Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 99 My whole family is a humanoid demon

Her fiancé suddenly changed from a cowardly coward to a brave young hero, Clytemnestra said with a pleased smile.

"Dear Tantalus, my father Tyndareus is actually very dissatisfied with you. If you can work with my brothers to save my father's favorite daughter Helen, my father will definitely change his mind and appreciate you as his son-in-law, so I am willing to support your actions. Now we go to the palace and ask my father to let you lead an army to expedition to the city of Athens."

Luo Yin shook his head and said without hesitation.

"Leading a large army to the city of Athens will definitely waste a lot of time along the way. I have to save Helen alone. Clytemnestra, just stay in Sparta and wait for my good news!"

After saying that, Luo Yin walked towards the stables of the palace.

When Luo Yin led a horse to the palace courtyard, Clytemnestra walked to Luo Yin and said with a serious expression.

"Tantaros! If you are lucky enough to successfully rescue Helen, I will ask my father to hold a wedding for us."


Just as Luo Ying was about to agree, he realized that this world was not a false mission world. Clytemnestra was a real human being - the incarnation of the sea goddess in the Aetolia region.

Although she was Luo Yin's fiancée Inphigenia in the past - or in the future, and now she is Luo Yin's fiancée Clytemnestra - Luo Yin has never really thought about marrying her. .

Looking at Clytemnestra with some guilt, Luo Yin got on his horse and said.

"Clytemnestra, we can officially get married after I rescue Helen!"

After saying that, Luo Yin rode out of his palace and let the carefully selected horse gallop out of the city of Sparta.

Clytemnestra walked outside the palace gate, looked at Luo Yin's retreating figure, and couldn't help but frown and said.

"Is it my imagination? I always feel like my fiancé is deliberately alienating me... In order to get my father's protection, hasn't he always wanted to marry me as soon as possible?"

Luo Yin did not hear Clytemnestra's soliloquy.

Riding his horse to the outside of Sparta, Luo Yin checked his body's condition and found that as he moved to the new timeline, three-sevenths of the light godhead in his body was unlocked, and the divine power he could use also increased dramatically. Half done.

"With my current divine power, I can survive even if I fight Zeus in the Peloponnese Peninsula. Since I don't have to worry about Zeus, let's go to Mycenae to visit Sister Philopia before heading to the Kingdom of Athens. Bar!"

Luo Yin, one man and one horse, soon entered the mountains of Arcadia from Sparta, and then passed through Arcadia and entered the plains of Argos.


This great city was not only the strongest city-state in the Argos region, but also the center of worship of Zeus.

The King of Mycenae was a great king who ruled over the entire Argos region and also served as high priest of Zeus.

The current king of Mycenae is Eurystheus, the great-grandson of Perseus and cousin of Hercules.

Eurystheus was a frail and premature baby, and he only had one daughter, Artemeta. So now that Eurystheus is still alive, many relatives are eyeing the throne of Mycenae after Eurystheus's death. .

Atreus and Thyestes are the uncles of Eurystheus. They are the most powerful contenders for the throne of Mycenae because they really hope to become the next king of Mycenae, so the relationship between them is The competition is also the cruelest.

His younger brother Thyestes hooked up with the wife of his older brother Atreus. His older brother Atreus expelled the younger brother who had been dependent on each other and forcibly married his younger brother's daughter, his niece.

Luo Yin came to the city of Mycenae, and after asking the local residents for directions, he successfully arrived at Atreus's palace next to the royal palace.

Palace hall.

Upon learning of Luo Yin's arrival, Atreus, his current wife Philopia, and his three sons Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Aegisthus came to the hall to greet him. The arrival of Luo Yin.

Atreus is a middle-aged blond man with a face and figure very similar to Agamemnon during the Trojan War.

After Luo Yin entered the hall under the guidance of the maid, Atreus enthusiastically hugged Luo Yin and said.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you have grown up to be a boy like Agamemnon. Dear Tantalus, I heard that you have been hiding in Sparta because you are afraid of me. I am your uncle , and the husband of your sister Philopia, how could I have the idea of ​​harming you because of the conflict between me and your father Thyestes? You can come back with confidence and rule Tiryns in your father's place? City. If you were not the prince who ruled the city of Tiryns, King Tyndareus of Sparta would definitely not marry Princess Clytemnestra to you."

Luo Yin nodded and said.

"I also don't like living in Sparta, so I will return to Tiryns soon."

After Atreus left Luo Yin, Philopia rushed over and hugged Luo Yin and said.

"Dear brother, my sister finally sees you again."

Philopia said with tears of joy.

"It gives me great joy to see you grow from child to youth. This is my son Aegisthus, who is both your nephew and your cousin."

After Philopia introduced Aegisthus, who was only ten years old and full of curiosity, to Luo Yin, Luo Yin looked at Philopia with pity.

Philopia had always thought that Aegisthus' father was her husband Atreus - or some unknown man.

But Luo Yin knew that the second man in Philopia's life was none other than her father Thyestes.

Because of Thyestes' sin, Thyestes, Philopia, and their son Aegisthus all became humanoid demons that were hated by gods and humans.

And these three humanoid monsters happened to be Luo Yin's entire family.

After Luo Yin touched Aegisthus' head with his right hand, the young Agamemnon brought Menelaus, who was about thirteen years old, to Luo Yin, with a joking smile on his face and teased.

"Tantaros, I heard that you see the beautiful Spartan princess Clytemnestra and Helen every day in the city of Sparta. Is Helen really as beautiful as a goddess? Your fiancée Clytemnestra Is Tennestra as beautiful as Helen? Can you introduce her to me?”

"When I take Clytemnestra back to Tiryns, you will have a chance to see her."

After responding to Agamemnon, Luo Yin turned to Philopia and said.

"Sister Philopia, now I am going to the Kingdom of Athens to save Helen, who was snatched away by King Theseus of Athens. Today I just stopped by to visit you and Aegisthus, and then I will continue on my way. "

"We just met and you want to leave again?"

Philopia showed a disappointed expression, and Atreus immediately said to Luo Yin.

"Tantaros! King Eurystheus of Mycenae has always wanted to attack the city of Athens and complete the great deeds that his ancestor Perseus failed to complete. I can go to the palace to convince Eurystheus to send an army Attack the city of Athens and help you recapture Princess Helen."

In the past, Perseus had attacked the city of Athens, hoping to conquer the Attica region and make Metis, the goddess of wisdom who guarded the city of Athens, surrender to Zeus.

Unfortunately, this war of conquest ultimately failed, and Perseus could only make up the story of killing the Gorgon Medusa, and then conquering Ethiopia as his achievement in inheriting the throne.

Luo Yin would deny that Memnon is the son of Eos, the goddess of the dawn, because in mythology, the rulers of Ethiopia have always been the descendants of Perseus, the descendants of Zeus.

If the character of Memnon is admitted to be real, the premise must be that Eos, the goddess of dawn, has killed Zeus, so Memnon can kill the descendants of Zeus and seize the throne of the Kingdom of Ethiopia.

Hearing Atreus' suggestion, Luo Yin shook his head and said.

"I want to save sister Helen as quickly as possible, so I have to save Helen alone."

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