Seeking Immortals

Chapter 722 Seeking immortality for a hundred generations

Li Qing's state was very special. He had an epiphany during the battle, and the movements in his hands kept moving, and the ancient aura of Dao Mie continued to spread.

The power of time continues to flow around Li Qing.

"The missing years! You actually saw the missing years!" Others couldn't see through Li Qing's state, but Hong Tian could.

Hongtian was extremely surprised: "When you jumped out of the avenue to achieve the ultimate goal of the Tao, didn't you borrow the word 'que'? If you had used it, you would never have sensed the lack of time at this moment!"

Hongtian was also eager to know the specific meaning of the lack of time that Li Qing saw. He snatched the body of "Que" in order to see the lack of time in himself and then escape from the long river of time.

No one knows that the river spirit of a long river is not only the only one, but also the first to become a river spirit. It is very simple.

After realizing the ultimate goal of mutual respect for humanity, Hongtian found that he had not yet achieved true immortality and there was still a road ahead, so he sought to merge into the eternal river of time.

Hongtian was the first creature to reach the ultimate level of Taoism in the long river of time, and the long river of time took the initiative to accept him.

But in the later years, Hongtian knew that there was more than one way to integrate into the long river of time. It ran parallel to the long river of time, and there were still flaws. Only by filling in the gaps can the true freedom of time be realized.

"I have found the shortcomings of my own years, but what are the shortcomings of the long river of time?" Li Qing murmured.

Every living being is an individual, and the time span is different.

The long river of time is also an individual, and it has its own shortcomings of time.

When Li Qingming realized that the Baishi Monument was the absence of his own time, he already had a way out of his own time. If he jumped out of his own time, he could already keep pace with the years.

But what Li Sin seeks is to escape the long river of time.

At this moment, time stood still.

All the creatures in this area stopped moving, except Li Qing's consciousness which was not restrained.

Li Qing's consciousness escaped from his body and sank into the long river of time.

"The Tao of ancient and modern times is not my lack of time, but the Tao of ancient and modern times is also a key link to escape from the years. Only by understanding the past and present can we truly understand the years..."

"The ancient and modern ways can also be transformed into the lack of time for other living beings."

Li Qing's consciousness was swimming on the long river of time, and he still had some things he hadn't figured out.

When Liu Sanbian threw "Que" into the long river of time, he had already risen through the monument of centuries. There was a contradiction in it, the time did not match up, it was a paradox of time.

Without understanding this, Li Qing could not escape the long river of time.

Every time Li Qing's consciousness moves in the long river of time, there is a pause of tens of thousands of years. Of course, the time in the outside world has stopped, and this is only relative to consciousness.

Li Qing retraced the long river path of the past, upstream, and came to the end of the long river. Opposite the end, there was nothingness and nothingness, but the lower reaches of the long river seemed to be on the other side.

Endless years later, Li Qing swam down the river and came to the end of the downstream river. His impression was the same as when he came upstream.

"Upstream, downstream, is the other side..." Li Qing's eyes saw the passage of time.


"The end of the upstream is actually the downstream, and the end of the downstream is also the upstream."

"The upstream end and the downstream end are one, and they should be connected to each other. The fundamental reason for the current lack of connection is 'lack'."

“The emptiness and nothingness at the end of the long river is ‘missing’.”

“Only when the long river of ‘missing’ years is taken into account can the perfect connection between the upstream and the downstream be achieved. The upstream is the downstream, and the downstream is also the upstream.”

Li Qingming realized that his experience of obtaining the Monument of a Century was not a paradox of time, but the true meaning of time.

The Baishi Monument serves as his personal memory of time. The moment he gets it, it connects the upstream and downstream of his life. The past and the present, the present and the future, blend together when he looks at Liu San changing and moving the mountains!

Li Qingming realized everything, looked back through the years, his consciousness returned to his original body, and the years began to flow again.

The mystery of time, until this moment, Li Qingfang truly understood.

If you don't see it through, you can't understand this kind of time. If you tell it to others, others won't understand it. If the other party understands and understands it, then there is a possibility of jumping out of the time.

The past, present, and future do not actually exist from the perspective of the long river of time itself. The three are eternally one, and only one is eternal.

The essence of every living being is also one.

"Lin Fusheng, you!" Hongtian noticed Li Qing's state at this time and broke into a cold sweat.

Li Qing's eyes were calm and he was not disturbed by Hongtian's voice. He made a decision. In front of everyone's attention, he sacrificed Shouyuan and performed a rejuvenation operation, and then performed it a second time and a third time...

The biggest shortcoming was that Li Qing had spared no thought in using the Eternal Monument. As for sacrificing longevity to rejuvenate and conceive children after eternal life, this is simply not tenable.

Eternal life is endless, it is impossible to sacrifice all the life, and he will never be able to grow old again.

The prerequisite for rejuvenation is the end of life, which is contrary to eternity.

This is a very simple truth, but Li Qing has never seen through it. This is the deception of "que".

The Centenary Monument can also become Li Qing's time gap, and therefore, it is his biggest time constraint.

Rejuvenating again and again, astonishing all living creatures.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Lin's biggest secret is this!" Wu Tian lost his voice. He was so shocked. Why didn't he have such a treasure? Is this a 'lack'?

The immortal cultivators can understand the way Li Qing survived the most powerful catastrophe, and understand that Li Qing has repeatedly tried to jump out of the great path, but the seed of nirvana in the Hell Wheel of Life and Death Sutra has not been improved.

"The monument of centuries..." At this moment, Hongtian also destroyed Li Qing's biggest trump card.

Ming Wei was not dead yet, but she suddenly realized on the edge of the battlefield that when she became a disciple, she might not be worshiping her first master anymore.

But her past life had a great connection with her master.

Gu Feiying, the senior brother, was determined by the master in his first life.

Gu Feiying shouted proudly: "The Baishi Monument initially provided only Baishi Lifespan and no other power. My master's ability to grow to this point is all due to his own strength."

"Our lineage has gone through the era of spiritual weakness, starting from the two realms of Yin and Yang, breaking into the star realm, and encountering the catastrophe of the Yin God refining medicine. Every step out of it is not easy."

"If it were another person, he would have been dead long ago if he had the monument of a hundred generations."

"No wonder he is so cautious." Qiao An murmured, finally understanding Li Qing's character. Back in the Star Realm, she couldn't find Li Qing no matter how hard she looked for him. You need to do something risky and come into contact with beings that are beyond your control.

Wu Tian shook his head: "If I had obtained the monument of centuries, I might not be able to rise like Fellow Daoist Lin, and I might die faster."

In the blink of an eye, Li Qing reached the 100th life. The function of the 100th World Monument was exhausted, and it was peeled off from his body, turning into the missing mountain body.

Li Qing couldn't see his own longevity, but he knew that he was already growing old with time.

Hongtian stood still in front, unable to stop Li Qing at all.

Li Qing's eyes widened, and he heard a loud bang, and the passage of time had been trampled under his feet.

This is a complete long river of time, visible from beginning to end.

While the cultivators were watching, Li Qing walked on the long river of time, and soon reached the end of the downstream, taking a step forward.

At the same time, there was a Li Qing standing at each end of the long river of time. One of them seemed to have just stepped from the downstream to the upstream.

"Master!" Yang Huiying shouted anxiously. She sensed something was wrong. There was something wrong with the two Li Qings on the river of time.

"I'm here." A loud laugh seemed to come from beyond the years, the brilliance condensed, and Li Qing stepped forward.

"Three Fellow Daoists Lin!" The immortal creature couldn't understand.

"Jump out of the long river of time..." Hongtian was horrified at this moment and murmured: "You may not know what this means..."

Li Qing's eyes were long and long, he had seen through the years and everything, he shook his head and said: "There is no way to keep you. If you exist for just a moment longer, countless creatures will perish."

"I'm not willing to accept it," Hongtian looked up to the sky and screamed: "It was the treasure I won with blood that made you successful. I was even seriously injured because of it and was forced to sleep with the years."

"There is no such thing as achievement. To reach this point, my stable character is the biggest factor." Li Qing said casually.

Under Li Qing's gaze, Hongtian's body turned into little stars and dispersed, blending into the long river of time.

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