Rome Must Fall

Chapter 267 Crossing the River

"Aulus, what do you think I'm doing when I take people across the river to patrol every day these days?" Pecot smiled confidently and said confidently: "I have a clear understanding of the terrain of the river section that can be forded. situation, and roughly grasped the scope of the enemy's spies. More importantly, I secretly sent people to the dense forest to survey and found a good place that could accommodate one or two thousand soldiers to camp and would not be easily discovered by the enemy.

This time, many of the teams I will lead to ambush are the soldiers who followed me in the attack on Broch's territory. They have the experience of hiding and living in the mountains and forests last time. I believe this time they can better help the entire team prepare for the day. Two nights of ambush in the jungle...

Besides, even if our ambush is discovered by the enemy, I will lead the soldiers to retreat westward quickly. It is impossible for the enemy to catch up with us who are familiar with the terrain. It is just a failure of the ambush, and there is no loss. Everything will return to what the leader did before. It’s just a plan…”

Aulus was a little moved, but as the commander of the legion, he had to be more cautious: "Even if you deceive the enemy's eyes and ears, since the enemy leader is very cautious, he will definitely be prepared, even if our surprise attack We can achieve certain results, but if we cannot completely disrupt the entire enemy force, we will be in danger when the enemy force reacts. "

Pecot smiled: "Aulus, don't forget that we have reinforcements. Now that the leader has sent a messenger to inform us that he has led the army to return, the hilly area on the east bank of the Korana River is not far from here. , if you hurry, you can get there in more than a day.

The enemy will find the empty camp here tomorrow morning. Linkou Village is closer to here, but the road is more difficult to walk. It will take more than a day to get here. Maybe by the time we surprise the enemy, the leader will have already arrived with his team. "

Aulus finally nodded and said: "I think your plan can be tried. After all, the enemy is cautious and they have enough cavalry. If they detect our main reinforcements in advance and run away early, wouldn't that be a problem? What a pity, your plan can just cut off the enemy’s return route, leaving them with nowhere to escape!”

This point mentioned by Aulus was something that Pequot had not considered. At this moment, he took the opportunity to say: "It is precisely because of such hidden dangers that we may not be able to completely win this war, so it is even more important to implement This plan!"

"However, we must first send a messenger to tell the leader about this plan!" Aulus reminded in a deep voice: "You don't want to be thought by the leader and the Ministry of War as a general who likes to act without authorization!"

Pecot was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "But if we inform the leader first and get his permission before taking action, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

"Send someone to tell the leader, and we will implement the plan at the same time. The leader understands best. I believe that not only will he not blame us, but he will also cooperate with us. How could it be too late!"

Among the Roman veterans who joined the rebel army in Lucelia, Aulus was known for his love of fighting and strong action. After hearing Pecot's plan, he fully agreed. However, he had been a soldier for decades, and He knew some taboos in the army, so he specifically mentioned this to make up for the shortcomings in the plan, and at the same time secretly reminded Pecot, who only wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Pecot mused.

"It's getting late. We need to call all the team officers here quickly. After discussing this plan together, we have to take action quickly!"



The combined forces of Segostika and Daisitiyatai were stationed at the Linkouzhai military camp for several days. The news reported by spies every day was that "Nix troops are still surrounding Amrotas's village."

Later, Temagis couldn't stand it any longer and thought: It's impossible for Brix's army to attack the Nyx tribe for so long, so is it a lie that the Nyx army is still here to surround the village? of?

On the contrary, Kabudez took it calmly and reminded him: There are hills outside the western territory of Broch. Four chiefs lead a huge army. They must have enough supplies every day. The marching speed must not be fast, and We also need to pass through the territory of the Aldi people, and we will encounter some obstacles. It is normal to have a little accident and spend some time...

He advised Temagis to wait patiently, and Temagis listened at the time, but after a day, he couldn't help but come to argue with Kabudez.

At this moment, the spies reported: The Knicks who besieged the stockade disappeared, and the entire enemy camp was empty, but the enemy destroyed the pontoon bridge before retreating!

Temagis immediately clamored to march. Kabdus no longer objected, but he asked the scouts to go deep into the territory of Nyx to detect the enemy's movements.

The coalition forces finally broke out of camp and marched toward the Kupa River along the forest road. In order to avoid being ambushed, Kabdus sent out a group of spies to explore the dense forests surrounding the marching column.

No abnormalities were found, and the army arrived on the north bank of the Kupa River smoothly. For this reason, Kabudez was ridiculed by Temagis, saying that he was as timid as a mouse and did not have the magnanimity of a big leader to command various tribes.

Kabdus secretly hates it, but there is nothing he can do against it. Now Segestika is the weakest among the seven Pannoni tribes. In the future, the neighboring Broch and Dexitia will be needed in many places. Tai's help.

However, Kabudes firmly opposed the army to cross the Kupa River immediately because it was already dusk and the pontoon bridge had been broken by the enemy. It would take a long time to wade across the river, and it would be dark by the time they crossed the river. The soldiers had walked for most of the day, their feet were soaked in the river, and they were cold and hungry. The crossing point was still some distance away from the stockade of Anrotas. It was difficult to march in the dark. If they were attacked by the enemy again on the way, the team might collapse all of a sudden. So it was best to camp here as soon as possible, and wait until everyone recovered their energy. It would not be too late to cross the river tomorrow morning.

Although Temagis laughed at the other party for being too cautious, he also felt that he had some truth, so the coalition camped and rested on the north bank of the Kupa River.

Kabudes was afraid that the camp would be attacked in the dark, and he personally deployed several patrols and sentries.

As a result, after a night, it was still safe.

The next morning, it started to drizzle, and a layer of fine mist like gauze appeared on the banks of the Kupa River.

When the coalition arrived at the original crossing point, the pontoon bridge had indeed been dismantled. It was obvious that the Nixes wanted to cut off the passage of the Segestica army to invade their territory, but this did not work. After the coalition went downstream for a short distance, the river suddenly widened and the riverbed was clearly visible, and it was mostly hard gravel. This was the place where you could wade across the river. The water volume decreased in late autumn, and the deepest part here was not even knee-deep.

Temages, who had been depressed for too long in the Linkouzhai camp, anxiously asked to lead the team to cross the river first. Kabudes readily agreed. He was hoping that the other party would explore the way first.

The cavalry crossed the river first, followed by the infantry... Although the water was shallow, the current was fast, and there was a lot of moss on the gravel at the bottom of the river. The soldiers held wooden shields, spears, and long swords in both hands, and it was not easy to keep balance. If they slipped accidentally, they would not have time to get up and were soon washed downstream by the river...

Whether it was cavalry or infantry, people fell into the river from time to time, which made the people who followed to cross the river more cautious and the speed of crossing the river became slower.

During this process, the scouts who had penetrated deep into the Nix territory reported back: no trace of the Nix army was found, but the four gates of the nearest enemy stockade (referring to Westney) were closed, and the wooden walls were full of alert enemies.

Hearing this news, Kabudes let down more of his guard, but also became a little anxious. He knew very well that the "enemy stockade" mentioned by the scout was the territory he had lost. Although he now had the main stockade, as a great leader, the land of his tribe was occupied by the enemy. This was really a shame and damaged his prestige. He must take it back as soon as possible!

After waiting for all the warriors of Desitiatai to cross the river, he began to urge the Segestica warriors to cross the river.

The Segestica warriors began to roll up their trouser legs, insert their spears into the waist of their backs, hold the wooden shield with their left hands, and hold the edge of the wooden shield of the person in front with their right hands. In this way, they held hands and lined up in multiple long teams to cross the river at the same time... This is the way to cross the river figured out by the Desitiatai warriors, which can significantly reduce slipping in the river.

It was already morning, the rain had stopped, the fog was about to dissipate, and the sun had come out. The warm sunlight shone on the soldiers' wet bodies, driving away the cold in their bodies...

Kabudes looked ahead: Temagis on the other side of the river was gathering soldiers and reorganizing the team, and did not immediately abandon him who had not yet crossed the river and rush to the empty camp abandoned by the enemy.

This made Kabudes feel relieved. He was about to urge his people to cross the river quickly, but suddenly heard a terrified shout from behind: "Enemy! Enemies are coming!..."

He looked back in horror, and saw two panicked scouts rushing out of the dense forest not far from the river bank, running desperately, and behind them were countless soldiers holding shields and daggers, running towards him like ferocious monsters...

It was the Nix people! They were hiding behind us! Why didn't the spies find it! ... Kabudes was shocked and angry, but he had no time to think about it. The enemy's sudden attack caused a commotion in the Segestica army. Some soldiers subconsciously rushed to jump into the river to avoid the enemy's attack, which immediately disrupted the order, causing their companions who were crossing the river to fall in the river in groups, and cries for help were heard everywhere...

"Stop crossing the river! Stop crossing the river!" Kabudes shouted anxiously: "Hurry up and line up and prepare for battle!..."

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