
The wine glass placed on the floor was knocked over by her hanging hand, and the remaining wine flowed out, dripping red. Ye Lanqiu almost collapsed on the bed, rubbing his messy hair with his hands, looking very troubled. look.

He said she was drunk, but she was actually very clear-headed and knew that she knocked over the bottle. She said she was not drunk, but she was so weak that she didn't want to move, so she was willing to stare out the window and look at the non-existent person under the eaves.


At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door outside.

Ye Lanqiu turned his head and looked at the door with a flushed face: "Didn't I tell you? There is no need to clean the room, no need..."


"Can you please let me... be quiet for a while... I just want to be alone... for a while..."

"Lan Qiu, it's me."


This voice is...

But she didn't believe it, thinking that she heard wrongly, just like she always imagined that the person was accompanying her under the eaves.

"I am me."

The second call came, and Ye Lanqiu's whole body's nerves were tense. No matter whether it was auditory hallucinations or not, whether she was drunk or not, even if it was a daydream, it was good for her to only catch a shadow. of.

She got out of bed with her bare feet, stepped on the wine on the ground, and almost fell down when she tilted her body. However, she didn't care about the wet soles of her feet or her own safety. She ran over and pressed the door handle, took a deep breath and pulled it inside.

The door opened, and yes, what appeared on the other side was the face that haunted her.

She took half a step back, as if she didn't believe it was true. After three seconds, she tiptoed back, threw herself into Lin Yue's arms, and hugged his neck tightly.

"Where have you been...where have you been?"

"I thought you would never come back..."

"If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up."


She knew she had drunk, but she didn't know if she was drunk or not. She just thought it was a sweet dream after drinking.

"Are you dreaming?" Lin Yue pushed her away, looked at the somewhat sad and thin face for two seconds, and then suddenly leaned forward.


Ye Lanqiu's hand that was originally clenched into a fist suddenly opened, and his whole body became tense.

"Do you still think this is a dream?"

"Where have you been... these days?"

"There's something urgent to deal with back home."

"Then the phone..."

"The phone was stolen by a thief. Stop talking about it. I heard the doctor said that your illness has recovered. Tell me, what is going on?"

"Actually, I can't figure it out either..."

Two hours later, Ye Lanqiu fell asleep on the bed, with a sweet smile on his lips, his face flushed, and his delicate and fair arms exposed outside the blanket also had a shiny reddish color. Lin Yue was She kissed her on the face, her beautiful eyelashes moved, and the smile on her lips grew stronger, and she mumbled "Don't make trouble, it's so itchy."

It was still raining lightly outside, the whole sky was gray, the temperature seemed to have dropped a little, and a thin layer of water vapor appeared in the drainage channels on both sides of the small courtyard of less than 15 square meters.

Lin Yue walked over and closed the white gauze curtain, making the room darker. He was worried that Ye Lanqiu would catch a cold and wanted to put her exposed arm under the blanket, but she grabbed her wrist.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside."

After hearing what he said, Ye Lanqiu slowly loosened his grip on his wrist.

"Go to sleep."

Lin Yue patted the back of her hand, opened the door gently, and walked out of the room.

He did not go to the window at the end of the corridor to smoke. Instead, he went to the front desk and asked the boss to open a room next to Ye Lanqiu's room. The first thing he did after opening the door was to close the curtains and then sit on the sofa. Take out the black bead from the black cat's blind eye.

In the dark room, the surface of the black beads was flowing with a coquettish luster. It was said that gray was not gray, and silver was not like silver. In short, it was very strange.

Lin Yue clearly remembered that it was not like this in the real world. How come it seemed to come to life after entering the world of "Search"? After pinching it a few times, but no response was seen, he took out the lighter, lit it and burned it twice, but there was no change. What on earth is this thing... about?

This is not a mission reward item, so the system will naturally not answer his questions.

Because he was worried that Ye Lanqiu would have the same problem as Kaname, he immediately returned to the world of "Search", only to find that only six or seven days had passed since he left. Compared with the flow rate of more than half a year in the real world, it had almost stagnated.

Calculating, from the time when the film and television world dream realization system was obtained, almost one year has passed in the real world, five years have passed in the world of "My Leader, My Group", and only seven days have passed in "Search"... In other words, only "My Group" has passed. There is a problem with "Long My Group". After all, the corresponding literary works in the real world have disappeared.

Then the root of this matter will most likely lie in the black ball in his hand.

Thinking of this, he frowned, with a pensive look on his face. After a while, he found nothing. He turned on the light in the room again, raised the black bead and prepared to use the light to observe carefully. At this moment, an accident happened, and the surface where the evil light was originally flowing swayed. With a texture like water ripples, the colors converged in the middle, and a shining green eye emerged, and the surrounding black background also showed a magma texture overflowing with red light.

What the hell? !

Lin Yue was startled, and subconsciously wanted to crush the living thing. He never thought that several tentacles would suddenly appear on the surface of the ball. He pushed his hand outwards and pushed it with force. It hit him directly between his eyebrows. The speed was as fast as Even with his agility, he couldn't avoid it.

First there was an unbearable sting, as if an arrow had pierced the skull, and then a numbness like an electric shock spread throughout the body. The room was clearly brightly lit, but the field of vision was pitch black, as if the whole person was sinking into the abyss.

At this moment, he was really panicking.

In the main world, there was no response when he flattened and rounded the black beads, but when he came to the world of "Search", it seemed to activate its vitality. If he continued like this, he might become a walking zombie. This reminded him of many classic elements in Xianxia novels, seizing the body!


At the critical moment, he called out to the system loudly, because if it was really a ghost in the world of Xianxia, ​​he would definitely not be able to handle it now. Since he obtained the system, the tasks he has accepted are either anti-Japanese-themed film and television dramas, or costume-themed film and television dramas. Either it is an urban-themed film and television drama, and the most powerful skills and equipment rewarded are at the level of [Left and Right Hemispheres], [Animal Friends] and [Any Door]. It is no problem to deal with ordinary people, but when you encounter Captain America and Iron Man in American comics, No one at this level can do it, let alone someone with a fairy background.

Almost half a minute passed.

A beam of fluorescent light fell down, lighting up his body, as if the dark clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed, and the sunlight swept away the darkness between heaven and earth. The feeling of powerlessness and loss of control came and went like a tide, before his eyes. The black was replaced by hazy white, which became clearer and clearer as time went by, and finally turned into a bright room.

The soft sofa, the coffee table that reflects the face, the large and spacious bed, the gauze curtains that sway gently in the wind, the 42-inch Skyworth TV... nothing has changed, what has changed is the things in his hands.

Fluorite didn't know when it appeared in his palm, and the green eyeball that wanted to invade his body was nowhere to be seen.



It's not that there is no trace.

If you look carefully, you can see with the help of light that there is a circle of slowly dissipating material in the middle of the translucent fluorite. From the outline, it looks like the green eyeball that just sprouted tentacles.

Fluorite...swallowed that thing?

He has used this thing twice, once to treat Ye Lanqiu's disease, and once to subvert the world of "Spirit Cage". The former is used passively, while the latter seems to be active, but in fact it is just a copycat behavior. , because he has the biological experimental data of the engineers in his hands, and with the research data and equipment of the lighthouse, it is not difficult to reproduce something similar to Black Water.

Unexpectedly, this sacred object of the engineer clan has the effect of subduing demons and exterminating demons! ?

At this moment, the system sent a stream of information about the eyeball.

Facts have proved that he was wrong. This thing is not something from the fairy world, but an element from the Marvel world that he had associated with before. The doppelgänger of the villain Beholder - the demon god Shumagoras, belongs to the old days. A member of the Dominators and the archenemy of Doctor Strange.

As for why the beholder's clone appeared in the world of "My Leader, My Group", the system did not explain the reason, but since movies such as "Eight Hundred" and "Xiu Chun Dao" have corresponding small worlds, the Marvel system It is normal for more complex works to have their own small worlds, but it is a bit too much to mix up scenes. After all, there are too many characters in the Marvel universe who can destroy the world, and "My Captain, My Group" is like him He has the ability to walk sideways.

Another question is why the beholder clone is targeting him. The system also does not give a definite answer. However, combined with the changes in the world of "My Captain, My Group", it is most likely that Kaname was found through his own aura. , because before he finished his mission and left, the last member of the Sichuan Legion he saw was going to be numb. The next burst of power distorted the connection between the two worlds, Kaname became a historical figure, and Xiahou was sent to his side. Then it was the power of the main world that suppressed the power of the beholder clone, or the distortion of time and space exhausted its power. So it fell into dormancy, there is no way to know this, but today it woke up and launched an offensive to control itself.

No, to be precise, it is the control system. The purpose may be to use the system to open the door and return to the Marvel Universe, or it may be to bring the parallel universe where one is in into the control domain of the ontology, but no matter what, it failed, and the system responded His call used the sacred artifacts of the Engineer clan to devour the weak Beholder clone, and gave him a great benefit - to create a controllable clone using his own DNA as a template.

To put it simply, Fluorite can use the beholder and clone modes to help him create a clone that shares resources, can perform tasks issued by the system, and navigate in the film and television world. This solves the problem between him and the real world after entering the film and television world. The problem of losing contact with people and things perfectly fits the brain abilities of the "left and right hemispheres". From now on, he will live and make money in the real world, and perform tasks in the film and television world and accompany Ye Lanqiu, Xiang Nanfang, Qiu Yan and others.

In the past, most of his time was spent on executing tasks. The accumulation of wealth in the real world was very slow. Now he has hundreds of millions of dollars in start-up capital. Coupled with his ability, is it difficult to make a million a day? A new world can be found every day. As for the situation in the small world of "Search", one year versus seven days, after he left, the timeline of the small world could almost be said to have stagnated. As long as the time is arranged properly, he can play with everything.

As for whether the destruction of the beholder clone will attract the hatred of the main body... If the parallel world in which he lives is easily controlled, then the beholder clone still needs to engage in conspiracy and conspiracy, so embarrassed to this extent? Abandoning a precious clone to distort the connection between a film and television world and the main world. It is enough to do such a loss-making transaction once, and only a fool will do it a second time.

So he doesn't need to worry in the real world, and there is no need to worry if the clone in the small world has fluorite by his side.


A faint blue flame lit the cigarette.

Lin Yue put it to his mouth and took a sip, then blew out a bunch of smoke.

Ten minutes later, he stood up and left the room, returning to Ye Lanqiu's side.


It was another drizzling day, and the misty water poured on the clusters of flowers in the square in front of the Banyan Tree, nourishing the various small flowers that had looked wilted after a week of exposure to the sun. The big banyan tree behind them became more and more bright green. The low-hanging leaves swayed from time to time, shaking off the accumulated water on the leaf tips, falling on the clean stone platform, and then gathered into a trickle and calmly went away.

Lin Yue stood in front of the hotel's large porch, looking at the unexpected rain. He didn't know what he thought of and was a little distracted.

At this time, Su Han, who was wearing a beautiful white dress, rarely wearing a ponytail, and keeping her straight hair parted in the middle, came up from behind, interlocked their fingers, and held his hand.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Yue withdrew his gaze from afar, tilted his head slightly, and looked at his girlfriend with a smile.

No, it’s time to call her fiancée.

"I didn't think anything of it."

Su Han looked back at the hotel lobby: "I thought you were thinking about how to leave."

In addition to her parents, her aunt and uncle also came to the engagement banquet. It started out fine the day before, but then there was a light rain right after dinner. Generally speaking, whether it’s a taxi or an online ride-hailing service, it’s more difficult to get a taxi on a rainy day. .

Lin Yue looked at his watch: "Tan Xiaoguang will be here soon. Wang Heng took Xiaorui and her parents to travel to Jiaxing. There is still a Volvo S60 idle at home. While eating, I sent a message to Tan Xiaoguang and asked him to come over. Come and pick someone up.”

Su Han was not surprised because he had long been accustomed to him arranging everything in an orderly manner.

"The progress of the two of really fast."

She always felt that she and Lin Yue were progressing very quickly. In one year and one month, the two reached the stage of engagement. Wang Heng and Xiao Rui had only been dating for half a year, and now they had arranged for their prospective parents-in-law to go on a trip. Unexpectedly, it was time to discuss marriage.

Lin Yue took a deep breath of the humid air scented with grass and trees, and felt refreshed.

"Yeah, the progress is pretty fast."

She told Su Han who Wang Heng was. Xiaorui, as Su Han's best friend, naturally knew that this Wang Laowu was a good candidate in all aspects except for being a little less sentimental. She was not a fool, so of course she knew what to do. Strike while the iron is hot and marry yourself in your prime.

Ding...ding ding dong.

Then the cell phone rang.

Lin Yue took it out from his pocket and looked at it with a strange expression.

Su Han noticed the change in his expression: "Whose phone call?"

"Yuan Shanshan."

"Is this the poor little girl you mentioned?"


Lin Yue nodded, responded, pressed the connect button and put it to his ear.



Su Han waited patiently for him to finish the call and said with a smile: "This little girl laughs so beautifully. I finally understand why the book uses silver bells to describe the little girl's laughter."

Lin Yue shook her hand: "The same goes for you. Not only does your smile sound good, it also looks good."

The smile between Su Han's brows seemed to fly.

Lin Yue said: "She has received the admission notice from Jiang University and called me to tell me the good news. Oh, and her mother, who abandoned her husband and daughter, sold the travel agency and left 500,000 yuan in alimony for Yuan Wei. , I went to live in New Zealand with a new friend I met.”

Su Han was not interested in Zhang Yufang's whereabouts. He blinked his eyes that never put on eyeliner or eyeshadow and said, "Did Tan Xiaoguang talk about the two people you met in the study room when we had dinner together last time?" A girl also passed the exam?"

"Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan." He was troubled by the thought of that weird guy, because on the day when the results of the postgraduate examination retest came out, he received a WeChat bombardment from Zheng Fang, saying that Zheng Nuxia and Miss Zhao's fate with Jiang Da was not over yet. , so that he can be mentally prepared to pick up locomotive drivers during the winter and summer vacations in the next three years.

"Both of them are graduate students, one is an accountant and the other is in taxation. They are different from Yuan Shanshan."

"How is Tan Xiaoguang's change of major?"

"Don't worry, it's okay for You Xianghuai to be here."

After Lin Yue said this, he pointed to the Volvo car that turned into the front square in the drizzle: "Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, let's go, let's go and drive the car out."

Su Han followed his footsteps and walked to the -1 floor parking lot.

"By the way, about the shares in the pet clinic... Zhou Lin said she was just joking and didn't count."

"I know she is joking, so you will take it seriously, but if you are willing to be friends with her for life, then do as I say."

"She knows that the total rent, decoration, equipment, etc. are close to 1 million, and 25% of the shares is too much. Based on my understanding of Zhou Lin, she will definitely refuse."

"You just say that she is both a shareholder and an employee, and she also takes care of Badun and Xiahou part-time. If you don't give her a salary increase in the next five years, she will agree to this psychological level."

"Okay, let me give it a try. Oh, and please remember to send me to Fang Wei's house after the clinic closes in the afternoon."

"Why go to her house?"

"Do you still remember the caracal cat she took away? I've been having diarrhea recently, and I've got a bad temper. It's been vicious to my family every day. I have to go and have a look."

"When the caracal is sick, just ask her to bring her to the clinic. Why do you need to go to her home? It seems that you have been getting along well with her recently."

"I made an appointment with her."

"Okay, okay, give it away, I didn't say not to give it away."

Two months later.

An island in eastern Malaysia.

Lin Yue took off his sunglasses, took a look at the sea view villa sitting on the entire beach, walked over, opened the lid of the combination lock, and pressed a few numbers.

With a soft click, the iron door opened, and he stepped into the courtyard. After looking around for a week, he walked into the living room, which was not luxuriously decorated, but was spacious and bright, and closed the door behind him.

Next, he did not go to the balcony upstairs, open a bottle of iced drinks, sit on a beach chair, under an umbrella, and enjoy the sea breeze. Instead, he turned to the stairwell and entered the basement, drinking wine bathed in the dim light. The wine and brandy in the cabinet showed no interest at all. He went straight to a teak wardrobe, opened the door and walked in.

There are no rows of hanging coats or neatly stacked shirts over the closet. There is another basement, but there are no rows of wine cabinets. It is just used to store some sundries, such as paint buckets, ladders, and gasoline generators. ...The decoration style of the stairs going up is also different, with a strong European style.

After arriving on the first floor, he didn't stop and went straight to the second floor. He opened the milky white door on the right and entered the master bedroom.

The air conditioner hissed, and the room was filled with the aroma of body wash, shampoo, and his sweat.

There was a long purple dress lying on the ground next to the big bed that was more than three meters wide. Not far away were scattered slippers. The gray silk on the big bed was wrapped in a woman who was barely wearing underwear. It could be seen that she I was very tired, my back was still wet, my face was tilted inward, my hair was scattered around, and I was lying there in a big pose.

Lin Yue sat on the sofa at the end of the bed, picked up the thin cigarette placed on the coffee table, put it in his mouth, pressed the gear of the lighter and rubbed it.


A flame lit up the tobacco leaves.

The sound of his footsteps did not wake up the woman on the bed, but the sound of a lighter waking her up. She raised her head slightly and looked at him with eyes that were half confused and half frightened.

"You...didn't you leave?"

"Can't I change my mind and come back?"


"Five minutes, it's almost time to rest. Do what you need to do."

The woman on the bed shook her head vigorously, her hair stuck to her bright lips, and her slightly foxy eyes were full of humiliation.

"Zhu Suosuo, do you think you can find a good job abroad because you have a bad reputation in China? With your little ability, you need academic qualifications but not academic qualifications, skills but not skills. Most of the so-called work experience is just a trick to seduce men. What was the result? After I found out that I was not acclimatized, I went to do the wild trick of seducing someone else's rich husband. I still say the same thing, or you can satisfy me by serving me. I will take your efforts into account and give you a job and identity that can support yourself. , or I let Mrs. Zhuang in and have her take you to the immigration office."


"You've already arrived in Australia, so don't worry about it. Don't you know your own virtues?"

Zhu Suosuo struggled for three seconds, gritted his teeth, slipped off the bed, and wandered towards Lin Yue.

Her steps were feeble and her calf muscles were trembling slightly, showing that she had been tortured quite a bit just now.

Lin Yue looked at her coldly, without any pity for her.

Originally, having a clone solved the problem of losing contact with the real world when performing tasks, but after actual operation, he discovered that the benefits were not limited to this. The main body, clones and shared system space were directly constructed in the real world and the small world where the clone was located. A space-time channel, that is to say, he can enter and exit the small world where the clone is located at any time through the system space, and the system space has an augmented reality component and can be projected into a cross-border villa.

After a period of time, the problem of capital entry was solved, and he bought a piece of land to "build" a villa on the beach. On the left is his home in the real world, and on the right is his home in the film and television world. There is only a "door" in the middle.

Well, does this count as red flags staying at home and colorful flags fluttering outside?

"Want something exciting?"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Suosuo raised his head and looked at him in horror and confusion. What is excitement? It would definitely be good for him, but for her... it would most likely not be comfortable.

Bang bang bang...

Lin Yue clapped his hands, and crisp applause echoed in the room.

Soon, with the sound of the door opening, the sliding door leading to the double balcony opened from the outside, and two women wearing sexy pajamas walked in.

"Nan Sun?"

"Aunt Daisy?"

Seeing the two of them, Zhu Suosuo's face turned red first, and then turned white to the point of losing all color.

She didn't expect that Jiang Nansun, who was so ambitious, would... succumb to the power of this bastard just like her. And it seemed that the aunt and nephew had fully accepted such roles.

What will she face next? Just thinking about it makes me feel embarrassed, wishing I could turn into a cat and hide under the bed.

Lin Yue looked at Zhu Suosuo kneeling in front of him with a smile.

"The happiness of rich people is so vulgar."

PS: Shhh~ let’s get it done~

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