Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 61 Paris’ Wife Oenone

Of course Luo Yin is someone who does what he says.

So after leaving Agamemnon's barracks, Luo Yin took Polyxena back to his camp and ordered his nephew Menstius to move to Mount Ada with 500 soldiers.

Luo Yin himself drove a chariot pulled by the gods Maxantus and Barius, and took Polyxena and Chryseins to the palace on Mount Edda.

As the chariot drove towards Mount Ida, Polyxena took the initiative to speak to Chryseins who looked uneasy.

"If I remember correctly, you are Chryseines, the daughter of Chryses, the high priest of the god Apollo!"

Chryseins nodded and said.

"I also remember you, you are Princess Polyxena, the daughter of King Priam of Troy and Queen Hecuba. Achilles, a savage and impious man, drove his chariot into the temple of Apollo, You snatched me away from my father and made me his prisoner. I didn’t expect that this unfortunate fate would also fall on you.”

Hearing Chryseins' words, Polyxena couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock.

"Achilles directly snatched you away from the Temple of Apollo? How dare he do such a crazy thing that seriously offends the gods?"

Temples are palaces dedicated to gods by humans.

Everything in the temple, including the priests, belonged to the deity.

Luo Yin directly snatched Chryseins from the Temple of Apollo, which was equivalent to Luo Yin snatching a woman who belonged to Apollo.

Even if Apollo didn't care about Chryseins, he couldn't bear to let Luo Yin take away the woman who belonged to him.

After recovering from the shock, Polyxena said to Luo Yin with a worried expression.

"Achilles! You Greeks may not know how powerful Apollo is, that's why you do things that offend Apollo. Now that you have me, please send Chryseis back to the secret The temple of Apollo in Siène, and then offered sacrifices to pray for God Apollo’s forgiveness——”

"Are you worried that I, an enemy of Troy, will be killed by Apollo?"

Luo Yin interrupted Polluxena and said with a bright smile.

"I have just robbed Chryseins now, and next I will rob Brodamia, the daughter of King Bryses of Llyrnassus."

Polyxena's vision went dark, and she was almost frightened by Luo Yin's arrogance.

"King Briseis is also the priest of the god Apollo, and his daughter Brodamia is also regarded as the future priestess of the god Apollo. If you rob two women who belong to the god Apollo, even if I am not a priest, I know that God Apollo will definitely punish you."

"Even if I don't steal Apollo's priestess, this little mouse Apollo and I will become mortal enemies. Since Apollo and I are mortal enemies, what reason do I have to fear Apollo?"

Chryseins suddenly said at this time.

“If the God of Far-Arrow is angry, his arrows will take away your life.”

"This little mouse sure likes to sneak up on you!"

Luo Yin said with a relaxed smile.

"I am no longer the person I was before. If Apollo dares to challenge me, my anger will burn off the rat hair on his body."

In Troy and surrounding areas, Apollo was a particularly revered god.

Chryseins was the future priestess of Apollo, so she naturally had no doubts about Apollo's power and power.

Although Polyxena did not worship Apollo, she believed that Apollo was the most powerful god.

Luo Yin despised and humiliated Apollo so much that they all believed that Luo Yin would soon be punished by Apollo.

The gods Maxanthus and Balius pulled Luo Yin's chariot and soon came to Mount Ida and stopped outside the palace where Paris and Oenone lived.

Before the Trojan prince Paris was born, his half-brother Aesarchus predicted that he would destroy the city of Troy.

After Paris was born, Queen Hecuba asked her loyal servants to throw Paris to Mount Ida to die.

The loyal servant wisely understood the queen's good intentions and raised Paris as his adopted son, making Paris a shepherd on Mount Ada.

When Paris was young, he was selected by Zeus to be the judge of the three goddesses Pallas Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, responsible for selecting the most beautiful goddess from the three goddesses.

Paris gave Aphrodite the golden apple, symbolizing the most beautiful goddess, and was blessed by Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

With the blessing given by Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Paris, although he was a humble shepherd, married the beautiful Oenone, the daughter of the river god, when he grew up.

Later, Paris participated in a game in Troy. Because Priam's son Deionphobus lost the game and wanted to kill Paris, Priam and Hecuba confronted Paris. To avoid the tragedy of brothers killing each other.

After Paris became a prince, he did not stay in the palace, but chose to return to Mount Ada to accompany his beloved wife Oenone and his favorite herds.

Because of the prophecy that Paris carried when he was born, King Priam also hoped that Paris would stay away from Troy.

As compensation for Paris, Priam not only gave him the cattle that Paris had grazed before, but also built a beautiful palace for Paris and Oenone on Mount Ida.

After Luo Yin entered the palace with Polyxena and Chryseins who were in complicated moods, Oenone, who learned the news, brought the maid to the courtyard and spoke warmly to Polyxena.

"Sister Polyxena, I am so happy that you came to visit me. Is this handsome young prince next to you your future husband?"

Polyxena lowered her head in shame and said.

"Sister Ononee, I'm here to tell you that you can no longer live in this palace."

Ononi was stunned for a moment, then said with a sweet smile.

"Sister Polyxena! Paris and I are not used to living in such a big palace. Moreover, the cows in the cowshed always make noises in the middle of the night, which makes it impossible for me to sleep well. It would be a great good thing for me that you take this palace back."

"Sister Onone, we are not taking back the palace of you and Brother Paris, but we are letting you and Brother Paris live in the palace of the royal palace."

Polyxena plucked up the courage to explain to Oenone.

"Now the Greek army of 100,000 has landed on the coast of Troy. When the winter is over, war will break out with our city of Troy. Sister Oenone and brother Paris continue to live in the palace on Mount Ada, and they will definitely be affected by the Greeks. attack."

"The Greeks have landed on the Trojan coast - and how is your brother Paris? My husband - has your brother Paris returned safely?"

"Brother Paris...he..."

Seeing that Polyxena did not dare to tell the truth, Luo Yin said directly.

"Your husband Paris is fine now! He abducted the most beautiful woman in the world - Queen Helen of Sparta in Sparta, and is now hiding with Helen on an island to enjoy their two lives. The Greek coalition forces landed on the coast of Troy , it was because of Paris’ behavior that the war between the two sides was provoked.”

After hearing Luo Yin's words, Oenone's legs softened and she squatted on the snow in the courtyard.

"This is impossible... This is impossible... You must be lying to me! Paris and I are so in love, how could he betray our love and marriage and kidnap other people's wives..."

"Sister Oenone, what Achilles said is true. Now that the palace on Mount Ada has been given to Achilles by my father, I asked the maids to prepare a carriage to take you to the palace—"


Ononee said in a mournful voice like that of Du Juan weeping blood.

"Paris and I fell in love on Mount Ida and became husband and wife on Mount Ida, so I will not leave Mount Ida. I will go back to the cabin where Paris and I were married and wait for Paris to come back to me. .If Paris really betrays our love and marriage——"

Ononye didn't say the next words, but Luo Yin could see that Ononie was obviously on the verge of turning dark.

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