Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 103: Inventory, Parallel World Collision Law! For Survival! 【Subscription】

Just when people in the heavens and the cosmos were still feeling the power of God, the second article was eagerly awaited.

This title can be seen by anyone connected to the Cosmic Web of the Heavens!

[Inventory, Parallel World Collision Law!)

"Parallel world collision law?

"Parallel world collision law!"

Rui from the C137 universe clicked on the video in surprise.

For him, parallel worlds are no strangers, he has even been to other parallel worlds and seen another himself.

However, he is only in contact, and he is completely unaware of this collision law.

Can not help sigh.

"Is this the omniscience and omnipotence of God? 99

Entering the video, it is no longer a dead silence, and the magnificent voice rhymes in the aimless universe.

"The law of cosmic survival is the law of the dark forest, but the same-level civilization or high-level civilization from the parallel world is not in this category. Their contact and shouting will make people of all civilizations inadvertently receive, so it is inevitable. will contact, and the collision law of the parallel world is to survive! 22

"The ultimate purpose of contact is to survive, and in order to survive, you must contact in violation of the principle!"

The last sentence rang in the ears of countless people.

"Contact against the principle?"

Out of curiosity, the video begins.

Countless stars were skipped, and finally came to a blue planet.

A white subtitle appeared aside.

"Universe C13, Azure Star, Human.

This is a human being in a parallel world.

[Compared with the previous human empire civilization, it seems a little weak, this is still a weak civilization between 0 and 1.

At the beginning of the 30th century in the blue star calendar, in 3015, a chemist named Harden found in the laboratory that a layer of unknown substances was found in the bottle where he stored the drill, which made his already suspicious idea more fulfilled, and he was furious. In the office of his colleague Didao, he questioned whether his reagents had been replaced, but the taunts he received made him angry.

Then he was reluctant to study the material, and found that the material in it is indeed not diamond, nor any kind of material from this universe, but its radioactivity is constantly increasing.

And scientists have discovered the ultimate mystery on the research of matter, which is matter from a parallel world. And the diamond is the material exchange factor, and people are ecstatic. )

Watching people on Azure Star touch parallel worlds for the first time.

"Is this the beginning of contact.|?"

Kyle recalled the previous narration, the beginning of the contact means that the need to violate the principle of contact again.

[The following year, people got in touch with the parallel world and established an energy exchange channel, and Harden, who discovered it, became the father of the energy channel. The status is also on the rise!

The former competitor Dido was thrown out by Harden, and he didn't know where he was. "

[In 3025, with the lack of energy, countless sky circles emerged. Rath is a rhythmic physicist, especially for energy channels, he has a unique understanding of energy channels, but he checked all the history and could not find the source of energy channels. The specific establishment process. And the most authoritative in this regard is Harden.

Finally, the two finally meet.

The meeting between the canopy and the statue is always laudable, but the content of the chat is disrespectful, especially after the idea that the passage was not built by humans, but from the opposite universe, haha Deng changed his face. Then, instead of being amicable, he persuaded him coldly, and finally broke up unhappily.

And the future of the young Larter was also ruined. In desperation, Larter could only study the words sent from another world. trying to find clues

[The wise man will never give up. Since he can't get the answer directly, he will start with the transmitted symbols. He knows Professor Gart, who is very famous in linguistics. The professor was a little dissatisfied with Harden's behavior. And now, the two of them can be regarded as one shot and one question. "

[In 2036, a year has passed, and there is not much progress in research on the writing of another world. Larter's colleagues also began to persuade him not to fight against Harden, which would really ruin his own future and future, but Larter didn't care and even had a big fight with him. Finally broke up

[Different opinions brought about by quarrels can always bring new ideas, which made Larter also realize that the energy channel is still a threat, so for the future of mankind, he went to Harden again, but Harden did not Ignoring him, Larter reluctantly left.

[In grief and anger, Larter talked to Gart, a language professor at the same time, and denounced Harden's inaction. At the same time, I got the latest news, and there was a news from the opposite side of the channel. "fee"

Larter understood at once that this was the meaning of fear. "fear")

[By this time, Larter had long given up trying to convince Harden that a person who was fascinated by power would not listen to him, and he went to Congressman, Barrett. Barrett listened to what he said patiently, but finally shook his head. He really couldn't put his future in the hands of a young man without evidence. One shot and two scattered


[In desperation, I can only come to one of the people in charge of the channel construction, Kaiwei here, I hope Kaiwei can help me, but the endless energy of the channel is like longevity, and Kaiwei will not close it no matter what. closed. Larter leaves again disappointed)

[But Rat still received a lot of inspiration at this time. Since there is no way to close it on his own side, he will let someone close it. As long as the final result is the same, there is no problem.

But there is desperate news from the opposite side of the passage, you are closed, we are not.

At this point, Larter has given up, it seems that the channel will not close the barrier anyway]

[At the last moment, Gart said to Larter: You once said that they are stupid, since they are stupid, there is no way to change them.

Seeing this, the video began to gradually zoom away, and the two people also stopped in place.

", "Is this the contact of two parallel world universes?"

Rick sighed.

The majestic voice rhymes again.

"Once the contact begins, even a wise being cannot stop the contact from stopping."

"And all contact has a purpose, for survival. 99

A loud voice echoed in everyone's mind.

"If contact can sustain survival, no one will give up!

The Decepticon on Cybertron watched the video and sighed, he knew the importance of energy better than anyone, and he needed it very much. Otherwise, why would they let Optimus Prime and the others leave, it is nothing more than a team of people looking for new energy.

The video is still flickering. came to zero on a planet much smaller than the blue star,

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