Hajin Kang first looked around the ruins.

He doesn't know how many monsters he's caught on his way here.

The monsters of the Amazon were very unusual.

Hajin Kang used [Concealment] to avoid encountering many monsters at once.

However, among the monsters of the Amazon, there were those with very good stealth abilities.

There was also a monster that emitted a wave that could detect its stealth.

Naturally, the wave also affected Ha-jin Kang's [Concealment].

The moment it touched the wave of magic, the skill was broken, and the figure was revealed.

When that happened, he had no choice but to fight the monsters nearby.

When he was fighting monsters, monsters that were a little far away came flocking to him because of the noise, and he had no choice but to keep fighting until he cleaned them up.

It wasn't the only thing that bothered Ha-jin Kang.

Monsters with stealth abilities are more demanding than monsters that emit waves that break cloak.

The body itself was a giant net-shaped monster, but it was hidden by hiding.

When prey entered, it tightened the net and spit out digestive juice mixed with magical power to melt and absorb nutrients.

The problem was that the net was really big.

Also, he was so good at hiding that he didn't get caught up in Kang Ha-jin's senses.

Ha-jin Kang was caught in the net several times, breaking the cover, and had to experience the net tightening all over his body.

The monster's digestive juices were terrifying, and no matter how quickly he reacted, his skin melted.

Other than that, he didn't have any special attack skills, so once he started fighting, he could break the nets quickly, but anyway, he was a really tricky monster.

Hajin Kang meticulously packed the monster's corpse into a subspace.

It seemed that a special hiding ability resided in the monster's hide, and the digestive juices in the coffin connected to the inside of the net seemed to be useful in the future.

Wouldn't it be quite useful when dealing with demons later if we improved this a bit more?

In addition, there were monsters that hid in the ground and were shot like arrows, and monsters that stood up disguised as trees and spewed poison and poison gas.

They were all concerned and annoying to deal with.

Because he was afflicted by monsters like that, he carefully looked around the ruins as well.

Unsurprisingly, there were countless monsters hiding around the ruins as well.

Ha-jin Kang disassembled the monsters almost as if to disassemble them, as if to release the irritation he had accumulated over the years.

Around the ruins, all the monsters that had appeared so far were covered.

For some reason, there seemed to be a reason why so many of them were gathered around this ruins.

‘Maybe it’s because of these ruins?’

As soon as I came near, I knew that these ruins were remnants of the past. It was because the presence of the relics was so clear.

But strangely, it was not easy to figure out where that presence came from.

Hajin Kang entered the ruins.

The ruins can be divided into two main parts. First of all, it was the exterior.

Various structures were erected from the entrance of the ruins to the deep inside, which played a major role in making this place look like a temple.

Some looked like an altar, and there were reliefs that looked like they were carved out of a scene from a myth.

And when I went deep inside, there was a structure with a completely different style than before.

Ten gigantic pillars of black stone stood in a circle.

And there was a small fountain in the center.

It seemed that that was the fountain of life.

Hajin Kang approached him and looked at the pillar first. He swiped his palms and took a closer look.

The surface was really smooth. Even if it was glass, it was believable. But it was never glass.

Each of the ten pillars was about two meters in diameter, but the spring they encircled was much smaller.

Hajin Kang approached the spring and scooped up water with his hand.

It was just plain water.

It was the same with the peeping skill. No information came out.

So was the water, so was the spring itself, and so was the pillar.

First, you need to find the center.

At first, I thought this fountain was supposed to be the center of the system, but it turned out not to be.

The power of the system itself did not flow around this area.

The power of the system flowed strictly out of the ten pillars inside it.

It felt as if he was deliberately shunning the road.

‘The only remnants of the past are the odd ones.’

Hajin Kang decided to follow the flow of power step by step. If you do that, you will eventually be able to find the center.

Ha-jin Kang, who came out of the pillar, grasped the ripples of the power flowing nearby, and then slowly walked along.

It will take some time, but if you follow the flow and check all the parts, you will eventually find what you want.

Hajin Kang was so sure.

* * *

It took six hours for certainty to turn into doubt. It was after two laps of the flow of power that spread throughout the ruins.

It also took six more hours for that doubt to turn into disbelief.

Since he had done it twice, he was able to make four laps while grasping more carefully.

But even as he did, he could never find the center of his power.

The forces flowing throughout the ruins were surprisingly uniformly distributed.

The flow of force was not biased in any one place, but only flowed from the correct position at the correct speed.

In the end, the place where Ha-jin Kang returned to was where Sam was.

“It is clear that this fountain played an important role...”

However, the power of the system was not felt at all in this vicinity.

I was also concerned that the flow of power flowing around it was too uniform.

It is certain that this place is a remnant of the past. And the remnants of the past are beings that extort the power of the present system.

In other words, it was clear that it was constantly sucking the power of the system from somewhere.

When you think about it, the situation that is happening right now is very strange. Where the hell did all that power go?

Ha-jin Kang shook his head and sat down next to Sam.

Renat said he had tried this spring water. So, that person is not normal. Did you know what kind of water this was and drank it?

Of course, he said nothing happened. He said that he thoroughly investigated the water, but it was nothing more or less than the water commonly found in the Amazon.

Kang Ha-jin looked at the spring water and muttered unknowingly.

“It’s not like you’re hiding from a net monster…!”

As Ha-jin Kang came this far, he remembered the net monster he had dealt with the most and widened his eyes.

And he jumped up from his seat.

Monsters near the remnants of the past are greatly affected by the ruins.

The monster near Seretrop's Fortress in the Rocky Mountains didn't possess the skill to command the iron wall defense skill.

That said, it was highly likely that the net monster's hiding ability was also a skill that was created by the influence of this ruin.

Hajin Kang looked around him carefully once again.

“Hidden, hidden….”

It was not just an ordinary stealth, but a special stealth that could hide the power of the system.

Hajin Kang's eyes were fixed on ten huge pillars.

No matter how much I thought about it, the only structure that could do such a thing here was that black pillar.

Hajin Kang pondered for a moment.

‘Should I destroy that?’

There is an option to destroy, but somehow, I thought that the remnants of the past might also be destroyed.

Incorporating an intact remnant into the system gives you the right to manage it.

If you break it, that's all.

Perhaps there is also a remnant of the past that has lost its ability because it has been clearly broken.

In any case, destroying it was the only way to be chosen at the last resort.

Ha-jin Kang, who had been staring at the pillar for a while, had a sudden thought and looked at the ruins outside the pillar.

What Hajin Kang focused on was the power of the system flowing there. A force that is surprisingly evenly distributed.

It was evident that the power was in complete control.

If so, why the hell did you make something like that?

Hajin Kang's lips rose slightly.

“That was it.”

There was something in that uniform flow of power. Perhaps that's the ability to hide the power of a huge system.

Hajin Kang waved his hand to stir the flow.

Of course nothing changed. The flow of power was the same, and Kang Ha-jin's influence was not reflected there at all.

Hajin Kang thought about what he could do. And he found an answer.

It was just an imitation.

If you make something similar to that flow, wouldn't you be able to get some hints?

First off, it was magical.

Where the power of that system flows, he overlaid his own magical power.

And I tried to create the same flow.

Of course, it didn't go well at first.

Even for a strong Ha-jin with excellent magical control ability, it was too difficult to create a uniform flow that moves under such perfect control.

I didn't give up though. Once you see a road, you can follow it honestly.

until the end of the road.

Hajin Kang tried and tried again.

This was a lot more fun than when I first came here and traced the flow and circled the ruins.

It felt like creating something new.

And it actually was. The magic power is just blown out and it's all scattered. So other efforts were needed to fix it in the air like this.

It didn't go well at first, but eventually I did it, and once I started doing it, the speed of fixing my magic gradually increased.

It was a lot of training.

Kang Ha-jin's magical control ability, which was still excellent, began to rise from there.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In the end, we succeeded in perfectly replicating the pattern of the system. Of course, the magic was fixed in the air, but did not flow.

However, since all of the fixed magical power belongs to Hajin strong, it was also possible to move it.

Of course, it wasn't easy either.

Hajin Kang succeeded even that. There was no trial and error this time. Thanks to his increased skills, he did it at once.

The magic began to flow slowly.

Hajin Kang tilted his head. Something was obviously working, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

It was only after looking at it for a while that I realized what had happened.

Hajin Kang's magical presence has completely disappeared.

It took him a long time to confirm that he had magical powers.

‘After all, this pattern and flow itself had an important meaning.’

Now, if you understand the meaning, you will be able to gain something.

But it was impossible to figure it out this way.

Ha-jin Kang decided to visit other ruins that were elsewhere than here.

After looking around all the ruins, something seemed to come out.

* * *

Renat's analysis was quite accurate. He accurately grasped the information about other ruins to the extent that it is hard to believe that he had extracted information from only one ruins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;

Ha-jin Kang was able to find all the other ruins just by using the information Renat gave him.

There were a total of seven relics.

The ruins where Ha-jin Kang first arrived were in the center, and the remaining six ruins surrounded the spring at a certain distance.

The six ruins surrounding the spring all had the same structure.

A huge pillar about 10 meters in diameter was erected, and ten pillars about 2 meters in diameter stood in a circle around the pillar.

If you replace only the spring in the central ruins with a giant column, it will match exactly.

Of course, Sam wasn't that big.

Hajin Kang was able to discover the flow of patterns surrounding the ruins, just like the first ones.

He was still flowing in a similar pattern.

However, the difference is that the pattern here is made up of magic power, not the power of the system.

Hajin Kang once copied the pattern drawn on each ruin with magic power.

Each time, little by little, the regularity of the pattern piled up in my head.

When all seven patterns were identified and duplicated, one piece of information appeared on Ha-jin Kang's retina.

[Registered Raphaside pattern.]

[You have obtained Chapter 1 of the Book of Raphasid.]

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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