"Baby, eat a little more to grow stronger, just like Daddy. "

"Hey, don't bring bad children, hey, girls have to be beautiful, huh. "

"Mondo is strong, and so are Mondo's children!".

"I said, I said Mengle couldn't eat anymore. Looking at the two big men arguing, Torrebol reminded.

After getting on the boat, Meng Le quickly integrated in, sitting on his small stool at this time and hiccups, I don't know if I didn't want to disappoint Meng Duo or something, I couldn't eat some and continued to eat a lot, and now I sat there with an uncomfortable face with a round belly.

"Enemy attack! enemy attack!".

"A large number of ships have been spotted approaching and are shelling us!Lord Torrebol, please hurry up to deck!".

There was a commotion, Torrepol hurriedly put down the knife and fork in his hand, and walked towards the deck, and Mahabis followed suit, seeing this, Mondo glanced at Meng Le, and after telling him to stay here obediently, he also went out.

Soon, when he came to the deck, Mondo saw that Guladius kept turning the gear device on his left arm, and he would shoot several gray stones similar to rock balls, and when the stones shot a certain distance, he used his ability to make the volume of the sphere continue to expand, and collided with the launched cannonballs to detonate together, resisting the cannonball.

"I said, I said that the three pirates of the hungry wolf, the tomahawk and the great white shark have united, and the Miffeuis Chamber of Commerce is probably bleeding once, hey, hey, hey, since they want to find death, let them understand the horror of the Don Quixote family. After confirming the other party's pirate flag with a telescope, Torrebol commanded the sailors to rush directly towards the other party, preparing for a broadside battle, the opponent's ships are more than a dozen, just the artillery battle is very unfavorable to their own side, it is better to rush up and break into the opponent's formation, which can greatly curb the opponent's shelling, as long as the main force of the three pirate ships led by the leader is knocked out, the rest is not to worry, don't look at Torrebol's stupid appearance, the use of the mind is still very good.

Standing on the deck, his own Flamingo was moving at full speed, all the shells that were going to hit the hull were intercepted by the Torrebol trio, most of them could only fall into the sea water and splash a large splash, the cannon hit rate and range and power of this era are still very backward, completely relying on quantity to make up for quality, but after being intercepted by the three major cadres, it will not be able to have any impact on the Flamingo.

After a while, with a loud bang, the Flamingo had slammed into a pirate ship led by the other party, and the broadside battle began, under the leadership of Mahabais, hundreds of family sailors fiercely picked up various weapons and jumped down on the other party's deck, in the face of this scene, the shelling of other ships also stopped, but immediately surrounded the Flamingo, hesitated, Mondo was more worried about the safety of his baby, did not leave the ship, but stayed on the deck, looked at the surging enemy, picked up his big kitchen knife and slashed over。

For the current Mondo, beating these ordinary sailors with an average height of about one meter seven or eight is like a father beating his son, no matter how the other party desperately attacks himself, Mondo is stunned without the slightest defense, and he chops him to death with a wide open and closed kitchen knife like chopping melons and vegetables, and his free hand is not idle, and from time to time grabs a guy's head as a cannonball and throws it out, knocking down a large number of enemies rushing up.

Time passed little by little, more than ten minutes later, along with the deck that was still shouting to kill the earth-shattering, a large number of tragic corpses and broken arms had been piled up around Mondo, facing Mondo who had become a bloody man with a fierce face, this group of outlaws was also afraid, and it was not impossible to surround Mondo for a while, no one felt that they could still kill the monster in front of them, even if they used human lives to fill it, the hell scene in front of them that had killed dozens of lives was no matter how fierce and fearful of death people were terrified, not to mention that these people were just outlaws, it didn't mean that they were really not afraid of death。

"Come on, cut me, you big girls!" Fierce roar, the red-eyed Mondo didn't give these people time to hesitate, since you don't go up, then I'll get up, the huge body that is nearly three meters tall rushed over quickly without losing the slightest flexibility, directly setting off a bloody storm in the crowd.

"You guys stand down, this guy is left to me to deal with!" Seeing that his side was about to be killed by the other party alone, a rough voice sounded, which immediately made these outlaws breathe a sigh of relief and retreat one after another.

When the unrelenting Mondo wanted to continue to move, a black shadow shrouded Mondo, and in the next second, a huge battle axe fell with a bang, and the sharp axe blade slashed directly at Mondo's right shoulder blade holding the knife, and the flesh flew sideways under the huge force, and the axe blade almost reached the heart.

"What a tenacious vitality! What a monster-like guy!" Seeing the scene where a hand dragged the handle of his axe and couldn't let himself continue to use it in two pieces, the big man exclaimed and immediately pulled away the axe, and slashed at Mondo's neck with a horizontal slash, no matter how tenacious the vitality is, you can't still live without your head.

During the battle, although Mondo was a little brainless, but the instinct of battle was still there, coupled with the beastly instinct that was full of his own madness, in the face of this blow, Mondo did not retreat but advanced, dodged the axe blade, and let the axe handle smash on the neck, but at the same time approached the front of the big man, and the still intact left hand directly grabbed the opponent's eyes, but the opponent reacted in time and turned his head to dodge, but under the strange force, Mondo's hand still tore off a large piece of skin and flesh on the right side of the opponent, revealing the gums inside, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Damn, you mad dog!" he discarded the big axe in his hand, grabbed a long dagger from his waist and stabbed it into Mondo's lungs, and the big man roared and pushed hard, and the whole dagger pierced Mondo's body.

"Mondo Duoduo Duoduo!" didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, in the shocked eyes of the other party, Mondo showed two rows of big teeth stained red by blood, his left hand grabbed Dahan's arm and pulled it, crashed into his arms, and the big mouth bit directly on Dahan's neck and pulled it suddenly, the blood-red trachea and minced meat were brought out with a large amount of blood, and the next second his left hand twisted hard, and the neck was gone, and the head was directly grabbed off.

"Devil! This is the devil!".

"How can this monster be dealt with by us, run!".

"Wait for me... Brothers, wait for me!".

Looking at the terrifying scene in front of them, this group of outlaws collapsed directly, and ran back crying for their fathers and mothers, many of them even chose to jump into the sea to escape for their lives, and some of them collapsed directly to the ground, completely incontinent, and a foul smell spread in the thick smell of blood.

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