Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3607 3609 [Scholars can be killed but not humiliated]

"Have you always been so bold and unrestrained?" Xiang Nanqi asked, "You must know that the world is dangerous. If you are so careless and recognize your friends randomly, it is a luck to be alive today."

"Children of the Jianghu, don't stick to trivial matters." Qi Shaoshang waved his hand and said, "I have always made friends based on congeniality. You and I are very attached to each other. We hit it off immediately and naturally recognized you as a friend."

"Master Qi Dazhai is indeed very proud, please!" Xiang Nan raised his glass and said.

"Do it!" Qi Shaoshang also raised his glass.

The two of us had one bowl for you and one for me, and they drank until daylight. Everyone drank dozens of kilograms of wine, but no one was drunk.

"Brother Gu has a good drinker." Qi Shaoshang said with admiration, "I wonder how many more bowls you can drink?"

"I won't get drunk after drinking a thousand cups, and the same will happen if I drink for three days and three nights." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

In fact, all the wine he drank had been expelled from the body by his energy, and there was not a drop of wine left in his body, so naturally he would not be drunk at all.

"It's a pleasure." Qi Shaoshang said with a smile, "A thousand cups of wine is too little when you meet a close friend. It seems that Brother Gu and I have really hit it off."

"It's an honor for me to be regarded as a confidant by Daxia Qi." Xiang Nan cupped his hands and smiled.

"There is no need for the 'hero' to come, the 'hero' will go. If brothers are willing, just call me 'big brother'." Qi Shaoshang waved his hand.

"Okay, brothers have met eldest brother." Xiang Nan cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, I will recognize you as my brother." Qi Shaoshang also smiled and said, "Come on, do it!"

"Stop it!" At this moment, a sharp voice said, "Good guys, how much wine have you drunk from me? There are so many jars, how much do they cost? You pay, all to me."

Xiang Nan and Qi Shaoshang looked back and saw an angry and angry Gao Jixue.

His nickname is "Chickens and dogs don't leave behind", and his feathers are plucked when geese pass by. A small pot of wine and a plate of pickled fish can be sold for twenty taels of silver.

Xiang Nan and Qi Shaoshang had a drinking fight all night and drank more than a hundred pots. They were probably going to lose two to three thousand taels. Even if I work for him for the rest of my life, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay him back.

It really made him feel bad.

"Master is here, why don't you run away quickly." Xiang Nan and Qi Shaoshang looked at each other and said in unison. Then they each used Qing Kung, and disappeared in an instant.

Only one person with high chicken blood is left to jump.

Outside Lianyun City, there is sorghum field.

"Gu Xichao, how is your friendship with Qi Shaoshang going?" Xian Yuqiu asked coldly.

"I have become brothers with him." Xiang Nan said.

"That's the case, then hurry up and take action. The prime minister is waiting for the news of our meritorious service." Leng Huer urged.

"Why are you in a hurry? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Xiang Nan glanced at him and said, "If you are in a hurry, then Qi Shaoshang is at Qiting Restaurant.

You lead eighteen people over and kill him directly. When the time comes, take back Nishui Hanjian and all the credit will be yours, how about it? "

The Eighteen Statues are eighteen crossbowmen holding Zhuge Liannu. They can shoot out nearly a hundred arrows in an instant. Even the average master can't dodge them and will be shot into a hedgehog.

"Gu Xichao, please stop being so arrogant, okay? You are just a commoner now, how dare you speak to us like this?" Upon hearing this, Xian Yuqiu scolded angrily.

"Although the prime minister ordered us to assist you in killing Qi Shaoshang and seizing Ni Shuihan, don't forget our identities." Leng Hu'er said unhappy.

He and Xian Yuqiu were official imperial officials, ranking from the fourth rank to the rank of Zhonglang General. Although Xiang Nan is Fu Zongshu's son-in-law and the leader of this mission, he is still a penniless commoner after all.

That's why they looked down on him, and their attitude was always arrogant and condescending.

"In the court, we rely on our official positions to speak, but now we are in the world, and we rely on our fists to speak." Xiang Nan laughed coldly, "If you think you are Qi Shaoshang's opponent, then rush over now. Killing him will save us all trouble. Otherwise, just listen to my instructions and stop chirping."

Although Leng Hu'er and Xian Yuqiu were ruthless and murderous, their martial arts skills were not very high. They were just using their status as court officials to overwhelm others with their power.

If we really judge the level of martial arts, the two of them plus the Eighteen Masters are no match for Xiang Nan alone. Qi Shaoshang is also a top-notch master in the martial arts world, and his martial arts skills are far superior to those of the two, so they dare not go against him.

"Gu Xichao, you..." Leng Huer suddenly became furious and swung his hammer to hit someone.

"Hey, don't be angry." Xian Yuqiu grabbed him and then said to Xiang Nan with a smile, "We are urging you for your own good. After all, this is what the prime minister has told you. The sooner you complete it, the better for the prime minister." The higher your rating will be.

You go and deal with Qi Shaoshang, and the two of us will wait here, read a book, and relieve the boredom, ah, relieve the boredom~"

As he spoke, he took out a book from his arms, with two big characters written on the cover - "Seven Strategies".

Xian Yuqiu dipped his saliva in his mouth and started flipping through the book. After a while, the book became wet and wrinkled.

When Leng Huer saw this, he sneered.

When Xiang Nan saw it, he frowned and asked loudly, "This is a military book that I spent four years working on. It is a gift from me to the Prime Minister. Why does it appear in your hands?"

"Oh, the prime minister has so many things to do, he has no time to read, so he gave this book to Mr. Huang. After reading it, Mr. Huang said..." Xian Yuqiu explained, "He said..."

Mr. Huang is the privy envoy Huang Jinlin, the nephew of Fu Zongshu, and the direct superior of Leng Huer and Xian Yuqiu.

"What did he say?" Xiang Nan knew that he was lying and the dog couldn't spit out ivory, but he still continued to ask.

"Master Huang said that the person who wrote the book is a lunatic." Xian Yuqiu sneered, "How dare you criticize Sun Wu, Zhang Liang, Gui Guzi, and Zhuge Liang's marching tactics with red lips and white teeth.

He thinks he is better than others, but in fact he has become a joke all over the capital. People say he is sick, hahahaha..."

"This book was given to me by Mr. Huang, but I didn't know the words, so I gave it to Lao Xian'er to read." Leng Hu'er also deliberately said sarcastically.

"I don't know the words either, so I just use it as a joke to relieve my boredom." Xian Yuqiu said with a smile.

"It's too much to bully others." Xiang Nan said, shouting and clapping his hands.

Leng Hu'er and Xian Yuqiu hurriedly dodge, but they couldn't get away. In an instant, they were each hit by a palm. They all flew several meters upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up.

"Gu Xichao, are you crazy?" Leng Huer scolded.

"Do you know what crime you deserve for killing a court official?" Xian Yuchou also shouted loudly.

"A scholar cannot be killed but cannot be humiliated. "Seven Strategies" is the product of four years of hard work. How dare you treat it as a joke? How unreasonable!" Xiang Nan said coldly, "If I didn't still need your help, I could do it now. Kill you.

At that time, as long as I complete the task, think about it for yourself, will the Prime Minister blame me? Even if I say that Qi Shaoshang killed you, will the Prime Minister expose my lies? "

Leng Huer and Xian Yuqiu looked at each other, their faces paling.

What Xiang Nan said is really possible. As long as he kills Qi Shaoshang and gets back the Nishui Hanjian, Fu Zongshu won't care about their lives at all.

They thought they could suppress Xiang Nan with their status as imperial officials, but they didn't expect that Xiang Nan was rebellious by nature and would not care about their status at all.

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