Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 75 This war cannot last ten years

In the first battle of the Trojan War, the Trojans only achieved a small victory by surprise.

Now the Trojans knew that the Greeks were not as strong as they thought, and the Greek coalition also knew that the Trojans were not as weak as they thought.

Because the Greek coalition had a huge advantage in the number of soldiers, after the Greek coalition was prepared for the Trojans' raid, the Trojans no longer took the initiative to go out of the city to launch attacks.

Mount Edda Palace.


When Luo Yin was enjoying breakfast under the service of Thetis, Brodamia, Polyxena, and Chryseins, his nephew Mengsteus came in and said.

"Uncle Achilles! The commander-in-chief Agamemnon has sent a messenger to invite you to attend an important meeting in the coalition camp."

Agamemnon was able to put aside his dignity and take the initiative to invite Luo Yin. It seemed that this was indeed a very important meeting.

Luo Yin drank the fruit wine Thetis fed him, then stood up and said.

"Menstius, come with me to the meeting!"

After saying that, Luo Yin stood up and walked outside.

Looking at Luo Yin's leaving figure, Brodamia couldn't help but say.

"Goddess Thetis! Half of the food we prepared for the master is left. Next-"

"I have no interest in your human food. You three can eat the remaining food!"

Thetis put away the gentle smile she had always maintained when facing Luo Yin, turned around and returned to the bedroom.

Coalition camp.

Agamemnon's barracks.

After Luo Yin brought Menstius in, he found that all the princes except Palamedes had gathered here.

Seeing that Luo Yin had arrived, Agamemnon asked the princes who were whispering to keep quiet, and then said loudly.

"Princes! I invite you here because I want to discuss with you how to attack the city of Troy. Yesterday's battle has made me understand that the soldiers of the Trojans are not inferior to our soldiers at all, and they also have the sea king wave. The great city wall forged by Sedon will protect us. If we attack Troy by force, we will definitely pay a huge sacrifice. In order to reduce our losses, I decided to use the main force of the coalition to besiege Troy, and then let Achilles and Da Ai. Asi led their soldiers to attack the city-states along the Asia Minor peninsula and eliminate the Trojan allies. The Trojans, who have lost their allies to support them with food, will take the initiative to leave Troy and fight us in a decisive battle. "

"We will spend nine years consuming the Trojans' food, and then defeat the Trojans in the tenth year - in other words, this Trojan War will last ten years."

Luo Yin frowned and said with a dissatisfied expression.

"Agamemnon, I object to letting this Trojan War drag on for ten years."

Luo Yin was the first to object to his plan, and Agamemnon teased with a joking smile.

"Achilles, do you miss Deindamia and the son she bore you? I thought you had the beautiful Princess Troy by your side, and you had already forgotten your wife and son on the island of Scylos."

"Agamemnon, have you forgotten your greatest enemy Aegisthus? In the past you killed Aegisthus's father Thyestes and his brother Tantalus, and robbed his sister-in-law Cro Lytemnestra. If the Trojan War drags on for ten years, you won’t have to worry about Aegisthus taking away your city of Mycenae and Clytemnestra, giving you your three daughters. and his younger son Orestes as a father?”

After Agamemnon's expression changed drastically, Luo Yin looked at Odysseus and said.

"Odysseus, you and your wife Penelope have only been married for three years. If the Trojan War drags on for ten years, you won't worry about another man taking your young and beautiful wife away and becoming your son Tellus. Marcos’ stepfather?”

Odysseus said expressionlessly.

"Penelope is a good wife who is loyal to her husband. I believe she will not betray me. But my mother's health has been poor. The Trojan War lasted for ten years. I may not be able to see my mother for the last time, let alone participate in it. Mother’s funeral, so I agree with Achilles that we can’t let this war last ten years.”

Odysseus became his supporter, Luo Yin looked at Diomedes again and said.

"Diomedes! Your loyal wife Aegialea has always wanted to have your child. If the Trojan War lasts for ten years, your loyal wife is afraid that she will have to have children with other men. After all, you You and your wife are both over forty years old. If you return to your hometown in ten years, Aegialea, who is fifty years old, will no longer be able to have children with you. "

"Achilles, how dare you say that my faithful wife would betray me—"

"If you want the Trojan War to last ten years, it's not your wife who betrays you, it's your betrayal of your wife who has always loved you deeply."

After Luo Yin finished speaking, Diomedes was speechless at first, and then said with a complicated expression.

"Our coalition is far stronger than the Trojans. I think even if we sacrifice more soldiers, we should end this war as soon as possible. Menelaus! You don't want Helen to be Paris's wife for ten years! If ten years Only then can you snatch Helen back. I'm afraid there will be two or three children around Helen who have the right to inherit the throne of Sparta but have nothing to do with you. "

Helen was the queen of Sparta, and Menelaus became the king of Sparta as Helen's husband.

In other words, no matter who Helen's husband is, as long as the child born to Helen has the right to inherit the throne of Sparta.

The children of Menelaus and a woman other than Helen did not have the right to inherit the throne of Sparta.

After hearing Diomedes' words, although Menelaus did not want to oppose Agamemnon, he had to stand up and speak.

"Dear brother, I also think that this war should be ended as soon as possible so that I can take back Helen."

Seeing the other princes expressing their approval of Luo Yin silently, Agamemnon said with a helpless smile.

"Just like Zeus cannot go against the collective decision of the gods, I cannot go against the ideas of all of you. Since you all hope to end this war and return to your hometown as soon as possible, let's directly fight the decisive battle with the Trojans!"

Agamemnon wisely gave up his plan, Luo Yin said with a smile.

"Commander Agamemnon, you are right to want Troy to lose its support. Although we cannot attack all of Troy's allies, we can let Ajax destroy those who most support Troy. The three city-states killed the chickens to scare the monkeys, so that other allies of Troy City did not dare to support Troy City. "

Agamemnon nodded and said sarcastically.

"Achilles, you have arranged everything, why not let me, the commander-in-chief, do it for you!"

Although Luo Yin wanted to agree, if Luo Yin became the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, the coalition forces would definitely fall apart and even conflict with each other.

"The commander-in-chief is really stupid! I have already withdrawn from the coalition, and I am not qualified to replace you as the new commander-in-chief."


Agamemnon snorted coldly, glared at Luo Yin with dissatisfaction, then looked at everyone and said.

"Princes! Now let's talk about Palamedes! Palamedes has been close to the Asia Minor god Apollo and his high priest Chryses. I doubt that Palamedes It's possible to betray us."

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