"Why are you so fat? Little brother?"

Gaia reached out and tapped Cao Li Lailai on the shoulder, while Dr. Cao Li Lailai shook his head viciously and refocused his eyes on Gaia's face.

Hallucination? Why did you see Gaia as a **** ugly B just now?

"I'm fine..." Cao Li Lailai shook his head: "Maybe it's just that I'm going crazy..."

Gaia raised his eyebrows: "How many years have you worked in the foundation? If you want to be crazy, you will be crazy. Now I would rather believe that you were kicked in the head by a donkey when you were a child and left a sequelae of brain damage, and now you have an attack."

"I'm QNMD, you've been kicked in the head by a donkey. If I'm really crazy one day, it's because of you." Nightmares, hallucinations... But because he got a good rest during the recent holidays, the nightmares and hallucinations and other problems have been alleviated, so he thinks it's just brain hole self-development and insanity caused by not resting for too long , the problem is not big.

So, it's not that Mr. 682 has breached containment, so what's the excitement?

Cao Li Lailai turned around with a sigh, and stretched his hand towards the doorknob to leave, but at this moment, with a sound of "啪!", the door was pushed open violently, and the iron door made of special material It directly captured Cao Li Lailai's glasses and knocked him to the ground, even bleeding a little from his nose.

"Hi! Gaia, you are back!"

It was Bright who rushed in, and he didn't see Cao Li Lailai rushing directly to Gaia's side.

Gaia first glanced at Cao Li Lailai, who looked like an 80-year-old man who fell down, and then smiled awkwardly, maybe this was a sudden disaster.

"Bright, I..."

Cao Li Lailai covered his nose and sat up from the ground. He bent down to pick up his glasses that had been knocked off the ground, and his anger had reached a certain percentage.

At this moment, a big hand stretched out, Cao Li Lailai didn't think much, just reached out to grab it and stood up.

Without glasses, the eyes were blurred, so Cao Li Lailai quickly put on the glasses again. Although a crack had appeared, the effect was not great.

"Clef? Why are you here?" Cao Li Lailai was a little surprised when he saw the person pulling him up.

"I'm here to find Gaia, and by the way, those documents of yours..." Clef shrugged casually: "Bright and I have finished approving for you, there are really enough, we will help you from the early morning The approval has only now been completed."

After saying that, Clef also handed Cao Li Lailai a piece of toilet paper.

Cao Li Lailai took the toilet paper, frowned and wiped off his nosebleed, then pushed down his glasses and gave Bright a vicious look: "Thank you so much."

After Clef nodded slightly, he didn't stop there, and walked directly in front of Gaia.

"This task is very good." Clef praised from the bottom of his heart: "You are more capable than I thought."

"166 and Claire are all set up! Ah! This is very interesting, we have the opportunity to do many interesting experiments!" Bright interjected, while Clef's death stare was ignored by him as usual.

"Don't experiment with 166, Bright," Clfe warned.

Bright scratched the back of his head puzzledly: "Why? I've always wanted to know the effective range of 166 abilities... But since you said so, forget it."

"By the way, what about SCP-187?" Rhine suddenly remembered the interaction experiment between Lily and SCP-187, that is, the future vision, and now that Gaia is back, they can conduct a more complete experiment. of the experiment.

Bright squeezed his chin and thought for a while: "Uh... She's locked in the containment area. She doesn't seem to be in a good condition. Are you going to do the experiment? I think you'd better bring some tranquilizers or something."

Rhine hugged his shoulders and then rolled his eyes: "How about this, Gaia and I will go to 187, and you go to Clay, and we will meet in Room 2 of Area A."

"I think asking 187 to see Claire might give us some clues." Rhine continued.

Gaia: "!?"

Gaia was startled, then BB frowned dissatisfiedly: "What's none of my business? I still want to go to rest."

"You can rest if you're done." Rhine casually said something perfunctory and pulled Gaia out. Clef and Bright looked at each other, shrugged, and left to the room where Claire was held.

Reminiscent of the catastrophe eleven years ago, Rhine believes that the incident at SITE-17 is by no means accidental. What happened to SITE-17 still needs to be investigated, but it is clear that SITE-17 and the catastrophe have a lot in common.

It has been eleven years, and Rhine has selectively forgotten most of the information about the Great Destruction, but with the help of Clef, he re-read the Foundation's materials on the Great Destruction. unknown information.

First of all, the destruction eleven years ago is strikingly similar to the destruction of SITE-17 this time. First of all, they are both one of the most important and most defensive containment sites of the Foundation. Secondly, these SCPs are all located in It was released from the containment area without anyone knowing, or the enemy simply attacked the containment area and released all the SCPs, which made the Foundation's security forces unable to resist and caused a devastating blow to the site in a short period of time. , and in the material of the Great Destruction, Rhine read that "the high-level personnel of the Great Destruction Site discovered an unknown black humanoid creature, but for some reason they failed to notify the O5 Council in time or request support."

And now, according to Gaia's information, Rhine's hairs are about to stand on end. Could the unknown black creatures be Claire and the others? Claire is a Site Director! Let's just believe 049's words for the time being. They were once human beings, but they were later infected by some ghost thing. So what exactly turned a human being into that appearance? Unknown SCP? Or some hostile organization?

In short, Rhine suspects that the containment site that was destroyed in the first place is very likely to be the security force that discovered the black creature. The black creature had already infiltrated the high-level of the site. A massive attack on the containment site resulted in the site's destruction.

...If Rhine was not there, it would definitely not be as simple as the destruction of the site.

Rhine and Gaia quickly found her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was sleeping at the time, looking very haggard, just like Rhine who had worked hard to approve the documents for three days, but it was obvious that he had just finished approving the documents Another pile of documents fell on his head.

Generally speaking, 187 hates experimenting very much, but she only occasionally resists. At the request of Rhine and Gaia, she didn't say much, and left directly with the two.

187 didn't talk very much, and with her Gaia felt that the air nearby was several degrees below zero, and it was so cold that he was too embarrassed to talk to Rhine.

However, at this moment, 187 suddenly stopped, Rhine and Gaia turned around in surprise, and saw 187 looking at the huge and hard metal gate in surprise, wondering what he was thinking.

Gaia suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just in case, Rhine walked over: "187, what's the matter?"

187 didn't seem to be answering, but seemed to be talking to himself: "How did it break through such a thick gate? It's incredible."

Gaia: "...."

Oh hoo, it's over.

Gaia also turned to the steel gate that 187 was staring at. He couldn't be more clear about what was closed inside. There is only one uncle of the Foundation, and there is only one top quality Lizard of the Foundation. Combining these two points together...

Obviously, the only designated Li Aotian and Mengmeng of the foundation, Mr. 682, is about to break out of containment again. This is really perfect.

SCP-2333, come out and get beaten!


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