Rise of Rurik

Chapter 659 Cleaning

If tonight was a simple celebration feast, Rurik just had to worry about all the generals of the regular army of the Russ Principality coming to eat a feast of barbecued meat and spirits.

Usky and Tory, the two local estate owners, were fortunate enough to be at the feast precisely because they provided Rurik with a list—a list of purges.

There are twenty manors living by the lake. The leader of the pine needle manor, Vadim, set off a great rebellion. His whereabouts may have been buried or he may have fled, and his life and death have not been paid much attention to. What he cares about is the attitude of the other seventeen manors to the rebellion. Five of the seventeen manors sent troops to directly participate in the rebellion. What about the remaining twelve? I'm afraid they just simply didn't have time to send troops!

Usky and Tolly, at this moment, they have no regard for other manor owners. In order to flatter Duke Ross, they selected five of the seventeen manor main forces. In fact, it was the five who sent troops to the war, just because the two It was learned that when Vadim declared war on Rus, the five estates were particularly enthusiastic about war mobilization. As for the others, most of them are hesitant. They don't seem to think that this is death. They grasp the reality and escape, and they have achieved the glory of victory today.

They came up with their names, and Rurik himself found a wooden board, and a knife chiseled the names of the killers in Roman letters.

As a monarch, Rurik even wanted to purge all the local nobles in the area around the lake, leaving only the vast majority of the people for easier management. After all, even if they choose to resist, they must have a leader with appeal.

Purging the local nobles and replacing them with their own cronies was the norm in ancient times.

But put yourself in the shoes and think about it, how can you manage the huge lakeside fields by sweeping away the local nobles? The locals have formed a fairly stable agro-ecological structure, forming manors one by one, and they really kill the family of the manor owners. I am afraid that the subsequent collection of taxes will become a big problem. Temporarily, these local nobles still have the use value of improper abolition.

It is still a good idea to produce the first evil and liquidate the embarrassed as a traitor.

Rurik deliberately stayed in the occupied pine needle manor and waited. During this waiting period, the huge manor ushered in a vigorous demolition operation.

Pine Needle Manor will cease to exist! This is the harshest punishment for a rebel.

No, many wooden beams of the house were demolished, and an astonishing number of beams became a very special and important trophy, which was divided up by the manor of the three hardcore "conglong" manors.

Calf and Fisherman's Manor, their homes are all on the other side of the Great Lake. If you don't have the help of the Russ boats, you really can't bring the spoils back to your home quickly. Simply, they began to build a brand new wooden house on the spot,

Each guards the 5% share of the farmland spoils that they have just been allocated.

And at White Tree Manor, the bare-armed men have the right to directly borrow the Ross ships and bring the timber home wantonly.

They had to do this with some effort, simply because Lord Rurik had ordered the immediate implementation of a policy—basically in the style of New Roseburg, to build a circular wall with towers outside Whitetree Manor.

White Tree Manor will also get a new name, and the so-called vague concept of Novgorod is completely determined.

The heart of the city lies on the Volkhov River, with the massive Lake Ilmen not far to the south.

Novgorod should be like this, and her urban construction location is also very consistent with the historical process.

Loot Wood Beams allow for faster construction of walls and towers. Novgorod will be used as a residence and a military barracks. She will definitely expand and truly become the political, economic and military center of this lake area. The most important thing is to become the land of fish and rice in the real sense of the Principality of Rus.

No, the Rus conquistadors were already cruising on the lake in traditional long boats, the fishing line was thrown, and the people on the boat started fishing.

Even those sailing destroyers, who were ordered to carry large trawl nets woven with hemp ropes, threw them into the lake to roam around, wantonly plundering the local bass, pollock and mandarin fish. The general water depth of Lake Ilmen is only ten meters, the bottom of the lake is quite flat lake mud, and there is almost no decayed wood. Under such hydrological conditions, Ross's ships could not have any sonar equipment, and their trawl nets seemed to swept the water aimlessly, but it was actually a sweep of fish.

The ship started fishing in the morning. In the afternoon, a group of people who laughed like big fools drove the boat to the shore of the lake. The number of catches in the net pockets reflected the silvery white luster. .

The Slavs on the shore never thought that the Great Lakes would have such a fertile output! In fact, almost none of the Slavs serving in the Principality of Rus have ever seen trawling, a technique that is normalized in Northern Europe. They are so rare and envious that they blame their own ethnic groups who have been guarding the Great Lake for hundreds of years, even fishing. Want to teach outsiders?

The ruins of the Pine Needle Manor are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The roofs of the houses that have been evacuated have been demolished, and a lot of thatch and broken wood have a home for fuel.

The Ross army savagely grilled and caught fish, and then had the salty wheat porridge cooked in this clay pot. Life is really good.

Let's take a look at the wheat fields by the lake! This year, all the farmland left by Pine Needle Manor is owned by the Principality of Ross. Even if Lord Rurik claims that the wheat produced is owned by the Principality (actually equivalent to his property), the general public can still use the money at the old price for the harsh winter. buy it.

It was Duke Rurik who brought victory to everyone. What he planned must be wise and profound. Mortals should not question the decision of the Son of God, and everyone would be self-disciplined and ignored, but were busy enjoying and even exchanging trophies with their companions.

Will the army stay here for a long time? Is the crusade to conquer the Karelians finally about to begin?

Presumably the Duke has entertained all the manor owners in the lakeside area, and a new expedition has begun.

To entertain a group of "VIPs", Rurik is setting up an open-air venue.

banquet? Pooh! It was clearly a feast of Hongmen, but Rurik would never be the hesitant overlord of Chu.

The venue he selected was the largest courtyard of the residence of Borudne, the old leader of Pine Needle Manor.

It was here that Otto was assassinated and narrowly escaped.

Borudne himself was assassinated here by his own son Vadim.

Since it is unlucky here, let the five rebels die together!

There are a hundred knife and axemen lying in ambush outside the wooden wall, and they all kill when they hear the sound of the horn.

The plan was well underway. Those manor owners who were completely unaware of the situation of the Hongmen Banquet could only bring a few followers with them and drifted in canoes to the defeated Pine Needle Manor under realistic pressure.

Wouldn't the Russ really kill the huge manor as the messenger said?

Many manor owners have illusions, but when they see Varyag boats wandering around on the lake, their inner illusions collapse. When they landed again, an absurd question emerged in front of their eyes - what about the huge pine needle manor?

Numerous buildings have been demolished, and there are wandering Varyags everywhere.

All the manor owners who landed were closely searched by heavily armored Ross soldiers armed to the teeth, and all the knives, including the meat-cutting knives, were confiscated. The soldiers only allowed the manor owner to meet him, and the entourage was driven to a wooden house that had not yet been demolished.

Those manor owners seem to have had contact, and they all arrived at the Pine Needle Manor by boat around noon on the last day of the agreement. When all their personnel are ready, it will be evening.

The owners of the manor were unarmed, and they were collectively driven to a house, like a flock of sheep locked in a sheepfold. Some people are complaining, some people are shouting. The gnashing Ross warriors came over, swearing Norse swearing, fiddling with the axe in their hands, forcing them all to shut up with a hideous expression.

Arik walked into the temporary residence of Rurik and Otto in high spirits, and the sound of footsteps woke the dozing people.

"Have they finally arrived?" Rurik, who was stroking Svetlana's nap, opened his eyes and asked.

"It just so happened that I was explaining this to you. Brother, the knife should see blood."

"Okay! Let them all see what happens to the traitor!"

His son became a fierce man, and Otto was most satisfied with such Rurik. He stood up and said nothing, determined to take a good look at his son's methods with these old eyes.

Rurik, Duke of Ross, with his wife Svetlana, Otto the old Duke, Carlotta, Duchess of Ostara, Aric, captain of the first flag, Hellafide, captain of the third flag, and Medvedt, captain of the Slavic flag , Master Archer Fraser.

The calf, the fisherman, and the white tree are the owners of the three manors.

Even Rurik's young close comrades-in-arms.

This group of noble people all participated in this open-air feast, and there was a leather cushion on the ground, and there was nothing wrong with sitting there. As for the big meal of the banquet, it is a selected calf. At this moment, the skinned, boneless and washed calf is roasting on the fire, and it will take some time for it to be fully cooked.

Rurik sat in the most honorable place, and the rest waited on either side of the seat. Some of the leather pads in the distance were empty, and there were about to be filled with all the seventeen manors who arrived later.

People are all vigilant and sit still, because in a short while, a big drama will be staged here first.

In this banquet chief, there were more than fifty guards with weapons and guards. They stood against the wooden wall with halberds, and one hundred knife and axemen were separated from them by a wooden wall. Grund is like a tool man, his steel sword is like a monster that wants to drink blood, and his ears listen to the small voice, just begging that Rurik's order has just been issued, and a hundred brothers rushed in and rushed to kill him.

No, Rurik clapped his hands: "Someone! Invite all the guests in!"

Finally, the seventeen local manor owners who were locked up in the increasingly dimly lit buildings finally left the place where they were restrained. Keep wearing it.

Before they entered the venue, they had to walk a single way under the onlookers of thousands of Varyag warriors. They endured their fear and finally entered the venue and sat on leather cushions according to the requirements of the Rus.

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Rurik took a look at them first. Five of them will be executed. Which five lucky manor owners are they?

Might as well, you can catch up with them first.

Rurik stood up and said in his rapidly changing voice: "Masters of the manor, the rebel Vadim has died, and the entire people of Pine Needle Manor have been killed by me, and soon, this manor will be demolished , the house becomes farmland, as if the Pine Needle Manor never existed.”

Hearing these words, the newly visited manor owners contorted their faces and shivered. Is this young brat really the new leader of the Rus? The eyebrows really resembled the old Otto sitting next to him, but this brat's vicious methods were a hundred times better than his father's, and he actually explained this terrible killing fact in the calmest words.

Seeing that the faces of these people were all stunned, Rurik deliberately said: "I heard that many of you support the rebellion, and the reason why I didn't see you in the war was simply because you acted too slowly. "

This remark already had obvious killing intent, and a wise person hurriedly stood up: "My lord! We dare not rebel, we are all the damned father-killer Vadim, who said that we will kill all of us if we don't! I The farms have a population of less than a thousand people, and they would easily kill them. Your lord! How dare we rebel against the great Ross?"

"Really? What's your name?"

"Dravislav Sokoslavic, the owner of Greengrass Creek Farm."

This name, Rurik remembered that it appeared on the list, and he would not have heard it wrong. So after thinking about this person's remarks again, isn't it a sophistry throughout the article.

He asked him to sit down, and if he heard what other people had to say, even if there was grievance, he would say it now.

This order, let's see that these seventeen people are all saying that they are all under the coercion of Vadim, but they are rushing to say that they have no objection.

"Be quiet! There are traitors among you!"

Having said that, Rurik took out the board and gave a wink to a guard with a horn on his chest.

The horn is sounded! There was a commotion outside the wooden wall, and Grund rushed in with a hundred knife and axemen. At this moment, Arik, Hellafield and others also drew their swords one after another, their eyes solemn and murderous all over their bodies.

The intruding knife and axemen were ordered to keep quiet, and only Rurik continued his words.

Rurik ordered the terrified seventeen people to report their names one by one, and as long as it matched the human life engraved on his wooden board, he ordered his subordinates to take them aside.

As a result, all five estate owners who were clearly involved in the rebellion were arrested. The five people were immediately tied with ropes, like a hairy crab, and then pressed to the ground so that they could only struggle to a limited extent, and they looked like fat sheep to be slaughtered.

In this situation, the other twelve manor owners were dumbfounded. They wanted to avoid, but were trapped in the wall by the Ross warriors who constituted the shield wall.

Rurik continued to roar in Slavic language: "The five of you who participated in the rebellion are traitors to the great principality. The evidence of the rebellion is conclusive. Today is your day of death! Come on, execute!"

Who would have guessed that going to a banquet is a death sentence? None of these seventeen people had such a psychological estimate. They all felt that they could only show their sincerity by coming in person.

Even though that Dravislav claimed that he was being coerced and did not want to be an enemy of Ross at all, his head was chopped off by a warrior with a big axe, and his entire head was raised in public.

All five were beheaded, and the soldiers held their heads high to show the fate of the rebels.

The twelve people shivered when they saw it, and more than one was so frightened that they diapered their pants.

"Forgive me? Yes! Did you see what happened to the rebels?"

They said yes one after another.

"Actually, I know that if you act faster, you will join the team against our Ross Army. Mine is fair, and the people who were killed are undocumented and sent troops to fight. You people didn't do this. I like the fact that you did not participate in the rebellion, and you avoided death by dawdling smartly. You have also seen that this is the end of the rebels, I hope you do it yourself, otherwise it will become a ruin like Pine Needle Manor! "

They didn't know what to say, and some people even fainted because of extreme panic and sudden relaxation.

This is a grand banquet, when all the traitor leaders who died were executed, and the traitor's blood was sprinkled on the banquet hall.

The fate of the rebels is to be beheaded in public! This is very consistent with the customary law of the Rus people for hundreds of years, and it is also understood and accepted by the local Slavs.

The corpse was pulled away, and the severed head was thrown out. The blood-stained ground was temporarily sprinkled with some ashes to cover it. After a short while, the roasted whole cow with hard vegetables was placed on a trolley and pushed into the banquet scene.

At this time, Rurik gave another order, and all the knife and axemen on the scene withdrew, and even the fifty guards with halberds withdrew.

Otto witnessed his son Rurik's neat execution of the rebels, and when he was happy, he stood up to announce the start of the feast, and a group of people shared the roasted calf...

The confiscated daggers were returned by the Ross people, and the twelve manor owners who were frightened looked at the roast beef in the glass plate and ignored the preciousness of the glass plate.

They dared not eat it for a long time, and their minds were full of the killings just now. Looking at those Russ people who ate beef, they were simply monsters! They are the worthy owners of this lake area.

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