Hajin Kang was moving to a place where the monsters in Mexico ran rampant.

It was a member of the Mexican Awakening Association called Pedro who met him.

Oddly enough, he was an ordinary person, not an Awoken.

But, he said, it clearly showed the situation in Mexico.

The awakening meant that the situation was so serious that the awakened had to be pulled together.

It was a situation in which it requested help from other countries, but neither country gave a helping hand.

Even the Guardians delayed helping out.

The Guardian couldn't help it because there weren't enough people. Mexico was left behind.

But maybe that's why, Hajin Kang, the master of the Guardians, came to Mexico like this.

At first, Pedro was really happy when Ha-jin Kang said he was coming.

Recently, rumors about Kang Ha-jin have been rapidly spreading.

In particular, the story of the buff that Hajin Kang is spreading has spread like a legend.

In fact, Pedro didn't even believe half of the rumors about Ha-jin Kang.

However, even half of that, if Ha-jin Kang takes the lead, the situation in Mexico can be improved at once.

So he had hope.

But something happened that crushed that hope.

'Damn it. I can’t not listen.’

Ha-jin Kang came to save Mexico, but Jexter is the one who gives him money.

So what do you do? You have to do what you're told.

“Now we are almost arriving.”

Pedro glanced at Ha-jin Kang in the room mirror and said.

A little further away, a city controlled by monsters appears. Perhaps the Awakenings of Mexico are fighting fiercely.

Of course, the siege of the city is not even worth it.

All he had to do was to fight the monsters that were gathering around the city.

Of course, the army was also mobilized. However, instead of encircling the city tightly, a loose network of sieges was established at a distance.

The army's job was to bind the monster's feet when they ran out of town.

And when the waiting Awakening Forces alternated with the Awakened Forces inside the city, it was enough to create a small gap by pouring out artillery fire.

Wouldn't it be nice if the monsters didn't run out of the city because a lot of Awoken were put in?

But it's not long now.

The Awoken's damage was gradually accumulating.

After a while like this, the monsters will eventually run out of the city.

And it will devour the army that first built the siege as its prey.

After that, they will spread across Mexico and start slaughtering.

In the meantime, if only a few dungeons are opened, Mexico will suffer irreparable wounds.

It had to be stopped, but no matter how much I looked at it, there was no hope.

Knowing such a situation well, Pedro's expression and heart became heavy.

Pedro says he will go to America when this is done.

I've already finished talking with Jexter.

He said he would arrange for him to take the whole family and go to America.

He had put Mexico in the jaws of a monster for his family. A heavy feeling of guilt weighed down on his chest.

“You look bad.”

At Ha-jin Kang’s words, Pedro laughed awkwardly.

“I think it’s because the situation is the situation.”

“It will be fine. Because I've dealt with an even worse situation. To be honest, it was much worse on the Italian side.”

“Ah, that’s right?”

Hearing those words made me feel more guilty.

And Kang Ha-jin was paying close attention to Pedro's reaction.

In fact, from the moment he arrived in Mexico, his tension had not gone away.

The air itself was ominous.

And he obviously thought he was going to do something with the Defenders, but he's still been awarded quiet.

In fact, Hajin Kang predicted that something would happen in the Russian dungeon. So, she prepared quite thoroughly.

But nothing happened until the dungeon exploded.

It rather touched Ha-jin Kang's nerves more.

Because the disaster is not over yet.

If you're looking for a chance in the Defenders, now is the best time when disaster is in full swing.

He glanced at the person who said that he was an employee of the association, but somehow the atmosphere was a little strange.

Hajin Kang's intuition warned him. This person is connected to the Defenders.

Then this car is unbelievable.

Of course, even if the car exploded, Hajin Kang was able to survive there.

No, he could have run away without hitting it at all.

Kang Ha-jin's power now is so strong that it can't be compared with any of his Awakened ones.

As he went through the Russian dungeon, his level soared.

He looked like he was going to hit level 500 sooner or later. It will probably be possible after all this disaster is sorted out.

So he'd be much easier to deal with if he could just explode his car, hide and fire a machine gun.

What was more frightening was the knife that was secretly hidden and quietly slashed.

Like the shadow-related skill used by Choi Young-jin in the past, it is the most painful to use a special skill for sneak attack to make a surprise attack.

'I think I'm going to get a job in Mexico...'

It seemed like something would happen when I was fighting a monster.

Again, I had no choice but to prepare in advance.

"Im here."

Just then the car stopped. Hajin Kang got out of the car.

A little farther away, I could see an army that had built up positions around tanks and artillery.

“Once you report to the military, you have to go inside. Let’s go.”

For Pedro, he was faithful to what he had to do.

As he got out of the car, he signaled ahead of time. Now he's done with his job. Just tell the army, let Ha-jin Kang go inside, and it's over.

Pedro said in the middle without knowing it.

“Please be careful.”

Hajin Kang looked at him with strange eyes. Pedro quietly avoided his gaze.

“Whoa. I want all those crazy monsters to disappear.”

Kang Ha-jin chuckled.

“It must be so.”

Pedro stared blankly at Ha-jin Kang's back as he strode forward and walked.

* * *

Kang Ha-jin passed the siege of his army and walked towards the city.

Just in time, there were those who came out to take turns with the Awakened troops inside the city.

They moved towards the city with Hajin Kang.

Hajin Kang didn't have to rush. You don't know when and how an attack will come, so you should be as calm and relaxed as possible.

Perhaps even in this Awakening unit moving together, there may be some who have been touched by the Defenders.

No, obviously there will be.

They will do their best to attack Kang Ha-jin in one way or another.

Ha-jin Kang considered all the circumstances, so he kept his mouth shut and focused only on walking quietly.

However, the Awoken who went with them were a little different.

They enjoyed the fact that they were with Ha-jin Kang.

Hajin Kang was a great celebrity among the awakened.

Gradually, the words of the awakened who experienced Hajin Kang's buff spread quite a bit.

Some say that if you receive it once, you will become a slave, that it is better not to receive it because of its addiction, and that it is okay to die, so it would be better if you try it one more time.

There was a slight tendency to exaggerate in a strange way, but Ha-jin Kang didn't bother to adjust it.

Now was the time to unleash his influence.

That way he'll be able to better block the Defenders, which will start soon.

Actually, it was a bit surprising.

I expected the Defenders to come out and make a name for themselves through this disaster, but the Defenders were still quiet.

‘Maybe… he might have tried to get rid of me first and then step by step to establish himself.

It wasn't a bad plan. If only I could succeed in getting rid of Hajin Kang.

The Guardians were a guild with strong Ha-jin Kang.

So, if Ha-jin Kang disappears, there is no choice but to lose the center of gravity. This means that Defenders are more likely to absorb it.

It would probably be possible if only they did not leave evidence that they defeated Ha-jin Kang.

Of course, Hajin Kang never had any intention of being defeated.

“Hey, will you give us a buff when we enter the city?”

One Awoken approached cautiously and asked. Actually, I thought they would come closer, but everyone was very careful.

“I will.”

As Hajin Kang replied that way, he looked carefully at the group of Awoken.

I activated the peeping skill naturally, and checked their information.

They were Awakeneds who were equivalent to the world average.

Perhaps the same is true of the Awoken who are currently inside the city. Therefore, this sluggish stalemate continues, and it is at stake.

Even if there were only a few special strong players, the situation would have been a little different from what it is now.

And Hajin Kang was able to make all the awakened people here special strong.

So Hajin Kang is scary.

Soon we arrived in the city.

Even before entering the city, a group of monsters rushed in.

“It has already begun. Doesn't it seem like there are more monsters?"

"Well. It seems like that.”

It wouldn't be the same, but it would have increased.

Monsters reproduce when the right circumstances are right.

Don't just think of normal beasts breeding. Some monsters double in number in an instant through division.

The number of monsters attacking was about 30. It looked like a lion, but strangely, it was bipedal.

It is said that the head and body of a lion have human limbs.

It was very beautiful and intimidating to see the muscles of his body twitch dynamically with every step he took.

Currently, the number of Awakeneds with Hajin Kang is 70. They were tightly packed into battle formations.

First, the ranged ability poured out various skills.

Countless arrows made of fire and wind, ice and steel fell on the monster.


However, that alone could not stop the monster's charge. In this case, you need a tank.

Half of the party was made up of tanks.

Tankers were the most important to occupy and hold a certain area within the city.

Since all Awoken in Mexico can't stick to this city, they gathered Awoken mainly for tanks and put them into the city.


A horde of monsters stopped the charge with an explosion.

I haven't even entered the city yet, but it's hard to get caught up in monsters already.

Hajin Kang applied the buff first.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)


“This is it!”

Each of the awakened exclaimed exclamation and gave strength.

The monsters were pushed out at once, and their limbs were cut off. The Awakened poured out their skills as if possessed by something and dealt with the monster.

In an instant, the monsters fell to the floor.

But that wasn't the end. Suddenly, another horde of monsters appeared from the side of the city and was running.

A horde of monsters could be seen looming from a distance behind him.

It was the beginning of a long fight.

* * *

Hajin Kang acted with the group of Awoken.

Current Awoken units have been deployed to alternate with other Awoken units within the city.

So I had to go to the place where the Awakened troops were waiting for their shift.

On the way, several times I encountered the Awakening Forces, which had not yet been shifted.

Of course, the distance was quite far, but there were a lot of monsters, so it was not difficult to check the location.

Every time Ha-jin Kang saw it, he went up to the range of the buff, applied all the buffs, and came back. Healing bombs were a bonus.

Once buffed, the group of Awoken immediately dealt with the monsters that flocked to them.

There will be time to rest before the other monsters come.

The movement speed was slightly slowed down as a buff was applied to each Awakened unit they met.

But no one complained.

Before long, we arrived at the place where the Awakened troops were to be replaced.

Originally, when they met like this, the troops on standby on the outskirts of the city dispersed a horde of monsters through artillery fire.

Using a precise shot, he hits the outside of the monster swarm, and then pours another shell a little further away to guide the monster towards it.

The bombardment required very precise shooting skills to not injure the Awoken, and the Mexican army did it brilliantly.

It was like that until now, but since Ha-jin Kang joined, there was no need for that.

You can get Kang Ha-jin's buff and wipe out the monsters you're fighting right now.

Everyone expected it to be the most relaxed shift ever.

The moment Kang Ha-jin was about to give the buff, the shells filled the sky black.

He obviously radioed him not to fire the cannons, but he ignored that and fired the cannonballs.

However, unlike before, the number of shells was too large.

Hajin Kang could see what the Defenders had prepared.

'Crazy guys.'

If it all falls out here, not only Ha-jin Kang, but all the Awakened people here will suffer as well.

The monster was more likely to survive. Because they are strong against gunpowder attacks and physical attacks like that.

Perhaps the surviving monsters will attack the dying Awoken, turning this place into hell.

Soon, the shells fell like rain.


Huge flames and flames, noise, smoke, and dust covered the whole place.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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