Sage Warrior

Chapter 171

sage warrior

-7 Volume 22

As a result, Mirae Heo is not only a debuffer, but also a buffer and healer at the same time.

It is still difficult to use buffs or heals, but sooner or later, it will become a very valuable existence that serves as a debuffer, a buffer, and a healer.

"Thank you. What would have happened if it wasn't for this item......"

The shock from being bitten by Wolfhedin would have caused his magical power to run out and die, or he would have been in a state similar to death.

Seeing Mi-rae Heo bowing her head in gratitude, Song-geun Kim said a word.

"You're not the only one who got help from new items."

Then everyone nodded with a new expression on their faces.

Even though they overcame a dangerous hurdle once, confidence was reflected on their faces.

Jung Daesik said he was satisfied with the fact that he picked the items well.

"Then we'll move again. And we'd better find a place to rest until the blizzard stops."

The troops agreed and they marked their location on the map.

Later, when you return from the dungeon, a support team will come in with porters and carry Wolfhedin's body based on that.

Episode 43. Attack on Vseslav

Frozen Fox and Raccoon appeared a few times after killing Wolfhedin, but it wasn't a big deal.

Kim Tae-hee's mortal blow or Ki Cheol-min's knife was quickly thrown out.

Eventually they crossed the border and reached the mouth of the forest, where they rested.

It was uncomfortable to stretch out my legs near Beseslav's territory, but the forest protected me from a strong blizzard, so I stayed there for about a couple of hours until dawn.

In the meantime, Jung Daesik ate all the emergency food he had.

He was starving to death due to the aftereffects of using Yamafan.

Although extreme hunger passed by the influence of Heo Mirae, the underlying hunger was not resolved.

Thanks to this, I forgot a box of energy bars thrown in the subspace and ate protein bread and drinks without a break.

When the less-than-seen troops gave their share of emergency food, it seemed that they would live only after they had dealt with them all.

Seeing Jung Daesik eating like crazy, Taehee Kim said a little bit tired.

"Why is someone who has never been like this all of a sudden?"

"It's the effect of a new item."

"You mean the one who killed Wolfhedin?"

"Yeah. It's a ring that is said to be inhabited by an anglerfish, but I've heard that the effect is good, but the side effects are great. That's true."

"If you have to eat like that every time you use it, the food costs will be huge. It's not good value for money."

God Deok-hwa, who was listening to the conversation, muttered a word.

"It's good enough if it's a side effect that's enough to exert its power."

Talking about the side effects reminded me of the horrors of the Cthulhu army where Godeokhwa was.

It was true that they met a difficult opponent while entering a dungeon equivalent to the danger level.

However, the decisive reason that drove the troops to death was the commander's mistake in judgment.

The commander of Cthulhu's unit was a tamer who was capable of the spiritual realm.

He had the talent to tame monsters, and he tamed and took the Chimera with him.There were constant concerns that it might be too risky, but he was confident in his skills.

He and he ate the Chimera and other monsters harshly.

As a result, the monsters he possessed at the moment of crisis all at once rejected his orders and released the mental suppression.

What happened after that... I don't need to explain.

The monsters brutally murdered their masters and attacked the troops as if in retaliation for their abuse.

As long as the tamer can tame ferocious monsters, he should always be reminded of the risk.

The more powerful monsters he has, the greater the risk.

He needed excellent abilities and great items at a fair price.

In fact, nothing is free in this world.

Considering that, I didn't even know that the price of money was cheap.

At that time, Seo Ji-won also interfered and listened.

"Because it is the anglerfish that resides in the item, you should be careful if hunger comes as a side effect. I don't know if it's a rumor, but hunters who were bitten by the anglerfish sometimes lose their temper and attack their comrades or eat themselves."


Hearing the terrible sound, he frowned as if there was Heo Mirae.

On the other hand, Jae-Woo Lee was nervous.

"Then I'll have to carry a bunch of sausages so I don't get eaten by the commander."

Jung Daesik grinned and poured the rest of his jerky into his mouth.

Then he drank a bowl of water and went to do his business.

After he used the portable toilet to do his chores, he noticed that the snowstorm had subsided.

The forest was noisy due to the sound of the wind, and the surroundings began to calm down, and it seemed that we could start slowly.

Jung Daesik returned to the save point and confirmed with his men once more of the plans to attack Vseslav.

After re-inspecting that there are no gaps, I prepared to leave and set out again.

"A tree is so big that it grows."

Kim Song-geun muttered with an anxious expression as he stepped into the forest.

The trees that make up the forest are all huge trees, so if you look up, your neck will be broken.

"Sometimes I walk around, paying attention to the top of his head that Locke sometimes comes out."

They moved on guard, and Jung Daesik sent entropy to scout the surroundings.

No monsters were found even with the extension of the week, so I just walked for nearly three hours without doing anything.

Kim Song-geun began to murmur when he saw that the forest that looked the same was continued.

"I wish there was some Beseslav or something. I'm going to die of boredom."

Ki Cheol-min asked if he agreed with that statement.

"How far does this forest go?"

"It has not been confirmed. Even if you send entropy, it continues to be a forest 8km ahead."

"If this happens, I'll be exhausted before I even run into Beseslav. Why don't we reveal our existence and dig a trap? Call him first."

“There is no guarantee that Beseslav will be caught there. Although this is the territory of Beseslav, it is difficult to think that he is the only one. Yes. I've only been here for a few hours, so shut up and keep walking."

At Jung Daesik's words, the men kept their mouths shut and they continued walking for a while.

So how far did you go?

Suddenly, an ominous sound was heard from the sky.


To make the crow's sound even more unheard of, a cry that seemed to have been amplified several times ripped through the air.

Astonished, he reflexively lowered his posture and raised his head, shaking the forest head wildly, and a dark shadow flew past the sky.

"Is that?"

"It's Locke!"

Hearing the conversation between Jae-woo Lee and Song-geun Kim, Jung Daesik's eyes widened.

Not one giant monster, Locke, but three or four were flying out of the forest at once.

Then, suddenly, I remembered the story of Beseslav's sightings told by Kang Young-hoo.

'According to a forest witness, he saw Vseslav's head passing through the forest.'

Jung Daesik gulped and swallowed dry saliva.

'The trees that fill the forest are so big, that their heads can be seen above the forest...? Then how big is it...?'

At that time, the five senses, which had been expanded by the expansion of attention, trembled and trembled.

The forest through which Locke had passed was still, but Jung Daesik quickly looked around.

He thought about sending entropy, but he had a strong feeling that it was already too late.

Reconnaissance is virtually meaningless if it is much larger than a normal giant.

Because I can run about 8km in one breath...

At that moment, my feet trembled subtly.

Jung Daesik wondered if it was an illusion due to dilation of attention, but Taehee Kim said immediately.

“Did you just feel it?”

Jung Daesik nodded his head.

"Yeah, I felt it."

The ground was shaking.

A heavy vibration that resonates the earth.

It was gently touching her toes.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the members of the unit seemed to be tense.

Then, when the ground trembled again, it was only then that he realized something.

"The ground... is trembling!"

"Something is coming this way!"

Jung Daesik immediately ordered.

"Everyone must know the plan. Take a position, everyone!"


The troops were scattered all over the forest and disappeared.

Jung Daesik also hid behind a nearby tree. Then I felt the vibrations of the ground getting bigger and bigger.

The vibration that sounded at regular intervals seemed to be the footsteps of something that was slowly getting closer.

And it was very likely that it was Beseslav.

Jung Daesik unknowingly recalled a scene from a famous old entertainment movie.

"Jurassic Park".

The scene where Tyrannosaurus appeared in the heavy rain was just like this.

As the ripples in the glass of water grow bigger and bigger, a huge sound of footsteps begins to be heard.

As if that thought had become a reality, from a certain moment, Vseslav's presence was felt through sound rather than vibration.




Jung Daesik evoked entropy in the tension that dried his mouth.


"Your role is very important in this operation... Let's start."

Entropy nodded and Jung Daesik hid himself, waiting for Vseslav to get closer.




Woo Jijik! Woo Ji Jik!

As Beseslav drew near, at his feet the sound of crushing rocks and growing trees was heard.

Jung Daesik realized that the passage they had been walking along was the route for Vseslav.

After all, who, if not Beseslav, would pave a path in the middle of such a primeval forest?

Woo Ji Jik! Wow! Woodduck!

Jung Daesik turned and saw Vseslav walking from the other side of the forest.


Beseslav's appearance was barely visible.

Most of his appearance was hidden by a large tree, and his head was protruding out of the forest because of its large size.

All Jung Daesik could see was his legs and stomach, as thick and black as a giant tree.

Good luck! Kwawagwagwang!

As he was walking, the trees on either side were bothering him, what did Vseslav do.

He probably swung his arm once.

And in his hand was a huge double-edged ax.

Kwagua and Guagua!

The top of the tree was cut and blown away with a roar.

The top of the tree had been cut off by the horse, and by human standards, it was as if a natural disaster had occurred.

The forest trembled as if there had been an avalanche, and other trees that had hit the fallen tree poles fell and screamed.

Kuwagwang! crispy! Quang! Passus!

Vseslav swung his double-edged ax several more times.

Then, the giant trees that appeared to be thousands of years old were cut off without a hitch.

Jung Daesik saw the vseslavs doing haphazard logging, and he wondered if the gnomes had noticed them.

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