The sky of the city of the blazing sun base was quiet to an indescribable point.

Su Li was holding the black soul jade in his hand, and the two desires of greed and gluttony in his heart intensified to an unprecedented level at this moment. If it weren’t for the fact that Su Li had gotten rid of the interference formed by these two evils, he probably couldn’t help it at all and directly ate the black soul jade in one bite.

A cool breeze blew on Su Li’s body, but his heart was even cooler, and even a trace of panic spread in Su Li.

He was actually being watched by some supreme being all the time.

In other words, he devoured the energy spar and directly cultivated, using the way of sleeping to comprehend the power of the law… was seen by a supreme person the whole time.

This kind of thing made Su Li creepy, standing in place for a while, and his brain was blank.

To know.

Although he is a silver 2-star martial artist, even if a diamond 9-star martial artist like Mo Anping appears, the slightest energy fluctuation generated will be keenly captured by him.

Then, the existence that he couldn’t feel the whole time was at least a king-level warrior.

And a king-level martial artist discovered that he devoured energy spar, primary soul jade… The secret of using sleep to cultivate, if there is a trace of greed, won’t he be 100% dead?

“That’s not right!”

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Su Li’s eyes: “I can devour energy spar, primary soul jade cultivation, and comprehend the law in the sleep space, relying not on what gold finger, but on my martial soul, the martial soul is unique to everyone, and the emperor-level martial artist can’t peel it off, did this king-level martial artist discover this, so he didn’t make a move on me?” Because it is useless to shoot, but it will also kill a Terran who has a hope of advancing to the rank of king, emperor, or even supreme… of peerless demons? ”

“If that’s the case…”

At this moment, Su Li analyzed several pieces of information from the other party: First, the other party was by no means a traitor to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Second, the other party should be here to protect himself secretly, otherwise how can he always follow him and even know what he needs?

Third, the other party was very optimistic about himself, so, in the case that he needed soul jade, he directly threw a piece of “intermediate” soul jade out, and it was also a medium-grade soul jade with dark attributes.

Intermediate Dark Attribute Soul Jade, the effect is at least 10 times that of Primary Soul Jade, right? With this piece of intermediate soul jade, he has the hope to break that bottleneck and continue to improve his understanding of the law.

With these thoughts flashing in his heart, Su Li showed a respectful expression on his face, glanced at the four directions, and said:

“Thank you seniors!”

“The senior should be the teacher of the city lord, did the city lord ask the senior to protect the junior?” Su Li said tentatively.

But there was no subtle movement, Su Yizhong smiled helplessly, he hesitated, and said in a surprising voice:

“The seniors may also have discovered that the reason why the juniors were able to devour the energy spar cultivation was because the first martial soul of the juniors, ‘Fallen Heaven and Hell Beasts’, had this kind of characteristics.”

Martial souls have independent characteristics… Su Li also has some understanding of this, so, directly telling the truth, there is no trouble, on the contrary, it can make that king-level warrior not guess.

“As for the Soul Devouring Jade, the way to comprehend the law by sleeping is because the second martial soul of the junior, ‘Belfi Beast’, also has this kind of characteristics.”

“Since the senior is not willing to show up and meet the junior, the junior does not force it, but the matter of the senior’s gift of intermediate soul jade today, the junior has already remembered it in his heart, if he has the ability to repay it in the future, he will definitely double it!”

There was still no movement, and Su Li did not force it, and finally said:

“That junior will go back to cultivation first, if you can, I hope that the senior can use the divine soul to step into an enchantment for the place where the junior lives, so as not to let other strong people pry into the secrets of the junior…”

After Su Li finished speaking, he stepped out directly, his figure turned into a green smoke, and after a few blinks, he appeared in the bedroom again, and then, Su Li did not hesitate to eat the piece of intermediate dark attribute soul jade, and fell asleep!

Su Li cultivated so blatantly.

And next to where Su Li originally stood, a figure looked at Su Li speechlessly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and muttered: “This stinky boy actually aroused Lao Tzu, it’s really …”

This person was Mo Anping’s teacher “Zhao Sheng”, he just wanted to scold Su Li for saying “really shameless”, but he thought of something, and shook his head and laughed.

Su Li guessed right, Zhao Sheng did watch him devour energy spar, soul jade cultivation, sleep to understand the secret of the law, at first, Zhao Sheng still breathed hot, his eyes burned… But soon, he understood that this was the characteristic of Su Li’s martial soul.

Martial souls possess magical properties… This is rare, but not uncommon.

Among humans, martial souls possess characteristics… The most famous person is the war king “Zhou Zhan”! According to rumors, Zhou Zhan’s martial soul is a war knife with monstrous killing intent, but Zhou Zhan’s own talent and understanding are very poor.

For 30 years, Zhou Zhan has been hovering in the realm of black iron level martial artists.

Until a certain time, Zhou Zhan went to the area where the demon beast lived, killed a level 1 demon beast, and discovered his martial soul characteristics: the stronger the battle!

Since then, Zhou Zhan has been bruised every day in the fight with demon beasts!

It doesn’t matter if he has no talent, anyway, he killed enough monster beasts, and if all these monster beasts are sold, they can also be exchanged for some contribution points.

Therefore, when he was 80 years old, he was promoted to the silver level martial artist!

As soon as he was promoted to the silver level martial artist, Zhou Zhan went to the demon beast battlefield, spent a full two hundred years, killed countless demon beasts, and advanced to a gold-level martial artist.

Then, Zhou Zhan found that his understanding was not very good, so he fought even more frantically, gained countless merit points and contribution points, relied on the accumulation of resources, and smashed himself into a diamond-level martial artist.

Becoming a diamond-level martial artist, Zhou Zhan’s strength is still the most ordinary kind, but as long as he starts fighting, he will become more courageous and stronger in battle.

His martial soul will absorb the resentment and hatred of all those he killed, and become the best help for his battle.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Zhan spent a total of 7,000 years to advance to the rank of king-level warrior in a shocking posture for everyone.

Until now.

A total of 12,000 years have passed, and Zhou Zhan has become a famous war king of mankind, and his strength is far beyond him Zhao Sheng, ranking seventh among human kings!

Moreover, even the king-level warrior ranked first in the human race does not dare to easily provoke Zhou Zhan, after all, this guy fights, it is a lifeless way to fight, and everyone has no hatred or grudge, why bother?

But with Su Li Devouring Energy Spar to increase cultivation, Devouring Soul Jade into the sleeping space to comprehend the law… Compared with the martial soul characteristics, Zhou Zhan’s martial soul characteristics are nothing.

After all, no matter how strong your strength is in this realm, you are only invincible at the same level, but Su Li has already advanced to the next realm.

These thoughts flashed in his heart, and Zhao Sheng’s eyes looked at Su Li with a hint of envy: “This kid, with these two martial soul characteristics, may have a hope of advancing to the Supreme!” ”

“What’s even more terrifying is that this little guy is only a silver 2-star cultivation, and he is actually about to bring wind, light, power, space… These four laws have all been realized to 1%, how did he do it? It can actually improve the understanding of the four laws at the same time. ”

“Also, this kid’s martial soul is obviously a dark attribute, why can even the law of light be comprehended, doesn’t he feel jerky at all? Interesting, so funny…”


Zhao Sheng’s gaze fell on Su Li’s body, as if he wanted to penetrate Su Li’s body, he smiled and muttered softly: “This seat wants to see, with this intermediate dark attribute soul jade, can you comprehend the power of the law to 1%, and will the law of light also progress together?” ”

Right at this moment.

Zhao Sheng originally wanted to find a place to hide and carefully observe Su Li’s situation, but suddenly his body shook, and he looked at Su Li with a strange face, and after more than ten seconds, Zhao Sheng swallowed his saliva and said in shock:

“That’s all breaking through to 1%?”

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