
Just a collision of momentum, it turned out to be like a thunder, shaking the many onlookers to the warrior, dizzy.

And those warriors at the center of the collision of momentum have begun to vomit blood one after another, their bodies swaying like candles in the wind, and if they are not careful, they will be torn into pieces like falling into a boundless storm.

Everyone watched this scene happen in shock.

Those warriors who had never ridiculed Qin Feng ridiculed, at this time, felt dripping with cold sweat and had soaked their clothes-.

"Although I don’t know what method you used to subdue the supreme roc and the terrifying five-color gods. However, you should never use them as mounts and turn them into canaries. This is right and The greatest blasphemy of our sacred mountain is absolutely unforgivable. In any case, it cannot be today-enough to let it go!"

The eyes of the strong monsters are shining, like the sun releasing endless rays of light, high above, with the will to judge everything.

"Is this the greatest blasphemy? Not at all!"

Qin Feng spoke suddenly, making everyone bewildered.

Suddenly, a large string of fragrant barbecue appeared in his hand, the intoxicating aroma made everyone sink into it, and the Harazi shed all over the place.

Even the strong monster clan standing opposite Qin Feng couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Suddenly, this monster clan creature burst into a stormy breath.

The surrounding void undulates, rippling with boundless storms, as if opening a gluttonous mouth, and heading towards Qin Feng. The killing intent was like flying snow in June, making everyone tremble constantly.

"You dare to blaspheme the body of the monster race, you are inexcusable!"

The monster creature roared loudly.

"Why are you so angry? I took out a little barbecue, just want to prove that using the five-color sacred bull as a mount is not the biggest humiliation to the mountain. You are still too young to learn to be calm!"

Qin Feng teased.

At the same time, his words also confirmed from the side that the barbecue in his hand was indeed from the monster race.

For a time, everyone flashed by, a taboo about the mountain.

They trembled uncontrollably.

"Now I want to kill people! Not only do you want to die, but I also want to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people. This is the punishment for our blasphemous mountain!"

The horror monster clan creature roared.

The soles of his feet slam on the ground.

At this moment, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the world was overturned.

A terrifying and terrifying wave surged above the earth.

At this time, the earth seemed to be no longer land, but surging rivers, angry and roaring.

Suddenly the earth tore apart, and a terrifying roar erupted from the depths of the earth.

Under the dumbfounding gaze of everyone, a terrifying dragon with teeth and claws blasted towards Qin Feng.

"This is Fury of the Earth!"

"The bear of the earth claims to stand on the earth and be immortal. The source of strength will never be exhausted."


It turned out that the monster creatures in front of them were actually the bears of the earth who had become the incarnation of the earth.

The bear of the earth is definitely a rare species among the monster race.

Its strength is absolutely as rare as it is.

The scenes where countless earth dragons are killed are terrifying and horrifying.

And Qin Feng?

At this time, he was laughing.

"Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it. It takes no effort to get it. In this way, my Huangdi Tuhuangdao will become a big success, and it will evolve into the Supreme Yellow Emperor!"

Qin Feng was very happy.

The Big Five Elements technique was once again called the Five Emperors Great Demon Supernatural Powers. The evolution of the Five Emperors is the real entry point.

Control the five elements of heaven and earth, and evolve all kinds of supernatural powers about the five elements.

Five colors of light!

Five Elements Mountain!

Will become even more terrifying.

In fact, Qin Feng also got a five-element thing against the sky on the five-color god cow.

Five elements beads.

It is the treasure of terror associated with the ancestors of the Five Elements God Ox.

And the horrible method of the Five Elements Mountain is also related to the Five Elements Pearl.

Qin Feng didn't use the Five Elements Bead to awaken the other three emperors, so that when the Five Emperors fully evolved, with the help of the Five Elements Bead, they could complete the most terrifying transformation.

Of course this is all a digression.

In other words, Qin Feng was not angry but rather happy, watching the countless earth dragons coming, Qin Feng smiled!


With Qin Feng's roar, these ferocious earth dragons had dispersed the moment they approached him.

At this time, Qin Feng also stepped on the ground with one foot, shaking greatly.

The terrifying earth-yellow aura suddenly converged into the sea like big rivers, forming a boundless frenzy of vitality around him.

The vitality frenzy is shaking, and there seems to be something terrifying, which is vomiting terrifying vitality.

Suddenly all the earthy yellow vitality had been condensed in an instant, and a terrifying big seal appeared in the void.

"Panshiyin, shaking the world!"

Qin Feng roared.

The rock seal smashed toward the bear of the earth fiercely.

Even if the other party was covered with a khaki divine light, this time his blood was shaken not lightly.

One blow shook the bear of the earth.

·········· Ask for flowers············

Qin Feng's goal was once again placed on Long Yuan's body.

In an instant, he shot again.

His speed is so fast that everyone can't even catch the shadow, as if walking in the void.

When he appeared again, he was standing beside Long Yuan.

"The dragon elephant is vigorously broken and broken!"

With this punch, the surging blood rolled.

With this punch, even the void was shattered, resulting in the most terrifying wave!

This punch, like a horrible round of big sun exploding, releases boundless light.

With this punch, a terrifying shadow appeared in the void and roared, blasting towards Long Yuan.

Long Yuan looked shocked.

When the scary shadow in the void appeared, he felt that his bloodline was suppressed by the horror, and his whole body trembled.

....... .......

In a hurry, the strength of the whole body can't show 70%.

Facing the violent dragon elephant, his physical body suffered an unimaginable devastating force.

His arms shattered in an instant, and he flew out several hundred feet before stopping.

The body also traversed a pitch-black spatial crack in the void.

"To be honest, Invincible is really lonely. Today, I still did not display the strongest sword in order to be able to have a hearty battle. Now, it feels good to move your body."

Standing in the void, Qin Feng looked at him with an extraordinary demeanor.

His words made all the monster races feel a kind of grief and indignation.

"What's the meaning?"

"Your physical body can be compared to the scariest monster in our mountain, and your fists are invincible. Ximen Chuuxue, your strength is very strong, and our monster clan recognizes it. But is it really interesting to overly boast the strongest sword in nothing?"

"Why don't we deserve your strongest blow? Does this sword really exist? I think the fist just now is your strongest blow."


Everyone felt that Qin Feng was bragging.

Qin Feng hadn't spoken yet, but Jin Peng who was killing on the side suddenly roared: "Shut up! If you don't want to be food, immediately crush the trial tokens. Otherwise, wait for Ximen Fuxue to solve everything, and you will try your hand. Even if you refine tokens, you can't get out of here."

It's just Jin Peng's kindness, in the eyes of many monster races, it is the devil and graceful girl who has lost the monster race, and bows to her master to please her.

This is something that despised all the monster races, and they all began to swear.

In the most vicious language, he abused Jin Peng's behavior at this time. small.

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