Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1822 Shouting

Under the urging and command of Xu Hai and General Wang, the Japanese pirates disguised as Ming troops entered the city at a much faster pace.

In just half a cup of tea, more than 400 people entered, and the number of Japanese pirates in the city reached more than 800.

However, no matter how fast they advance, they are not as fast as the Zhejiang army. In the words of the defenders on the city, the Zhejiang army is running desperately.

They were really running for their lives. The Japanese pirates behind them had been thrown back for more than ten miles, and the Zhejiang army was still galloping wildly.

The most forward Zhejiang cavalry, the horses under them, had been beaten with blood on their buttocks for a long time.

"I'm sorry, brother. For the sake of the hundreds of thousands of people in the city, please bear with me a little longer and be quicker. After the war, I will treat you as an ancestor and support you. I will feed you fine grains, drink light salt water, and comb you regularly. "

The forward cavalryman of the Zhejiang Army apologized to the horse beneath him, and at the same time swung his riding whip to hit the horse's buttocks to speed up.

At the same time, they were shouting loudly, "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! Japanese pirates are entering the city from the east gate!"

While riding fast, he yelled until his voice became hoarse, but even though he was hoarse and his voice was broken, he still shouted at the top of his lungs.

Zhu Ping'an did the same, speeding up his horse and shouting loudly.

Due to things like going to Beijing to take the exam, Zhu Ping'an rode a lot, and his riding skills were generally pretty good. He didn't go to the front of the first echelon, but he was still in the second echelon. He was wearing a cotton armor that symbolized his status, and inside it was a gift from Li Shu. Soft armor, this is already the third set of soft armor given by Li Shu. I don’t know where Li Shu got this set of soft armor, and I don’t know what material it is made of. It is softer and more portable than gold silk soft armor, and has good defense. The strength is also better than that of soft gold silk armor, and it has a certain degree of protection against firearms.

With this set of soft armor and a cotton armor on his body, and with Liu Dadao and others closely protecting him, Zhu Ping'an felt that as long as he didn't commit suicide, his life would basically be safe. Guaranteed.

We rode quickly all the way to the east gate.

Seeing from a distance that there was still a long queue outside the east gate but not entering the city, Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the number of Japanese pirates who entered the city was less than a thousand at most, so there was still room for recovery.

"Drive, pass my command, unify the rhythm, and follow me in shouting." Zhu Pingan waved his whip and said to Liu Dadao and others.

"Okay, sir." Liu Dadao and others rode up and down their horses and passed on Zhu Ping'an's command.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhu Pingan, the Zhejiang Army's shouts became uniform and unified, exerting the effect of one plus one being greater than two. The crowd's voice was louder, spread farther and clearer.

"General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! Japanese pirates are entering the city from the east gate!"

"General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! Japanese pirates are entering the city from the east gate!"

The neat shouting over and over again gradually spread to the walls of Suzhou and reached the ears of everyone above and below the east gate.

The soldiers with sharp ears were the first to hear clearly. When they heard it, they couldn't help but gasped, opened their mouths in shock, and shouted "Ah". They couldn't believe their ears.

"What's wrong? He looks like his dead uncle?!" The people around him couldn't help laughing when they saw his frightened look.

"It's worse than my uncle's death. The Zhejiang army seems to be shouting, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! There are Japanese pirates entering the city from the east gate!'"

The soldier with sharp ears said to the people around him with a sad face.

"What? Are you saying that the Zhejiang army is shouting, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! Japanese pirates are entering the city from the east gate!'?! Don't be kidding! This is not a good joke! If General Wang hears it, you arrange for him to surrender to the enemy, Watch out if he twists your neck off!"

"You have donkey hair stuffed in your ears. How did you hear that?! General Wang has surrendered to the enemy?! Fart, General Wang went out of the city to pursue the Japanese pirates. He returned with a great victory, captured 800 Japanese pirates prisoners, and seized ten large vehicles, armors, and weapons. We have seen this with our own eyes, so stop talking nonsense and let General Wang hear it, and you will be rewarded!"

"Get out of here, what time is it? You're still joking!"

When the people around heard what General Erjian said, they all laughed and cursed, feeling that General Erjian was joking.

However, this tough guy doesn’t even look at what time it is, is it time to make a joke? What a scold!

"I'm really not kidding! I wish I had heard it wrong. But the fact is this. I heard it several times, and the Zhejiang army shouted, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and there are Japanese pirates entering the city from the east gate.' , not a word bad.”

The soldier with sharp ears spread his hands with tears in his eyes, shook his head repeatedly, and explained to the people around him with a sad face.

"You kid, you're getting more and more enthusiastic with your talk?! You're even acting out. Stop it now. I don't have time to fool around with you now!"

The people around him couldn't help but cursed.

"I'm really not kidding. Listen, it's becoming clearer and clearer. The Zhejiang army is really shouting, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and there are Japanese pirates entering the city from the east gate'!" The sharp-eared soldier almost burst into tears and pointed. The Zhejiang Army, which was rushing towards us in the distance, said to the people around them, urging, "Commander, boss, report it to the superiors quickly. This is not a trivial matter. If what the Zhejiang Army shouted is true, it is a big deal. ."

"You kid..." The corporal commander paused in the middle of the scolding, because he seemed to vaguely hear something about surrendering to the enemy, or Japanese pirates. Although he couldn't hear clearly, these words should be correct.

Could it be that what Tianhou said is true? The Zhejiang Army is really shouting, ‘General Wang has surrendered to the enemy! "Japanese pirates" entering the city from the east gate? !

Thinking of this, the corporal commander couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and his heart was beating loudly. Looking at the people around him, several people with notoriously good hearing suddenly turned pale. They must have heard something vaguely. The Zhejiang Army’s message came out.

Damn it!

What a disaster! If the Zhejiang Army's slogan is true and General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, that would be terrible! General Wang has entered the city, and seven to eight hundred people with him have also entered. If they are Japanese pirates, wouldn't the city gate be in danger? !

The corps commander suddenly started to sweat like rain, and his heart felt as if a big stone had been tied to it, and it suddenly plummeted.

"Damn it, I really thought I heard it. The Zhejiang army seemed to be really shouting, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and there are Japanese pirates entering the city from the east gate'!"

"Yes, I heard it too."

Soon, several soldiers with sharp ears confirmed again and again, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to the people around them with pale faces.


The people around him no longer dared to take it as a joke. The first person made a joke. It was impossible for so many people to follow the joke. Everyone started to panic. General Wang had surrendered to the enemy. Is this true? !

Everyone looked at the city. The long queue outside the city was speeding up to enter the city. At least 800 people had already entered.

What if they are Japanese pirates? !

Everyone couldn't help but shudder. The scene was so terrifying that they didn't dare to think about it.

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