With a tired face, Jiang Xiaolong walked up to the third floor where his home was.

His exhaustion is not a physical one, but a mental exhaustion.

"Hold your head on the waist of your trousers, worry about it for a day, and earn zero income!"

Looking at the empty backpack, he sighed.

Today, at the risk of being eaten by beasts, he followed the scavenger team to the outside of the city, but after a whole day, there was no gain at all.

"This world makes people love and hate!"

Jiang Xiaoyu is not a person from this world, but travels to this world that he loves and hates with his memories.

Love is because this world, although it is very similar to the earth where he lived in his previous life, but martial arts prevail.

The strong can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, but can destroy the city with one hand and swallow the nuclear bomb.

And when he came to this world, he thought he could rise against the trend and ascend to the top of martial arts.

However, reality hit the ground running!

Two years ago, when he was sixteen years old, he began to get in touch with martial arts and entered a martial arts school to practice.

The high-spirited ambition has been beaten to the core in the past two years.

If this was a peaceful world, it would be fine if you were not talented in martial arts, just live a stable life.

But in this world, the human race has great enemies, and countless fierce beasts are staring at the human race outside the city.

"School starts in a month, and this month, I must break through the fourth level of body quenching."

Jiang Xiaolong didn't give up and was still trying to pursue martial arts.

Because the beast looked around, martial arts education only had two years of compulsory education.

If he can't reach the fourth level of body quenching when the school starts a month later, he will be forced to drop out. The school will concentrate the resources that originally belonged to them on those students who have reached the fourth level of body quenching.

At that time, without the free beast meat provided by the school, his martial arts progress will be slowed down, and the family will have more mouths to eat, and the burden will increase.

Although he is already at the third level of body quenching at this moment, to be honest, in a month's time, he is really not sure of breaking through the fourth level of body quenching.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong's only hope is to be able to gain something outside the city in this month's time, and to buy resources to help him break through the fourth stage of Body Tempering.

"Xiaolong is back, come and sit down to eat, I'll be waiting for you."

Seeing that her son came back intact, Li Hui heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly sat down to eat.

In fact, she has been worried for a day.

But in this world, if you don't fight or fight, you will die sooner or later.

Even as a mother, she could not stop her son from pursuing martial arts, and could only endure the suffering silently.

"Mom, Dad, Big Brother!"

After sitting down, Jiang Xiaolong greeted several close relatives beside him one by one.

He is the second child in the family. In addition to his parents, he also has an eldest brother and a younger brother.

"Let's eat!" Jiang Xiaolong's father, Jiang Yi smiled and started to move his chopsticks.

He was serious, and when he saw his son coming back, he couldn't help but smile.

He, a former titled warrior, knew the dangers of scavenging waste outside the city.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaolong is only at the third level of body tempering, even if a titled warrior encounters a beast outside the city, he will easily be killed.

It can be said that Jiang Xiaolong went out of the city today, and none of the family was relaxed, they were all worried about him in their hearts.

However, a poor family like them had no choice but to take a risk.

"Mom, I'm going back to the room first." Jiang Xiaolong's younger brother Jiang Xiaoyu said to Li Hui after dinner.

Li Hui glared at Jiang Xiaoyu: "Your second brother has been tired all day, you should send your eldest brother back to the room first."

"Let Xiaoyu go to study first, and eldest brother has to watch TV. I will send eldest brother to him later."

Jiang Xiaolong's eldest brother, Jiang Hai, is a person in a wheelchair, the kind of person who is completely paralyzed in the lower body.

Therefore, every night, before Jiang Xiaolong goes to bed, he has to clean up Jiang Hai first.

Not only his elder brother Jiang Hai, but his father is also disabled.

That's why Jiang Xiaolong was forced to venture out of the city when he was less than eighteen years old.

His family is difficult.

The eldest brother is completely paralyzed in the lower body, and the father only has one arm and one leg.

If he wants to stand out, he wants to be successful in martial arts, and he wants to take care of a family in difficulty, he can only rely on himself to fight, and no one can help him.

Of course, what Jiang Xiaolong has experienced, his father and elder brother have experienced it, so even though he was worried about him, no one stopped him.

If you want to survive in this world, you have no talent, you can only fight with your life.

And going out of the city to experience is something everyone must experience.

Even if Jiang Xiaolong is talented enough to stay at the school and continue to practice martial arts, the school will arrange for them to venture outside the city every year.

After watching TV for a while, he pushed his eldest brother back to his room, packed his eldest brother and went to sleep.

"Xiaolong, happy birthday!" Before leaving, the voice of the elder brother Jiang Hai came from behind.

This warmed his heart.

Although this life is difficult, his family treats him very well.

"Is it my eighteenth birthday today?"

Jiang Hai didn't say, Jiang Xiaolong didn't even know that today was his eighteenth birthday.

In the peaceful world of the last life, he would invite friends to celebrate and sing together today.

But today, let alone friends, he didn't even have a cake, and he even forgot his birthday

"Thank you big brother!" He smiled at Jiang Hai.

Back in the room, Jiang Xiaolong fell asleep.

Tomorrow I have to get up early to practice boxing, and after practicing boxing, I have to go out of town to take risks.

When he slept until the middle of the night, he suddenly felt like his head was about to explode.

In a deep sleep, Jiang Xiaolong suddenly woke up and covered his head in pain.

The next moment, a grand voice sounded in his head: "The system is loaded... The system is activated with hundreds of millions of times the potential of the physical body... Open the potential of a hundred times the physical body..."

ps: The new book sets sail, ask for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation*

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