The global headquarters of the Shenyuan Martial Arts Hall in the Demon Capital covers an extremely large area, and the main entrance is magnificent and domineering, but not many people enter and exit.

After all, the branches of the Shenyuan Martial Arts Hall are also spread throughout the Demon Capital Base City.

And the people who can go in and out of the headquarters, handle business, and deal with things, are still the same sentence, there are no weak people.

As soon as Ma Ling approached the gate, he was stopped by the security guards standing guard at the door

"Stop, please indicate your intentions and show valid documents!".

A security guard wearing a black uniform with the logo of the Kamihara Martial Arts Hall stepped forward and said politely.

As soon as Ma Ling sensed it, he noticed that the security guards at the door were all martial artists, and they didn't have to smack their tongues secretly.

"I'm Ma Ling from Xijing Base City, and I'm here to report from the super training camp. "

As he spoke, Ma Ling handed over his martial arts card.

"Ah, it turned out to be a new cadet in the super training camp. "

The security guard led by was slightly startled, and a trace of respect suddenly appeared on his face

"There are still twelve days left in this year's official enrollment time, and you are the first new student to arrive. "

"Once you're in, go straight to the lobby desk, and there will be a dedicated staff member to guide you into the super camp. "

"Good. "

Ma Ling nodded, retrieved his documents, and entered the gate.

He walked along the silver-white brick-paved path, and soon entered the main entrance of the giant ship building.

In the vast hall, there were only about a hundred people, and he glanced at it a few times, and soon found the target he was looking for

Super Bootcamp Service Platform.

"I always feel that this scene is a bit familiar......


Ma Ling complained in his heart and went straight to the service platform.

The young girl on the service platform, when she saw Ma Ling's figure, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said politely

"Hello sir, how can I help you?".

"I'm Ma Ling from Xijing Base City, and I'm here to report from the super training camp. "

Ma Ling repeated his words and handed over his martial arts card.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Ma Ling. "

The young beauty took the document, put it on the machine next to her, and swiped it a few times:

"Hmm...... The official check-in time is 12 days later, but you can already move into the dormitory and enjoy some student rights. "

"Please go directly to the left, and there will be a special reception staff on the second aisle on the left hand to guide you through the super camp. "

"Good. "

A few minutes later.

"Mr. Ma Ling, this is the living area of the super training camp. "

A beautiful woman in a silver uniform led the way in front of her, and Ma Ling silently followed behind.

He looked around at the scenery and felt a sense of amazement.

Here, there are rows of villas, each with a unique decoration style, and there is no duplicate at a glance.

"Every student of the Super Camp has a single townhouse with all kinds of facilities. "

In addition, each villa is equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology such as 3D virtual projection, brain-controlled electronic equipment, and full smart home system. "

Hearing this, Ma Linghu's heart moved and asked:

"Super Bootcamp, how many people are there?".

The silver beauty was slightly stunned, but immediately replied:

"According to the latest personnel report, there are 1,425 people in total. "

"So much?".

"Much?" The silver beauty's face was slightly strange, but it quickly returned to normal, and patiently explained

"In fact, the number of places in the whole year will not exceed eighty, and with the addition of the rest of the major powers, the total number will not exceed three hundred in a year. "

"All the places, there are from the three major martial arts halls, the government and military, the Tianwu Alliance, and the local family, and they are treated equally here. "

"And the trainees of the training camp are divided into five grades, and there is also a mechanism for elimination and eviction, so the total number is the largest, and it will not exceed fifteen hundred. "

"You know, this is the place where the most elite and strongest genius martial artists gather among billions of people in the world. "

When Ma Ling heard this, he nodded and said:

"I see, what about the next training area and teaching area?"

In fact, no matter how good the living area is, no one will really care.

If you can train here, not to mention anything else, the whole billion, billion, is easy, what kind of enjoyment you want can't get?

Only the training area and the teaching area are what these super geniuses really care about.

"Mr. Ma Ling, please come with me, the following is the teaching area. "

With that, the two walked along the road for a while, entering a unique and magnificent building.

"It's ......


As soon as I entered this magnificent building, I was shocked.

As far as the eye can see, it is a hall more than ten meters high, and in the middle of the hall, there is actually a huge crystal stone that is ten meters high and ten meters wide.

On the crystal stone, there are also rows of names, flashing red, gold, and white.

Ma Ling raised his eyes and saw that many of the words on it were ranking:

"NO.1, **, Shenyuan Martial Arts, Zhou Qianyuan, fourth grade, 56,727 points. "

"NO.2, United States of America, Tianyang Martial Arts Museum, Smith Charr, fifth grade, 50,392 points. "

"NO.3, **, military, Chen Kaihai, fifth grade, 48,535 points. "

"NO.4, European Union ......".

Row by row, the top ten shone with golden light, and the eleventh to the hundredth place were all shining with red light.

And the top 100 away, all of them were white light, all the way to the 1,425th.

"This is?".

Looking at Ma Ling's puzzled gaze, the silver-dressed beauty next to her suddenly smiled and explained

"Mr. Ma Ling, this is the points leaderboard of the super training camp. "

"In the super training camp, the use of currency is prohibited, and all resources and special permissions are settled, all using points. "

At the end of each month, the points will be cleared, and according to the total number of rankings, it will be settled, and one point will be rewarded with one million. "

"One point for a million?".

Ma Ling was taken aback.

You know, the top ten have forty or fifty thousand points, so wouldn't they get at least four or five billion every month?

"Yes, and this is the total number of points, only the total number of points obtained is calculated, and the points can also be used for spending, and will not affect the final ranking. "

"In the teaching area, in addition to most of the open classes, there are also many high-end courses, top-secret exercises, martial arts and other materials, and the experience of super strong, etc., all of which must be exchanged with points. "

"In addition to this, all kinds of resources in the training area, from E level to SS level, are also purchased with points. "

"There are also special top-notch training places such as gravity chambers, vacuum chambers, and radio wave chambers, which also need to be used to buy time with points before you can enter them to practice!"

"It can be said that in the training camp, points are everything!

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