Huang Ying nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Gu Xiaoxue shook her head: "It's nothing, I just envy my senior sister for knowing everything early."

Huang Ying was not slow to respond. After hearing her words, she turned her head and quickly pulled Gu Xiaoxue's sleeve and asked, "Ju Nan?"

Gu Xiaoxue opened her eyes wide: "You too?!"

The two quickly lowered their voices and had a particularly exciting recognition scene.

After a while, Ruan Nan ordered the food, and Qin actually didn't forget to order the wine. Lin Wei stood up and poured some for the boys first, and then asked Wang Yuanyuan, Huang Ying and Gu Xiaoxue if they wanted to drink. They all said they would only drink drinks.

Lin Wei took her wine glass directly without asking Qin Juran. Qin Juran didn't stop him and let him pick up the bottle. Before Qin Juran could speak, Ruan Nan frowned: "Lin Wei, what are you doing? Why don’t you ask Qin Juran if he is willing to drink?”

Lin Wei laughed mischievously and said, "We've already met the brothers-in-law. Can she not drink this meal?"

"What are you talking about, brother-in-law Lin?" Ruan Nan was still trying to explain. Everyone present was laughing. No one was listening. Lin Wei raised his chin: "How much should you drink, Qin Juran?"

Qin Juran was not annoyed. He curled his lips and looked up at him: "You want your sister Nan to feel more distressed, just pour me as much as you want."

"Wow -" Everyone laughed again. Ruan Nan didn't know when Qin became so familiar with them. He agreed to find her an internship celebration party, but it turned into a wedding banquet...

Lin Wei and the others were all familiar with each other, and Qin Juran was chatting and laughing very well. The dishes Ruan Nan ordered were all delicious, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was very warm for a while. Qin Juran had been paying attention to Ruan Nan's taste preferences with his peripheral vision. She didn't like drinking, so she poured her a drink. A boy didn't have good eyesight. As soon as Ruan Nan picked up a piece of ribs, he stood up and wanted to raise a glass with Ruan Nan. Qin actually raised his glass and blocked it for Ruan Nan.

Halfway through the meal, Qin actually drank less than half a glass of wine. Qin actually had a good drinking capacity, and she had learned the rhythm and skills of drinking in her previous life. Even so, her face was still flushed with alcohol. She wore a thin layer of red, and paired with her lazy curly hair today, she looked particularly charming under such lighting.

Ruan Nan accidentally touched a small spoon on the ground. While he was bending down to pick it up, he got close to Qin Juran, pulled her skirt and asked in a low voice: "Why didn't I know you could drink before?"

Qin Juran also lowered his head and came to her side as if no one else was watching, his eyes sparkling: "There are still many things you don't know. Do you want to know tonight?"

Ruan Nan's face also turned red and he turned his head, not wanting to answer her words. Lin Wei had almost finished drinking. He stood up with a red face and said in a loud voice: "Come on, come on, just eating is not interesting enough. Let's play a game. Each person has a chance to choose to say something to anyone present. A word from my heart. You only have one chance, so seize it!"

A boy pulled him: "If you let the school beauty and the eldest lady say what is on your mind alone, and let you hear it, how can it still be called what is on your mind!"

Lin Wei was dissatisfied: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with listening to her inner thoughts?"

Everyone burst into laughter and agreed that the suggestion was a good one. Although it was not a very playable game, sometimes words spoken in such lively scenes seemed to be particularly true and genuine.

Soon Lin Wei would take the lead. He picked up his wine glass and said, "Qin Juran, I want to tell you."

He swayed a little and said with a loud tongue: "How should I put it? Actually, when I entered the school, I thought you were beautiful. You were really beautiful. You looked like a little fairy in a white dress. Unfortunately, our personalities were really incompatible at that time. . I am most afraid of people crying at every turn. I remember when you entered class on the first day, you started crying just because someone changed your seat, but it made me very depressed..."

"But I'm talking about the past. In the past, people said that universities will grow and change. Although you may have become a little sudden, in short, I really like your sassiness now, and I hope you can always be like this!"

Qin actually didn't refute, but smiled and raised his glass to drink the wine.

The next one was a boy from the same department. He had something to say to Ruan Nan. He was a little nervous. Under the gaze of Qin Juran, he said tremblingly, "I seemed to have offended Ruan Nan once before. I never dared to apologize, nor did I dare." Ask, today I finally have the chance to say it.”

Ruan Nan also raised her glass. She usually didn't like to smile, so she just nodded lightly and said, "I remember you."

The boy's expression was obviously tense.

"But I don't remember what you said."

Turn danger into safety.

Qin Juran helped Ruan Nan trim her hair on her temples when she sat down: "It seems that Ruan's memory is not very good?"

Ruan Nan looked back at her: "Things you don't want to remember won't be remembered for a long time."

"That's it..." Qin Juran said in a long tone and rolled his eyes: "Then do you still remember the first time you lay on me?"

"Qin Juran you!"

Qin Juran should be talking about that time, when Liu Qiang's people went to Lover's Slope to trouble her, but they happened to be hit by Ruan Nan, and Qin Juran pulled him and threw him.

Ruan Nan suddenly thought of a word he had seen recently: sharp teeth.

When it was Shan Zhuo and Gu Xiaoxue's turn, they only had a good relationship with Ruan Nan, so they both chose Ruan Nan. They said that because of Ruan Nan, the band could be so public and famous. Ruan Nan said that everyone in the band Everyone is an integral part.

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