Because of Ella's reminder, Milin, who remembered that there was a triumphal ceremony, did not immediately go to the palace for the banquet, but started taking a long detour with his troops.

But it was a pity that because time was a little tight, Milin did not actually go around the city, but only walked around the palace area twice.

Milin, who led twenty fully-armed armored cavalry and mounted a chariot in circles around the palace area, did not cause much of a stir or attract many onlookers.

Those who can live in the palace area are basically rich or noble people.

Even if some people are curious about who is so flamboyant, they just stand on the balcony or window of their own residence and do not come to watch.

But the horse-drawn pavilion occupied by the nobles and senators who also attended the banquet was squeezed by Milin and had to give way to the main road.

"Damn it, where did the country bumpkin come from!" The elders in a pavilion cursed in a low voice when they saw the unfamiliar Milin.

The nobleman in a car next to him who was also squeezed into the pavilion on the roadside immediately reminded his friend:

"Be careful, this is the Cathay man recently."

"Is that him?... A guy who doesn't understand the rules." After being reminded by his friend, the veteran who remembered Milin's identity immediately fell silent, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the armored cavalry lined up in two rows behind Milin's car. On the body.

He looked as if he was afraid that the curse he just uttered would be heard by these soldiers.

It's a pity that the armored cavalry who was a system soldier did not pay attention to the senator's curse on Milin, or even if he heard it, he would not turn the senator into a red target without Milin's order.

Being ignored made the elder feel relieved and angry at the same time, but he could only be angry for a moment.

Although most of the senators also brought many retinues, and in order to show that they attached great importance to this banquet, these retinues also tried their best to wear all kinds of extremely gorgeous equipment.

But the most eye-catching among these retinues seemed so insignificant next to the fully armed armored cavalry.

No, why are you bringing out elite armored cavalry to a banquet? Are you deliberately showing off your martial virtue in front of others? I still want to implement the Praetorian Guards Succession Law!

It's a pity that the invited senators and nobles can only keep these complaints in their hearts.

You would never dare to confront Milin face to face.

They knew very well that Milin, a Cathay man who suddenly appeared, was regarded by Her Majesty the Queen as the basis for reopening the Senate.

Didn’t you see that the stingy woman even gave away the mansion that once belonged to Lu Song?

If she showed any impoliteness to this Cathay man at this time, then Her Majesty the Queen would definitely be willing to do something to show this Cathay man that she valued him.

When the few elders and nobles who did not care about this because of their noble status planned to complain directly to Her Majesty the Queen, they found Her Majesty the Queen's adopted son Pahlavi waiting at the entrance of the palace early.

And when he saw Milin, Pahlavi, who had a cold expression and no one wanted to talk to him, immediately greeted him with enthusiasm.

Only then did these elders and nobles remember that this banquet seemed to be just a foil.

Pahlavi, who ignored these clowns, glanced at the flag standing on the chariot strangely, but he didn't pay much attention to it and exchanged a few polite words with Milin with a doubtful tone.

"Where is your apprentice?"

"I left it at home. I didn't bring it here." Milin, who realized that Pahlavi's enthusiasm was not fake, and that most of his enthusiasm was for Ella, replied in a very casual tone. .

"What about your subordinate?" Pahlavi continued to ask in a casual tone.

"It is difficult for people from the countryside to reach the realm of refinement." Milin, who realized that Pahlavi was asking about Alori's whereabouts, replied.

It is normal for Pahlavi to pay attention to Alori. The city gate has not been repaired yet.

"In fact, His Majesty has never asked about his origin." Pahlavi said immediately.

"She didn't want to come here." Milin responded with a formulaic smile.

"Oh, that's it." Pahlavi, who didn't ask any more questions, guided Milin and Ella into the palace.

When he entered the palace, Milin noticed that there were several guests wearing robes and hoods in the main hall where a bunch of busts of emperors of the empire were displayed.

Temple guards would actually attend such a banquet? Milin looked at Pahlavi strangely.

Seemingly noticing Milin's attitude, Pahlavi approached Milin and whispered:

"Be careful later."

After saying that, Pahlavi glanced at Ella, who was following Milin like his female companion, with an invisible aim, and walked away without any explanation.

"Be careful?" Aila asked Milin as she watched groups of people whispering in the palace and throwing glances in this direction from time to time.

"He asked you to be careful," Milin said.

"Me?" Ella asked curiously.

"Her Majesty the Queen should know your identity." Milin said

"?? What is my identity?" Aila was stunned for a moment, but then she realized what Milin was talking about and said: "What is my identity as a descendant of the emperor?"

"Is there any other identity that would allow Her Majesty the Queen to target you?" Milin smiled.

"How did she find out?" Ella, who never took her identity seriously, asked curiously.

Ella, who is also a Greek, has long been accustomed to conspiracies such as palace assassinations. She is just surprised that her identity was discovered when.

"...It seems that the temple is not monolithic." Milin looked at the temple guards who were hiding their faces and there were no nobles around them.

Even through the hood, the other party did not turn his attention away, and Milin also noticed the suppressed hatred in the other party's heart.

Lunzi, wasn't it just a trick on you? Why did you take such a big step towards the dark side?

Ella was slightly shocked when she heard that her identity was actually the queen revealed to her by the temple guards.

Even though Ella can lead the army in battle and work overtime 996 times a day, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, she is considered to be the lowest level under Milin.

After beating Attila a few times in the name of stretching his muscles, Ella felt that it would be better for her to focus on logistics.

Sensing Ella's worry, Milin held Ella's hand in a very gentlemanly but not Roman gesture.

Feeling a chill spread from Milin's palm to her body and clinging tightly to key parts of her body, Ella immediately asked:

"What's this?"

"Silver Scale Breastplate"

At the same time, the armored cavalry who escorted Milin to the palace and returned to the mansion without stopping stood neatly in front of Alori.

"According to the plan, we will act when it gets dark." Alori took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, then raised his head to look at the sky and put on his helmet and ordered.

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