Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 92 Cassandra’s licking dog is angry

As the biggest enemy of Troy City, Luo Yin naturally would not stay in Troy City overnight.

After getting the beautiful Cassandra, Luo Yin wanted to take Cassandra, Polyxena, and Polydorus back to the palace on Mount Edda.

Arriving in the courtyard outside the hall, a young prince holding a spear in his right hand and a shield in his left stood in front of Luo Yin. It was Cassandra's suitor Etrymeneus.


Seeing Etrymeneus glaring at Luo Yin angrily, Cassandra hurriedly walked between the two and said.

"Please don't do such a stupid thing, you can't defeat the god-like Achilles."

"Get away!"

Etrymeneus shouted angrily at the goddess Kassandra, whom he loved.

"Cassandra! I participated in this war for you and risked death to fight with the Greeks on the battlefield. But now, your father Priam has given you to Achilles like a gift. , I have received no reward for my efforts so far, and everyone will laugh at me as a stupid Etrymeneus. You have caused me great humiliation, and now I will use my own way to win back the woman I love. "

"Stupid guy!"

Luo Yin pulled Cassandra behind him, looked at Etrymeneus with cold eyes and said.

"Why don't you understand Cassandra's good intentions? She stopped you because she didn't want you to die in vain."

Etrymeneus said with a smile on his face.

"Of course I know that kind-hearted Cassandra is worried about me, because she has a good impression of me in her heart. She is with you now because you, a greedy guy, and Priam are forcing her, so I'm going to defeat you and save Cassandra."

"You idiot, don't make up your own mind and think that someone has a crush on you!"

After hearing what Etrymeneus said, Luo Yin said helplessly.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Cassandra doesn't want you to die just because she feels a little guilty towards you. After all, you got involved in this war just to pursue her. She has never accepted your proposal, which is enough to prove that she I don’t love you at all.”

"Achilles! You think Cassandra doesn't like me because you're just making up your own mind. Cassandra has never refused my proposal, which proves that she wants to marry me, but it's just because of the priest's inconvenience. She cannot agree to my proposal immediately. She will accept my proposal when there is a new priest who can replace her."

Luo Yin rolled his eyes and did not continue to argue with Etrymeneus. He turned to ask Cassandra behind him.

"You don't mind if I kill him, so that you have one less licking dog chasing you in this world!"

Kassandra nodded with a hesitant expression.

"While I'm sorry Etrymeneus, I am your woman and of course I cannot allow other men to challenge my own man."

After hearing Kassandra's answer, Luo Yin showed a satisfied smile and stepped towards Etrymeneus.

Looking at Luo Yin who was gradually approaching him, Etrymeneus said nervously while retreating.

"Achilles, I want to fight you in a fair duel! Now you don't have a weapon or a shield. Don't let me attack you who are unarmed."

"If I kill you, a human, I still need to arm myself?"

Luo Yin stopped, looked at Etrymeneus with cold eyes and sneered.

"Although you challenged me stupidly and unintentionally, considering that you are a poor licking dog, I originally wanted to kill you with my own hands. Now it seems that you are so stupid that you are not worthy of being killed by my own hands."

After speaking, Luo Yin activated the light godhead in his body, and his eyes bloomed with dazzling white-gold divine light that enveloped Etrymeneus' body.

"You really are a god—"

As soon as Etrymeneus opened his eyes wide with an expression of shock and fear, a ball of white-gold sun fire appeared out of thin air and wrapped around his body.

The next moment!

Etrymeneus's body was burned up by the fire of the sun, and he completely disappeared from this world.

Seeing Luo Yin kill Etrymeneus with the fire of the sun, Kassandra and Polyxena's expressions did not change at all. It was obvious that they had already regarded Luo Yin as a real god.

Polydorus was so frightened that he closed his eyes and hid in the arms of his sister Polyxena.

Seeing Polyxena also holding Polydorus in her arms to comfort her younger brother, even though Polydorus was only a ten-year-old child, Luo Yin couldn't help but frown and said.

"Polydorus is already ten years old. Don't pamper him like a child."

After saying that, Luo Yin walked over and pulled Polydorus out of Polyxena's arms.

Mount Edda Palace.

Luo Yin entered the hall with Cassandra, Polyxena, and Polydorus, and saw that Aphrodite had returned and was whispering in a low voice to Thetis, who had a solemn face.

Seeing Luo Yin come back, Aphrodite stood up and threw herself into Luo Yin's arms and said coquettishly.

"My dear, I have sent Artemis to the Temple of Artemis on the Island of Thera to settle down. Should you give me a reward?"

"It was Hera's order to let you settle Artemis. You should go to Hera and ask for the reward, right?"

"Well... I sent Artemis away so that you have one less enemy, so you should also give me a reward."

After saying that, Aphrodite stood up on her tiptoes and began to use her cherry lips to attack Luo Yin continuously.

After receiving all Aphrodite's attacks, Luo Yin frowned and saw Polydorus next to Cassandra and Polyxena looking at him dumbfounded.

"Ask the maids to take Polydorus into the back room and take care of him so that he doesn't see things that children shouldn't see."

"Dear brother-in-law, I am no longer a child."

Amid Polydorus's protests, the palace maid faithfully carried out the order and took Polydorus away.

After Luo Yin sat down next to Thetis and Aphrodite, looking at the two goddesses squeezing their petite bodies in his arms, Luo Yin said with a complicated expression.

"You are really full of nostalgic charm. I am really worried that if I continue to get along with you, I will give up the idea of ​​completing the task as soon as possible and choose to let this war last ten years - because then I can have ten years with you. Get along day and night.”

"It's not ten years!"

Aphrodite said with a bright and sweet smile.

"We are immortal gods with eternal life! When you defeat the final enemy, we can live happily together forever."

Thetis rarely competed with Aphrodite for Luo Yin's favor, so she touched Luo Yin's cheek with her left hand and said.

"My dear, Aphrodite and I are willing to serve you together, let us get your child!"

Luo Yin's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Thetis with confusion.

"You suddenly said this... It's like a very powerful love rival has appeared, giving you a sense of urgent crisis."

Seeing Thetis's silent answer, Luo Yin put his right hand on her blue hair and said while using his head-touching technique.

"I will complete my mission and leave this world as soon as possible, so except for you and Aphrodite, I will not get entangled with other girls. You don't have to worry about new love rivals appearing."

Thetis looked at Luo Yin with eyes full of love and said.

"Even if there is no love rival, I still want to be your wife and give birth to a child for you."

For a moment, Luo Yin was shaken in his heart and wanted to change his mind for Thetis.

But Luo Yin immediately regained consciousness.

If you fall into the tenderness and beauty of Thetis and Aphrodite like Paris, who is obsessed with Helen, what awaits you in the end will be the same tragic fate as Paris.

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