Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 97 There is no system in the real world

The torrent of water rushed towards the city of Troy like a giant snake, avoiding the fighting Greek coalition soldiers and Trojan soldiers under the control of Thetis.

"This is the work of Thetis—"

Pallas Athena saw the torrent serpent and said with a faint smile while fighting Hera.

"He is really a sinful man, and he was able to let Thetis declare war on Zeus for him. Hera! It seems that you, Thetis, and Aphrodite all know his secret. Only I am interested in his secret." It’s so unfair that we don’t know our true identity.”

"Is this why you hinder me?"

"If I don't get it, destroy him—this is a good choice!"

"Because of your personality, I believe that you are a more dangerous and troublesome enemy than Thetis and Aphrodite."

"When you say you treat me as an enemy, do you treat me as a literal enemy, or do you treat me as a love rival? Although it is a bit unbelievable, does it mean that I, who made a sacred oath to become a virgin, have something to do with that man?"

"You don't have to know the truth."

The other side of the battlefield.

Zeus originally had a relaxed confrontation with Apollo, but when he saw the torrent of giant snakes controlled by Thetis rushing towards the city of Troy, Zeus immediately widened his eyes angrily, and said with a flash of lightning erupting from his body.

"Apollo, stop our war for now! Now I am going to deal with a bigger enemy. As long as you accept my proposal, I will consider giving up the Trojan War and let Troy City continue to dominate the Eastern Aegean Sea. ”

"I reject!"

Apollo refused without hesitation.

"Zeus, even if you really keep your promise and give up this war now, you will still come back to destroy me and the city of Troy in the future. Since this Trojan War was initiated by you, now you will die with me, and we will welcome our demise together. Bar!"

After speaking, Apollo burst out with more powerful divine power to attack Zeus.

"Stupid Apollo, why do you want to die with me?"

After Zeus said angrily, he released golden thunder with both hands to attack Apollo's body.

Under the influence of Zeus, Agamemnon raised a spear and hurled it at Hector's body.

Hector exploded with all his strength at this time, and could only barely fight to a tie with Ajax.

The spear thrown by Agamemnon struck, and Hector was unable to dodge it.


Agamemnon's spear pierced Hector's body.

Apollo, who was guarding Hector, was also hit by two golden thunderbolts from Zeus and fell from the air to the ground.

After taking a look at Hector and Apollo who were dying on the ground, Zeus did not continue to attack Apollo, but flew towards the city of Troy at great speed.

Unfortunately, Zeus was a step too late.


The torrent snake circled around Luoyin and slammed Poseidon's body against the gate of Troyin City.

Seeing that Poseidon's body was unable to move under the impact of the torrent of giant snakes, Luo Yin didn't have time to think too much, and directly swung his divine spear, using the spear blade to penetrate Poseidon's body and the gate of Troyin City.


Poseidon immediately widened his eyes, and the twin boys gradually lost their luster.

With the death of Poseidon, cracks began to appear on the walls of Troy, centered on the city gate pierced by the blade of the divine spear.

Finally, with a loud bang, the entire west wall of Troy City collapsed and turned into ruins.


Seeing Luo Yin really kill Poseidon and destroy the city wall of Troy, Zeus let out an extremely angry roar and turned into a golden ball of thunder and lightning and rushed towards Luo Yin.

Just when the golden ball of thunder and lightning was about to hit Luo Yin's body, the torrent giant snake suddenly transformed into the ten-meter-tall Thetis, protecting Luo Yin behind it.

There was a muffled bang!

Thetis blocked the golden thunder ball with her hands made of sea water, then turned to Luo Yin and said.

"My dear, I can only temporarily block Zeus. You can run away quickly."

"Thetis, let me help you deal with Zeus."

Luo Yin waved his divine spear and was about to attack the golden thunder ball transformed by Zeus——

Suddenly, everything around him stopped, as if time had been paused.

Only then did Luo Yin realize that he had completed his mission and could now leave this world.

"System! Let me resume action quickly. I can't leave this world yet."

Luo Yin called out to the system loudly in his heart, but unfortunately no so-called system came out to respond to Luo Yin.

"From the first time I opened my eyes, the system has never appeared in front of me. Thetis also told me that the so-called system does not exist - does the system really not exist? This world is not a false mission world. , but...the real world?"

This world is real, and of course the gods and humans in this world are also real.

Thinking that the gentle and beautiful Thetis, Aphrodite, and Circe were all real goddesses, Luo Yin's heart was in chaos.

"No... I can't conclude that the system does not exist, nor can I conclude that this world is real. Maybe the system is just sleeping and did not respond to me immediately. If they are all real goddesses, how should I face it in the future? How do they face their feelings for me?"

Just when Luo Yin's heart was entangled, the space around Luo Yin's body suddenly began to twist and fluctuate.

Luo Yin stared at the changes in the surrounding space with wide eyes, and saw that the whole world fell into absolute darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Yin's body moved into a bright space as the space distorted and fluctuated.

When Luo Yin's consciousness came to his senses, he found that he had been transferred from the Troy Plains to a completely unfamiliar palace.

"I once again - conducted a task transfer?"

Because he witnessed the transfer process while his consciousness was fully awake, Luo Yin had confirmed that the so-called system did not exist.

"Although the system does not exist, which proves that this world is real, I have another more important question - who arranged for me to replace Neoptolemus and Achilles?"

Just when Luo Yin was thinking about a new problem, a beautiful blue-haired girl hurriedly broke into the palace and came to Luo Yin.

Seeing the blue-haired girl's upright and delicate beautiful face, Luo Yin widened his eyes in surprise and said.

"Inphigenia, why are you here? Didn't I transfer to other time and space?"

The blue-haired girl who had already arrived in front of Luo Yin said with a dissatisfied face.

"Dear, do you still remember my identity?"

Luo Yin immediately nodded and said.

"You are my beautiful and lovely fiancée."

Hearing Luo Yin's answer, the blue-haired girl smiled, stretched out her right hand and touched Luo Yin's forehead and said.

"It seems that your brain is not sick, you just simply forgot your fiancée's name. My dear, although my name is a bit long, you shouldn't mistake my name! I don't know who the girl named Inphigenia is. Who, but my name is Clytemnestra, you should remember your fiancée’s name.”

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