chief Cheng is right." Han Shuo said with a sad look on his face: "But I'm really in a hurry and need to go back to my hometown."


Section Chief Cheng said with a dissatisfied expression: "No matter what the urgent matter is, even if your relative dies, you can't ask for leave. I won't approve it, and hurry back to work."

"Ganni mother!"


"Han Shuo, you dare to scold people, how dare you scold people, do you still want to do this job?"

"I'm quitting my job."

Han Shuo tore the leave application into pieces and threw it on Chief Cheng's face, then walked out of the Chief's office.

After graduating from college.

He entered the company, and when he first came in, the slogan was loud.

"Thousands of trials and hardships, to create brilliance together, to embrace all rivers, and to create the future together."

Internship in the post for half a year, until today, it has not been turned into a regular.

Pay less than half and do more than anyone else.

"Han, don't regret it..."

In the roar of Section Chief Cheng's exasperation, Han Shuo left the company mercilessly, went to the ATM in the city, took some cash and kept it on his body as a spare, returned to the rented house, took a salute, and went straight to the train station.

His hometown, Shibo Town, is located in City L, thousands of kilometers away from City C where he is currently located, and it takes more than 20 hours by train.


He grabbed a sleeping ticket and could get home after a good night's sleep.

the next day.

Han Shuo arrived at L City, got off the train, and then took a bus. After several hours of bumping on the winding, bumpy concrete road, he arrived at Zongshan Town. Po town.

Haven't seen each other for over a year.

Shibo Town has become more prosperous, the bustling crowd and the sound of hawking make him have a kind feeling.

five years ago.

The dam above Shibo Town collapsed due to disrepair for a long time, and a flood washed down. Grandpa Han Qiong, a veteran, was ruthlessly killed by the flood in order to save people.

until the flood is over.

The townspeople found Grandpa's body in the dirt.

Since Shibo Town was severely damaged by the flood, people were sent down to rebuild it.

And when disaster strikes.

Han Shuo was in L City No. 2 Middle School, and it wasn't until a few days later that the head teacher told him the news of his grandfather's death.

At that time, he felt that the whole sky was falling down, and the loss of his grandfather made him an orphan, a guy that his father didn't care for and his mother didn't love.

In recognition of his grandfather's heroic deeds, the above gave a pension. He continued to study and was admitted to a university in C city three years ago. After graduation, he also found a job there......

"Got home."

Han Shuo stopped and looked at the old mansion in front of him.

A two-story flat building, plus a yard.

Pushing open the rusted iron gate, you can see an overgrown courtyard and a malnourished peach tree.

This peach tree was planted by my grandfather before his death, and he was also in his teens.

Grandpa said before his death that if he died, he would bury his ashes under a peach tree without needing any feng shui treasures.

Take the peach tree as the monument and the peach tree as the shade.

That way you won't find your way home.

Han Shuo saw that it was not dark yet, so he quickly cleaned the house up and down, barely enough to live in, otherwise there would be no place to sleep at night.


The hunger came from his stomach, so he had to rest for a while.

I wanted to eat instant noodles, but there was no hot water. I just came back and went to the neighbor's house to borrow water and was embarrassed.

Continue to clean the outside yard, for such a long time, the yard is overgrown with all kinds of weeds.


Halfway through pulling the weeds, I don't know if it was dizziness or what, a green light flashed past and swayed his eyes......

Take a closer look.


There is really a faint green light emitting from the ground. If it wasn't for his good eyesight, he would have thought it was a reflection of grass.

"what's going on?"

"Could it be that the dream is real..."


Han Shuo's heart beat faster and his breathing became rapid.

Whether it's true or not, let's do it first, if it's true, then he will be rich, and the diaosi will counterattack......

Han Shuo ran back into the house, found a shovel, and started digging on the green-glowing ground. In a blink of an eye, the top layer of soil was scraped away.

The green light became more and more obvious.

Han Shuo suppressed his excitement and continued to dig down.


The shovel seemed to hit something hard.

Han Shuo hurriedly dropped the shovel, carefully digging out the soil with both hands, and then dug out a green...  


No, the green shimmer that this emits is obviously not something that jadeite can emit.

Looking at the stone like an ostrich egg in his hand, he took out a shovel and was about to smash it.


Think carefully.

If this shovel goes down and hurts the treasure inside, it will be a big loss.

Returning to the room, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, found a rusty knife, rubbed it clean, pointed the edge of the knife at the stone, and smashed the shovel hard against the back of the knife.


The stone cracked.

A bland jade pendant slipped down.

Han Shuo picked up the jade pendant, wiped the dust on it, and a green light flashed, followed by a long-lost voice.

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