Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 229 105. Sharing Economy (2)

“Ah… hello, sir…”

"nice to meet you. Prof."

President Choi Jong-hwan and Professor Yoo Ha-eun greeted each other warmly.

Since I had already finished the phone call with the president before coming to the Blue House, the president knew in advance that Professor Yoo Ha-eun was coming.

“Come this way.”

President Choi Jong-hwan took us directly to his official residence instead of his restaurant.

Although outsiders are usually not welcome in the presidential residence where the president and his family live, Professor Yoo Ha-eun was able to visit the residence thanks to me.

“Wow, this is the takeover door.”

We passed the tiled front door and entered the main building.

“Today, my son-in-law recommended a surprise greeting, so I called him to my special residence. Prof."

"iced coffee. dismissal. Take it easy.”

Professor Yoo Ha-eun was restless as he nodded his head with a red face.

“Still, you are a candidate to become a minister of a country, how can I speak comfortably?”

Choi Jong-hwan said so and handed us a seat.

Then, after a while, the secretary served three cups of tea, and we shared tea.

“This place has already been built for over 35 years, draw it. Heh heh heh.”

The president hesitated like an explanatory officer, saying that the Chimryugak, Ounjeong, and Seokjo Nyorai Seated Statues, which were originally located at the site of the official residence, were moved to other grounds.

“Anyway, master... no, sir. Let’s talk about the main point first…”

I explained well what Professor Ha-eun Yoo has in general and how he teaches students.

“Professor Haeun Yoo likes to systematize the numbers by carefully managing each student rather than looking at them as a group. Numbers don't lie or anything..."

“Oh, right. It seems like a good way.”

Mainly, I explained about Professor Yoo Ha-eun, and the president quarreled.

Professor Yoo Ha-eun thought this seat was too burdensome, so he just sips tea and looks at the ground.

“And, I always ask the students a lot of questions. Regardless of the scheduled class time.”

That's why I added that there are times when class hours are overdone. Then, Professor Yoo Ha-eun could not raise his head as if he was going to pierce the ground with a drill.

“Heh heh heh. I really draw a true educator that is hard to find in this day and age.”



In fact, Professor Yoo Ha-eun had the ability, was smart, and, above all, had a good mind.

He had a strong tendency to spread the improved Sim not only to himself, but also to others like a virus.

He of course likes to be contagious with his positive energy, but sometimes he gets tired of being too active.

‘But it would be nice if such a person would sit in the minister’s seat.’

It seemed that something could actively solve the current educational problems in a cool way.

President Choi Jong-hwan also asked with a soft voice if he liked Professor Ha-eun Yoo.

“If I appoint Professor Yoo as the Minister of Education, can you take over?”


Professor Yoo Ha-eun hesitated in surprise at the president's suggestion.

“Ah… I…”

Group 1 is coveted, but it is burdensome to take on the ministerial position in a snap.

Professor Yoo Ha-eun looked very confused.

I poked Professor Ha-eun Yoo's side like that.

- Yes, please.

He looked at me like that with a gentle gaze.

"···I will do my best."

"Hahaha. Thank you. Professor Yu. No, is it Minister Yoo now? Anyway, hahaha. It went really well.”


At the president's praise, Professor Yoo Ha-eun's face turned red and he couldn't raise his head.

Originally, the Minister of Education was recently sacked for a chore, so a new person was needed.

However, Professor Yoo Ha-eun was defeated for the vacant position of Minister of Education.

“How does Professor Ha-eun Yoo see the current education world?”

Choi Jong-hwan asked in a serious tone, as if Yoo Ha-eun had already been appointed as the minister.

“Uh, um….”

Yoo Ha-eun pondered for a moment what to say first, then opened her mouth again.

“I think we need to change the school system first.”

“A system?”



Haeun Yoo put his fist to his mouth for a moment, coughed a few times, and then opened his mouth again.

“Currently, almost all elementary, middle and high schools in Korea are studying with textbooks uniformly according to the guidelines and policies from the Ministry of Education.

"i See."

Finally, Yoo Ha-eun, who was speechless, made fun of her.

“So, in my opinion, it is my wish to build a school system that combines learning and work from the elementary, middle and lower grades.”

“You make your kids work since elementary school?”

"That's right."


This time, Choi Jong-hwan was speechless.

No, we sent our children with nosebleeds to school, and the country made our children naive.

If rumors circulated among the parents, he would not simply be impeached.

Professor Yoo Ha-eun felt it too, and he quickly explained.

“When I was young, my parents were all like, ‘Don’t worry about money and study hard. You have to get good grades in school.’ Most people say, right?”

“That’s right.”

All parents, in the hope that their children will not be too attached to money from an early age, continue to bargain in the hope of somehow protecting their children.


“You must not do that. Doing so will ruin their lives.”

Yoo Ha-eun spoke firmly.

“Are you ruined? then······."

Professor Ha-eun Yoo, who was quiet like a shy newbie, showed his original radical personality as soon as his position as minister was confirmed.

“Parents need to teach their children how to catch fish in advance, but since they only catch fish for them, the children cannot find a way to survive on their own and the number of children who rely on their parents increases even after they reach their 30s or 40s.”


As of 2024, the proportion of kangaroos in their 20s to 40s averaged over 45%.

What's the big problem with living with your parents? There may be some perspectives, but if you depend on your parents, you are more likely to study or do something else at home than to do economic activities.

“I have no intention of demeaning the children who live with their parents. However, rather than studying dead knowledge in a very isolated state, I think it is much more efficient and better to go out and study live in the field than dead study.”

"i See."

Choi Jong-hwan was also aware of that part.

In the past, there was no internet or anything else, so I had to go to seniors, juniors, and celebrities to find information.

And the living information derived from it became the nourishment for him to become president.

And, it is needless to say that his early working life was a great help to his inner ring.


‘Young people these days are so immersed in the internet space that they lack a lot of field experience…’

There were just too many young people who thought the internet world was everything. If you have the Internet, you can easily talk to people through chatting, and you can talk about your baby comfortably without having to meet.

However, in the end, the Internet was just the Internet.

The real story eventually came out a lot offline.

“Anyway, I think it is necessary to teach students how to earn money more actively than they do now, starting in the lower grades of elementary school.”

“It’s a way to make money…”

In the end, the conversation went round and round and ended up being an Angbeol.

'It would be nice if we could teach our children that early... but parents' objection...'

Considering that the values ​​children will carry for life are created in the lower grades of elementary school, there was no harm in teaching the concept of money early.

However, as Choi Jong-hwan worries, parents will never accept such a system.

Even now, how precious my baby is, and there was a high possibility of making a fuss about making such a nonsensical parrot.

However, Yoo Ha-eun was adamant.“If you keep leaving children that way, most children will be culled in the future.”

The surviving children are children whose parents have been taught the concept of money early on, he added.

“I will seriously consider Professor Yoo’s opinion.”

"thank you."

After the conversation with Professor Yoo Ha-eun was over, the president looked back at me.

“Do you have anything to say to me?”

At the President's question, I

“First of all, I agree with Professor Yoo Ha-eun’s opinion.”

I really liked Yoo Ha-eun's opinion, which I highly recommend, so after praising it.

“I think it’s better to be able to go out together in line with Professor Ha-eun Yoo’s recent move.”

Having said that, I explained that if the education and industry are closely united in the technology sharing and the new 4th industrial revolution that Matop is currently promoting, and nurture technical talents from the lower grades, they can play a part in the company immediately after graduation.

“All companies will unconditionally follow when Matop tells us to do it.”

Otherwise, we would not be able to receive technology sharing, and we decided that there was no company that dared to protest.

Even if there were, there were more companies that followed the tower anyway, and there were a lot of companies to choose from among those companies.

“So, if only the education community doesn’t oppose it, companies will actively support it.”

Of course, this was under the premise that the 'education community' was in favor.

‘I heard that the breath of Jeon Seon-yeon, a national association of teachers, is no joke….’

Originally, civil servants were legally prohibited from forming unions, but as the regimes changed over and over, that too became fuzzy.

So now, not only Jeonyeonyeon, but all civil servants were forming unions.

'There is a reason for the ban...'

When civil servants who must remain neutral suddenly form a union and go on strike, the work of the country is paralyzed.

So, civil servants should not have unions.

Wages are also set by the state, and it will continue as long as the law is not changed. If there is a sudden strike for a raise, the state is not in trouble.

‘We have to go hard against such a union.’

Besides, I was going to recommend a bill that teachers would strongly oppose.

“Currently, all national and private universities have a performance-based salary system, but elementary, middle and high schools still operate on a salary system, right?”

“Yes. Teachers’ opposition is so strong that the performance-based salary system is still sluggish.”

In the meantime, the opposition members of the lawmakers also struggled and opposed it, so Choi Jong-hwan could not do anything alone.

“If the backlash is severe…….”

After examining what is right and what is wrong with the bill, I emphasized that if the performance-based salary system is more effective than the existing good salary system, I will strongly push for it.

“I think we need to change the current school system to push hard-working teachers, and to overthrow those who are sloppy.”

I was a person who thought that the era of the iron rice bowl for civil servants is over.

‘There are no safe jobs in the world anymore.’

It was the same for civil servants.

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