Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 104 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“I mean, to restore a destroyed building like that at once. Is there anyone among your co-workers who can do that?”

"No, there is not."

Ji Hangyul shook his head. With a smile on her face, she asked.


“Yeah, really.”

Jiyeo turned her head back at the reply that came back. Her face seemed to have lost interest. Ji Han-gyeol looked at her face and asked.

“Yeo-il, did you say you have an appointment today?”

“Yes, I have a meeting with the director. I have something to talk about about resuming filming of . I think I said it yesterday... … .”

Ji Han-gyeol smiled awkwardly at the murky voice at the end and said.

“I have been busy lately. She often forgot.”

“Then I’ll forget the things I shouldn’t have forgotten.”

At the end of that voice, silence fell. Ji-Hyeol shut her mouth and looked at her brother, who stood. She raises the corners of her lips as she gazes toward her self.

“Is your brother working overtime today?”

“… Huh."

Silence came once again after her brief reply. But this did not last long. It's because the waitress brought a salad, saying it was service.

She said as she stood up holding her fork.

“Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Ji-Hyeol then nodded her head without saying a word.

* * *

A week after gates were opened all over Seoul at the same time, I began to devote myself to the fear that the Master had regained his magical powers.

“Gilma, can’t we rest for a while?”


“The judge is too overworked right now.”

“You can do more over there.”

“… … .”

The judge looks at me as if there is no absurdity. At that glance, I just smiled broadly.

There was still no news from the guild-related contact. Instead, there were only calls from the center asking for help.

“Gil-chan~! I've moved all the sacks! What can I do now?”

Therefore, it was adding strength to the recovery of the damage. While showing her face as it is.

I said to Moorim, pointing to Harun.

“Keep Hare-Hun’s shoulder a little. Does he say it's hard because he used a little bit of force?"


Moorim-nim, excited by the vacancy, immediately started rubbing the master's shoulder. Scared of that, the judge began to scream loudly.

“Aaaah! hurt! It hurts!!”

Moorim opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“The death penalty, why are you so harsh? You're not giving me any of that power."

“How do you deal with pain?! Gilma! I just want to work!!”

“I thought about it.”

I smiled happily and nodded my head once. Perhaps he was dissatisfied with the nod, the judge pouted his lips.

I giggled and ruffled the wizard's head.

The magistrate looked at me with his eyes full of vigilant eyes and asked.

“… Why are you doing this all of a sudden, Gilma? Gilma-sama, I'm afraid I've eaten something wrong."

no, this bastard.

I slapped the master's head and smiled bitterly.

“They say that contact with the opposite sex will speed up the recovery of magic power, Mister. So that's what you're doing.”



Scratch the cheek with a mage or a sly face.

“Did you lie?”

"no! The Archduke also said it! If you have someone who is mentally comfortable, your magic will recover faster!!”

"That's all I said, I guess I didn't talk about contact with the opposite sex."

“… … .”

The damn judge avoids my gaze. That alone was a sufficient answer. I immediately grabbed the master's hair and shook it.

“Were you lying?! You damn harmful bastard!!”

"Ouch! Aww! Gilma! I'm going to go bald like this! hair loss!!"


“No! Rowoon’s hair is precious!!”

The judge holds my wrist and weeps. As I sniffled, I contorted my face and let the master's head go.

“The death penalty, are you okay? Gil-chan's hands have execution hair.”

I brushed off his hands and stretched out my hands to the judge.

“No more.”

“… Gilma, it’s really bad.”

I folded my arms outstretched, leaving only my middle finger behind. Naturally, the delicious candy was left for the judge.

“Restore the buildings quickly.”

After saying that, I asked Moorim.

“Moorim, if the judge is whining that you are having a hard time, rub your shoulder one more time.”

The judge jumped up, saying that it would never be possible. He shrugged his shoulder once.

The master walks towards the completely collapsed building with a sullen face.(Read more @

I wondered if a red magic circle would spread around the ruins of the building, and soon the building began to be restored as if it were stitched together.

“By the way, Judge, are these restorations safe?”

“Gilma, don’t you believe me?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe it.”

I clenched my fists and tapped the fully restored building before continuing.

“If there is a problem later, it’s a pain in the butt. The Hunters here, you know they're from the center, right?"

At my words, the judge pouted his lips and grunted.

“Let’s move together with Jun-nim who did that.”

“The Archduke sent you there. And you said the damage was the most serious?”

“Is that why you brought me here?”

Suddenly, the master bowed his head and made eye contact with me.

"Huh? Gilma.”

I wondered if the cub might be raising a guinea pig in its belly.

I said, pushing the judge's forehead slightly.

“It wasn’t just you. Can't you see Moorim over there?"

At the request of the hunters from the center, Moorim-nim was removing dangerous objects such as glass fragments.

No, wait!!

"radish… No, the best! You must wear gloves! It's dangerous to touch it with your hands!!"

I said so and patted the judge's shoulder.

“I’m working, Judge.”

Then he got gloves from a passing hunter and brought them to Moorim. Choi Kang-hee, who received the gloves from me, said with a bright face.

“I don’t need this, Gil-chan?”

“Even if you don’t need it. Did these damn people tell you to touch the glass without gloves?”

I spit out annoyed words that all the hunters around me could hear, then looked at Moorim's hand. It was a very fine hand with no wounds.

Moorim-nim takes his hand away from me and shows an innocent, mischievous smile.

“I am right? Because I don't need this! Even if you touch the glass with your bare hands, no pravrum!”

“But he said clearly.”


Moorim showed a fat face and put on thick work gloves on his hands.

He grunted that it was uncomfortable to move his fingers, but it didn't matter to me.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Gilma-sama, Hajun When will Gilma-sama come back?

I was startled at the message that appeared out of nowhere, then sent a reply to the Archduke.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I'm leaving soon, why?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Please tell me that we will meet and have dinner together on the way back!

I looked at Beopsa-nim and Moorim-nim once and sent a message.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Hmmm

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : I'll call you when I'm done. Why did you send a message that you should do it on your phone? What do you do if your brother thinks it's strange?

|Pr. Northern Prince| : ah! Umahan Gilma is here, but she told Hajun Gilma about our chat haha

“… … .”

I don't think it's a laughing matter. I feel like my stomach is burning for some reason.

I sent a message to the Archduke with a water bottle lying on the floor.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Please tell the guild leader to be careful with his mouth.

I wondered if the demon king's snout had been learned from the guild leader who was savvy. The Archduke sent only one circle to the message I sent and finished replying.

At this time, the Spirit Master must have uttered a mantra... … .

too bad. I also want to spread the mantra.

I pouted my lips once and gulped down the water halfway through.

“Oh, was that what I drank? Gilma, are you indirectly kissing Beopsa right now?”


That damn bastard bastard!!

After spitting out the water he drank, he raised his fist and the monk groaned and quickly avoided himself.

Seriously, maybe you like that damn toxic judge?

I opened my eyes wide and stared at the young wizard who had run away to Mr. Moorim, and looked at the bottle of water that would be the end of the day after taking a sip.

“… annoying.”

I was going to throw it away, but it was a waste. So I just drank it.

What the harmful mouth touched.


12. He said he had no one to trust.

Helping the center ended late in the evening.

|Pr. Northern Prince| : Hajun Gilma has been here for a long time!

After my brother found out about the existence of ‘chat’, he was using it sparingly.

“Gil-chan, where are we going? Were wee going?”

“Meat shop.”

“Hey, that’s great!!”

Moorim calls for joy at my words. The judge looked at him and smiled a little.

“Gil-chan, can I eat a lot?”

“Eat in moderation.”

"I do not like it! No!!”

Why did this bastard ask?

When I looked at him in an absurd way, Moorim just laughed at what he liked. So we arrived in front of the meat restaurant that my brother had reserved.

"way… It’s not De-chan, but Doha-un?”

"government ordinance… Not Saga, but CEO Kang?”

In front of it, we met Kang Ha-su. At my words, Moorim turns her head, she smiles broadly, and she pretends to know Kang Ha-soo.

“It’s the spirit sage hyung!”

"The best! Why do you call me that when others hear it?”

"Fine. Call me whatever you want.”

“… … ?”

I wondered if I ate something wrong with the unexpected reaction.

“Sir, what did you eat wrong? It's a little scary for the judge because it doesn't seem like the spirit master is not the spirit master."

It seems I'm not the only one who thought so.

As if the spirits had something to say at the words of the wizard, he was furious and was about to shout something, but then he took a deep breath and said.

“I didn’t eat anything wrong, so think whatever you want!”

No, I think I ate something wrong. No, it looked like something was going on.

"What's going on?"

"There is not. Even if it were, Miss Dohaun would not be so concerned.”

After saying that, the spirit sage opened the glass door of his meat restaurant.

“More than that, what are you all doing up to here? In particular, isn’t it difficult for Miss Dohaun and Mr Harm to wander around outside?”

“It’s not difficult. Hae-roon put magic on our faces. It seems to have been released now.”

At my words, Kang Ha-soo said, “Oh.” and made a whistling sound. I stepped inside the glass door that Kang Ha-soo had opened and asked.

“What are you up to here?”

After confirming that I had come in, Kang Ha-soo opened the glass door and answered.

“I have something to talk to the director about the resumption of filming for the drama.”

"drama? Maybe, is that?”


“Aren’t you screwed?”

“Not ruined! Don't say that a decent drama was ruined at will!!"

If you don't break, you're not ruined, why are you in a bad mood I replied with a shrug.

Kang Ha-soo gently narrows his forehead to see if he doesn't like the way I look.

At that moment, the glass door swung open, and a young wizard's voice was heard.

“Sir, you are too much! Beopsarang Moorim-nim hasn’t come in yet, but they closed the door like that!!

“Don't call me that! What are you going to do if someone hears you?!”

“I told you to call me whenever you want!!”

I saw the waitress at the store who came out to guide me and stopped with a blank face at the words of the wizard and the spirits.

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