Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 70 Onone’s identity as the principal wife was deposed

When Paris pursued Helen, of course he would not be stupid enough to tell Helen that he already had a wife.

Helen gave up her throne as Queen of Sparta and eloped with Paris not just to be a sidekick suppressed by her head wife.

So Helen didn't know that before Luo Yin told the truth, not only was she a married woman, Paris was also a married man.

Hearing the truth told by Luo Yin at this time, Helen immediately widened her eyes and looked at Paris next to her with disbelief.

"Paris, you really have—"

"Helen, I love you!"

Under the gaze of everyone in the hall, Paris said bravely.

"Onone is indeed my first wife, but you are the woman I love most. From the moment we held our wedding on Klana Island, you were my official wife. Onone's identity has become Side room.”

Oenone did not commit any wrongdoing after her marriage to Paris.

Hearing Paris say that he wanted to abolish Oenone's status as the head wife, all the women in the hall frowned, and even Hector couldn't help but say.

"Paris, you have betrayed your love and marriage to Oenone, and now you want to abolish her status as the head wife?"

Paris said confidently.

"Over the years that I have been married to Onone, she has given birth to neither a son nor a daughter for me. I doubt that she can give birth to a child at all. Helen has given birth to a daughter for her ex-husband, which proves that she can give birth to a child. child, so I have a legitimate reason to make Helen my first wife.”

If Oenone is really a woman who cannot have children, Paris does have enough legitimacy to abolish her status as a head wife.

But in the original fate track, Helen, a woman who could give birth to children, had been married to Paris for ten years, but she did not give birth to a son or daughter for Paris.

I'm afraid it's not Oenone who can't have children, but Paris as a man.

Luo Yin observed Paris and Helen with interest, but did not tell the truth that Paris could not have children.

Oenone has been living in Mount Edda and has almost no contact with members of the Trojan royal family.

Now that Paris wants to abolish Oenone's status as the head wife, naturally no one will stand up to support Oenone.

Paris completely betrayed Oenone for Helen, which is enough to prove that he really loves Helen.

Hector said with a sigh.

"Paris! Since you and Helen are already a loving couple, no matter how dissatisfied I am with you, I will not let you abandon Helen. But you are the fuse of the war that is about to break out. You must follow me like me. The Greeks fought to atone for their actions.”

Paris nodded without hesitation.

"I will fight with my life against the Greeks! If we gain the upper hand on the battlefield, when the Greeks sue for peace, we can ask the Greeks to return Aunt Hesione to us."

"You really underestimate the Greeks."

Hector smiled bitterly, looked at Luo Yin and said.

"Not even the great god Apollo can help us defeat the Greeks as long as the god Achilles is on the side of the Greeks."

Seeing that Paris did not take Hector's words seriously, Helen took the initiative to speak to Paris.

"Dear Paris! You may not have heard of the legend of Achilles. He is a demigod born to the ocean goddess Thetis. When he was born, he was given an immortal body by his goddess mother. He has the power to defeat all demigods. and human divine power. When Achilles was nine years old, the prophet Calchas predicted that he would be the key to destroying the city of Troy. In other words, only if Achilles withdraws from this war will Troy be able to win. It is possible to defeat the Greeks."

"This demigod named Achilles is only about twenty years old and is already a legendary hero. I really want to meet him."

After Paris finished speaking with a smile, Hector looked in Luo Yin's direction and said.

"Paris, you can see Achilles now. He is in this hall, standing with our sister Cassandra."

When Tyndaeres, the former king of Sparta, was choosing a husband for Helen, nine-year-old Achilles was one of Helen's suitors.

Upon hearing Hector's words, Paris and Helen turned around at the same time.

Seeing Luo Yin standing with Cassandra, Helen opened her eyes in surprise and said.

"Is he the grown-up Achilles? He was the one who just told the truth that Paris already has a wife!"

Paris glared at Luo Yin with an annoyed look and said.

"Brother Hector! Since he is our enemy, why is he in our palace? Has he become Cassandra's husband?"

"Achilles can indeed be regarded as our brother-in-law! But he is not Cassandra's man, but Polyxena's man."

Hector told the story of Priam exchanging Polyxena and Loyin for the Telephus family.

Finally said.

"Paris! In order to make Achilles treat Polyxena better, we gave him your Adashan palace. From now on, you can live in the palace of the king!"

"You gave Achilles my palace on Mount Edda, where does Naone live?"

Wouldn't he take away both my palace and my wife?

Although Paris cuckolded Menelaus, he did not like others to cuckold him.

"Brother Paris, you don't have to worry."

Polyxena hurried over and explained.

"Sister Ononee does not live with us. She has returned to the mountain hut where she married you."

"Mountain cabin..."

Thinking of that mountain hut and the happy memories of spending time with Oenone, Paris said with a complicated expression.

"I'm going to bring Oenone back. She should live with me in the palace."

After saying that, Paris immediately turned around and walked outside, with Helen following closely behind Paris.

Looking at Paris and Helen, Luo Yin said with a bright smile.

"I don't want to miss the Shura field where Oenone and Helen met! Polyxena, let's go back too!"

Luo Yin took Polyxena out of the hall, and Cassandra followed closely behind Luo Yin and said.

"I want to go with you."

"When you go to my palace, I will treat you as a maid."

Arriving outside the hall, Luo Yin first carried Polyxena onto Xanthus's horse, then sat behind Polyxena himself, and finally pulled Cassandra onto the horse and let her sit on his behind.

Luoyin was sandwiched between the Trojan princesses Polyxena and Cassandra, and then rode away——

Cassandra's licking dog Etrymeneus stood at the door of the hall, watching the three people leaving, and suddenly smashed the bronze wine cup in his hand to the ground.

Now he can only pray that his goddess Cassandra is a good girl who is pure and self-respecting and will not serve Luo Yin at night.

As for giving up pursuing Cassandra——

This is of course impossible.

Dog-lickers will be dog-lickers because their love for the goddess is unwavering.

Even if the goddess has someone else's child, the licking dog is still willing to be a cheap father to the goddess's child.

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