Episodes 4. The Humiliation of Black Wizards.


It was a coincidence that Lee Hye-sung learned that the Black Wizard Group was deeply rooted behind the continent.

"Sa, save me!"

"I'd love to. You know that, right? What kind of person I am."


The Duke of the Empire that he faced while he was only trying to assassinate key figures to win the war against the Empire and the battle against the temple.

Lee Hye-sung's words, which seemed so relaxed that he came to the Duke's bedroom to assassinate the Duke while he was being chased by at least millions of troops, stopped his begging for a moment.

Because I almost instinctively answered the truth.

The bloody murderer. You're worse than the devil. A human servant who persistently assassinates high-ranking officials of the Empire and the Temple! He's the one who never kills comfortably.

Of course, the Duke knows better than anyone that there will be no more conversations if he says so.

So, he nodded quickly, leaving a moment of hesitation behind.

"Of course! You are merciful and humane."

"Right? Actually, I don't want to go this far. But what can I do? To destroy this continent itself is too boring for me to live alone in a place where no one is around until I go back, and not to deal with it? No matter how hard I try, I can't find a reason to do that? So I just take the most efficient and simple way.”


Why me? Of all people.

The Duke was unjustified.

Still, the Duke was on the neutral side.

It was because of the reason that he did not want to waste money by intervening in the war, but there are still many aristocrats who are gathering troops because they are fighting to kill Lee Hye-sung, the evil of the continent.

"Are you feeling wronged?"


"Don't worry too much. I'm going to kill them all.”


It was not comforting at all.

Lee Hye-sung asked the Duke secretly.

"If you want to live, tell me a secret that's going to drive me crazy.”


"I'm telling you because he's going to die anyway, but I actually learned some black magic."


"Otherwise, the continent and the temple are crazy, and they're going to pick up the army and come after me. Don't you think so? Well, they think I'm the tail to catch the clump of power, but I actually just happened to see it. So I'm looking for a group of black wizards who can protect me and lead the continent down the path of destruction, and if you let me know, I might save you."

It was a thoughtless remark.

It's too repetitive to just kill, so it's a story to break the labor-like feeling.

Considering this situation itself as a quest for fantasy novels while committing murder itself meant wear and tear of humanity, but he didn't care much because it took his life to deal with it.

It might be better to just dull the reality like this.

That's what I said.

I didn't want an answer.

It just occurred to me when I read fantasy novels that there were sometimes nobles who colluded with black wizards.

"If you don't have it, you just die."

"Come on, wait!"

Lee Hye-sung, who enjoys a brief skit and wants to move on to the next target.

"Well, dude, I'm busy.”

"As expected, there were a lot of rumors that it could be a black wizard, but I didn't know it was real. They wanted to contact us, too!"


"A group of Black Wizards! There's a way to contact them!"

It was quite a coincidence.

Only a minute ago, the Duke, who had been servile in the face of death, had a smile on his mouth.

"What, is it really there?”

"I'll let you meet me!"

It was the moment when the Black Wizard subquest was added to the war against the Empire and the Temple.


Lee Hye-sung did not necessarily skip the Duke's words.

"There's nothing to lose by keeping one alive."

In fact, the upper continent. A possible idea because the war against the temple was not so serious about the threat of life.

Of course, if you go head-to-head, no matter how much you learn from Dragon Road and how much your body is modified, there is a risk of being readed, but Lee is different from such stupid brainless monsters.

When one-to-one is absolutely strong, the majority know better than anyone how to use no power.

So it doesn't matter if you're fooled by a duke.

"We can teleport."

There is no wizard on the continent who will cut off his teleport unless he is at the Dragon Road level.

Is there any reason to hesitate when it's really a hit if it's true or not?

He obediently followed the Duke.

"Just in case, I cast a deadly poison on it. If I don't release you in an hour, you're dead. Detox? Wake up because the Pope of the temple can't detox. Oh, maybe Dragon Road can do it for you. Of course, it's the story behind a lizard's belly."


I also didn't forget to threaten the Duke along the way.

In the place where he followed the Duke, there were people who really wanted Lee Hye-sung.


Black magicians waiting for Lee Hye-sung, wearing black robes.


The Black Wizards were people who preferred conversation to Lee Hye-sung's thought.

"Empire, why are you fighting the temple.

Lee Hye-sung was willing to fit in with their conversation.

It's a picture that I've always dreamed of.

I was worried that I might end up hitting the bell because of the time I was caught by Sage.

"I'm glad I made it to the continent."


"No, I just happened to get into a fight. I stole the treasure from the temple. It's a relief if it comes out well, but it came out and I got caught. But it was an article that came to mind in the Empire, so I said I'd let it go if I gave it back, but I refused. What do you want me to give you back when you've had a hard time stealing that one? That's what happened after that."

It's polite to do your best for such interesting real-time rpg quests.

"Where did you learn black magic?"

"I just learned from my magic teacher. You're a magician, and you learned white magic and black magic to help you achieve it. He focuses more on swords than magic, so I asked him to teach me how to do it. You're definitely faster to learn than white magic and you're more powerful."

In Lee Hye-sung's words, the black wizard brings up the point.

"Will you join us?"

a blatant suggestion

Words that do not bear rejection in mind are full of confidence and confidence.

"I'm the enemy of both the Empire and the Temple, and you're going to carry me? Can you handle it?”

"The goal of our Black Wizards is to bring them down in the first place."

"Do you have the power to do that?"

"The plan is a situation where only the implementation remains. If you'd be with me, there'd be no better timing."

Lee Hye-sung liked that ambition.

I wondered what desire was behind ambition.

"Continental conquest?"

"It is the desire of thousands of years of black magicians."

"Just with these people?"

There are at most dozens of black wizards gathered.

Of course, it is not everything, but the power of the continent and temple that Lee Hye-sung faced directly is enough to crush even the shadow of the black wizard so that there is no dust left.

Suspicion reveals the black wizard's bottom line.

"I will summon the Ma people."

"……Ma people?"

The revealing assets also include the base of ugly desires.

"If we wipe out the continent once and control the rest of the human race, our numbers don't matter at least."


a plausible plan

Lee Hye-sung nodded.

"I can't believe I can see a horse. It's a piece of crap.”

It is a continent of black magic thinking and there is no distinction between good and evil for Lee Hye-sung.

It's been a while since I've been with Sage and that distinction has disappeared, but I realized once again that good and evil do not exist in the first place when I come to the continent and look at the behavior of the empire and temple.

After that, I learned the ropes of watching the situation from a third point of view.

You just have to look at the world egocentric.

What should I do to make it fun?’

In this situation, the main character of an ordinary fantasy novel must naturally reject the offer of a black wizard and bring Mana up to the roots of the black wizard.

But then it's too lame.

One of the achievements of eradicating a group of black wizards will be written in a diary, but one cannot be proud of it.

We have to return to the boring continent, the war against the temple.

Thus, the results were derived from a compelling point of view.

"All right, let's do it together. When do you summon the Ma people? The devil is coming out, right?

Let's come to the fantasy level and experience the life of the main character of the fantasy novel.

That's how I joined hands with the black wizards.

I don't know what the Black Wizards are thinking.

"When you wipe out the Ma people, you can wipe them out together."’

Anyway, I think it suits the Black Wizard the best.


Nothing has changed since the encounter with the Black Wizard.

Lee Hye-sung continued his war against the Empire and the temple, and the black wizards slowly prepared to summon the horsemen while their eyes were distracted.

Two years later, Lee eventually succeeded in destroying the empire and a year later, completely reforming the temple.

Ariel asked Lee Hye-sung, who created a new continent.

"Are you going to summon the real Black Wizards and the Wizards?”

The only one who knows the truth except for the Black Wizards.

Now that he is the actual pope leading the next church, Ariel was worried about Lee Hye-sung's cooperation with the Black Wizard rather than displeasure.

"It could be really dangerous to cross over to the devil...….”

"It's okay."

He carried out the plan, comforting Ariel's concerns.

It doesn't matter if you just pretend you don't know and hit the back of the Black Wizards' heads.

No, that's what I was going to do.

End of the war, Lee Hyesung was exhausted.

They fought for as long as three years.

You've killed a lot of humans, and no matter how dull they get, they can't be completely fine.

However, there is only one reason why he is motivated again.

"The Devil's Sword. It's going to open the door to the dimension shift. This time, we have to summon the devil, even if we risk our lives.”

Purifying the continent and talking to Sage after a long time.

A vague hope that had been forgotten for almost 25 years.

Dimension shift gate!

Sage had been thinking that she could only send words and actually feel joy through hope torture, but she got a definite answer.

A promise to the extent of a proverb.

"A dog, or a dragon. I could do it, but I teased him for 20 years.”

At the same time as joy, anger rises, but soon subsides.

"Whoo. It's definitely out of the way. I can't believe I'm angry about this.”

Then he moves with a smile.

"The Black Wizards sell me and do their job, and I can't beat them to death right now, but I'm gonna have to work for me instead of killing them."

A place with the Black Wizards has been arranged once again.

============================ Review of the work ============================

It leads to a foreign war until 127.

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