Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2216: Valhalla's Requiem

The magic girl's power has no effect on Qube, no matter how many Qube is killed, more Qube will be filled in. The magical girl Xiaomei is full of cat-like and rabbit-like monsters in all directions. If she doesn't do her best, kill them in the fastest way, just the number of them will overwhelm her. The space is divided into two parts by the plane of water and light, and under the ripples that appear like a lake, there are more changing scenes besides Qube. These scenes are so complicated, so imagery, like It is any scene that Xiao Mei once knew, but it cannot be said to be any scene she knows. These scenes are mixed together, like her own memory, and like other people's memories.

Chubby emerged from these scenes, in the building, at the foot of the mountain, in the wind and rain, in the thunder and sunlight, on the bustling road, in the dark and deep paths, in the vast desert, the endless large The grassland, in the wind and beautiful nature, is also on the battlefield where the war is flying ...

These chubby jumped out of an individual's body, out of the bodies of animals, out of stones, out of trees and grass, it was like a large egg, like in a wave Bubbles, like the fish that multiply in coral reefs, come out of the various natural images that exist.

So complicated, so diverse, but after all, it will become the appearance of this cat-like rabbit, become Qiubi.

Qiubi was born, walked out, emerged, upstream, through the plane of water and water, came to the plane, dispersed to all directions, and continued to rise like a balloon. It can be suspended, it can run on the air, but it seems that the wind is blowing it, and it is just standing, and its body is propelled by the completely imperceptible airflow.

This bizarre space, water light and water color plane, no matter whether it is up or down, seems to have no end. The magical girl Xiaomei ran and jumped, flying in the air, shuttled between countless Qubes, and the Qubei around her where she passed was all dead, torn apart, exploded, frozen, burned into black charcoal, charged Twisted and squeezed into flesh foam, and after enduring various methods of death, Chubby will become a gorgeous firework, embellishing this cruel, hell-like scene like a festive celebration.

Beautiful fireworks bring beautiful rainbow light, polluting everything you can see, including the magic girl Xiaomei herself. The more Qubei she killed, the more these fireworks, the more these rainbow lights bloomed, it is impossible to avoid it anyway, no matter how fast the speed is, it will certainly be contaminated with these seemingly beautiful and lovely sounds Light phenomenon.

Where is calm, nothing? No, there used to be, but now it is gone. The magic girl Xiaomei knew that what she was doing was driving this pollution, however, she couldn't stop. How can she stop? As long as the footsteps are a little slow, as long as the reaction is a bit slow, as long as the magic cane is one step late, the space of his existence will be compressed by these Qiubi.

If you were overwhelmed by these chubby, how would you become? Will it have no effect at all? The magical girl Xiaomei was afraid to think in such an ideal direction, because from the moment she became a magical girl, everything in this world became cruel, and she and other people were dragged into **** step by step.

Like other mysterious experts, she also thinks when she is exhausted: if she dies, then she doesn't have to suffer so much sin. Looking at this world, where is there hope? Everyone is left with only a few of them. In addition to constant revenge, constant killing of the enemy, constant struggle, what more meaningful things can they do? Even if these struggles are meaningful, but the foreseeable results are so desperate, even if the enemy is killed and the victory is won, no one can win in the true sense.

Even, so far, when did you really see the dawn of victory? This is the case every time. I just felt that I had a chance, and this opportunity would be replaced by a greasy expression, turning into a desperate danger. It was as if that victory was nothing but a disguise of tragedy, or everything that I thought was hope, but nothing but my own illusion.

What is the point of fighting? No, there is no—

The reason why I am still fighting now is because I have paid too much in the past. If I give up now, it is too unpleasant.

Hatred, unwillingness, despair, madness, it seems that you can regain a meaning for those things and meanings that are becoming meaningless. Letting yourself sway everything in madness itself becomes a meaning.

The magic girl Xiaomei only felt that her heart was being ripped open by her own thoughts, and the dark colors flowed out of it. That's not pus. At least, this dark color is also a gorgeous color, which has the temptation to indulge. She had killed a cupid, and there was a trance in front of her. In illusion or illusion, she seemed to really see that the dark color became as if it was flowing from her heart and mouth, and her body had been polluted by iridescence. As soon as she came into contact with the dark color, she was immediately swallowed by her-she felt in a trance, is this a revelation, and must the dark color be used to resist the power of Qube?

However, at the next moment, the magical girl Xiaomei struggled to escape from this trance, and the dark colors disappeared.

--not like this!

She yelled inwardly. She does not deny that there is such a frenzy and dark side of human nature in the driving force that supports herself and others, but the original dream and motivation still exist that motivated her to act. For friendship, for companions, for the last possibility of saving the world, these original intentions are definitely not false.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" The magical girl Xiaomei screamed for the first time in battle, she felt angry, but anger was not her motivation, she knew very well what she was angry for, both for This hopeless battle, but more because in your own heart, you actually want to deny those good things-if you deny those good things, then, what is left of your life? Isn't his past worthless? Are the people they love all worthless?

"My life, the past of this world, those things that were once beautiful are definitely not meaningless!" The magical girl Xiaomei stopped and landed on the water and water level that had been dyed with rainbow light. With such a heavy weight, the ripples under his feet suddenly splashed into a huge wave, splaying in all directions.

When Chubby was beaten by this huge wave, it disappeared like a bubble. The magical girl Xiaomei feels extremely tired, and the battle with Qiubi only needs to be cleaned with a powerful and large-scale attack. The rainbow color can't solve its own pollution, so it doesn't need to go to much trouble. It was only the beautiful darkness and despair that constantly ate at the depths of her heart that made her struggle. She felt that she was not fighting Chubby, but fighting herself.

She feared that she would be swallowed up by the darkness, would be chased by that despair, would become a puppet of anger, unwillingness and hatred, forgetting her original intention of standing on this battlefield. However, she is also glad that when she freed herself from the negative despair and madness again and again, she felt more and more that the beautiful memory in her heart and her yearning for that beautiful have such a heavy weight. Servings.

Chubby appeared again and increased again. The range that had been emptied was almost filled in less than three seconds.

The magical girl Xiaomei did n’t know when she would fight this endless Qiubi, or how to break this situation. She could n’t find a chance to win anyway. It ’s even more conceivable that Qiubi was gradually approaching herself. Goal, leaving little time for yourself. However, she has never been so determined, as long as she can still fight, she will never think of giving up.

"Don't underestimate me--" The magical girl Xiaomei seemed to be talking to herself, as if to the endless Chubby: "Who do you think I am?"

She raised her magic cane high, as if she was making an oath, as if she was receiving power from the unobservable shore, as if praying with all her heart. And under her feet, the rainbow-colored water and water plane became more and more turbulent, making a gurgling sound like boiling. At this moment, countless Qiubi seemed to sense something, rushing from all directions, however, no matter whether they were flying in the air, or running on the surface of the water and water, their movements became slower and slower, Films like frame by frame have been tuned out, so that they show a framed picture.

The invisible and mysterious power is released from the body of the magical girl Xiaomei. She does not look at all the abnormalities around her, because this is itself a personal trait that she has as a magical girl, and she has been in countless battles. It is not the first time to use this mystery of hundreds of qualities. She believes that the power of the magical girl is ineffective against Qiubi, even if it is a mystery full of her own personal traits, as long as the source of this power is still the mystery of the magical girl, she will inevitably be unable to deal with Qiubi as the origin of the magical girl. Therefore, she has always been fighting with the power of the magic wand.

However, it is impossible to open the deadlock with the power of transformation. Because it is desperate, you must use all the power you have.

The opponent is Chubby, and what he has is all he owns-the power that is unique to his own characteristics, comes from the mystery of the magic girl, but does it not represent all of himself?

The magical girl Xiaomei doesn't know if she thinks right or not, no, it can even be said that she had thought so, but now that she has stopped thinking about it now. She knew she was a little clever, but compared to other clever people around her, and even clever monsters, she was undoubtedly a fool. However, the fool is also a fool's way of fighting. Mystery will never be favored by someone because they are smart or fool.

In the eyes of the magical girl Xiaomei, there has always been another idiot. Madoka, the magical girl, she has told her how many times she used her own way to tell how stupid people fight—

Reckless, hopeful, doing my best ...

At this moment, the magical girl Xiaomei seems to see the figure of the magical girl Madoka in front of her, in a trance, this illusion disappears. However, the magic wand she lifted up was liberating. In order to fight better, and to target the overpowered enemies, the mysterious power that was sealed in it and was enough to show the magic girl's own characteristics was being liberated.

Countless Kuppies are countless pictures. The nearest Chuby, the closest one, was less than three meters away from her, but the distance less than three meters was like the sky. The mysterious power divides time, time divides space, and divides matter, energy and information in common sense.

"# @ ¥% & ..." The magical girl Xiaomei recites syllables that only you know the meaning of: the only meaning of these syllables is the "key" to liberate your soul. She saw it again, and the dark color flowed out of her chest again, but it was just a trickle stream, and another soft and bright color like the sun spewed out at the next moment, just like Volcano erupting lava.

Only the time and space where the magical girl Xiaomei is located has not been divided, and her magic cane is stretched and expanded in this space, from a short stick that can be picked up with only one hand to a long one that needs to be grasped by both hands spear. The cute style like the magic girl's walking stick in the TV animation, at this moment, has become a more majestic and majestic style full of mechanical sense and power.

A ray of light ignited along the spear, one ~ ~ two, three ... countless, thin, distinct, with arcs and sparks. The energy clusters visible to the naked eye gathered at the spearhead, so the spearhead began to decompose and combine to become a larger body.

The magical girl Xiaomei once again felt the existence of Omi because it was originally the style of the weapon that Omi made for the netball: the S organ and the changeable form.

The original prototype was a suitcase-type Rubik's Cube weapon named "KY" series. It is the most commonly used weapon by Mr. Gao Chuan.

The magical girl Xiaomei seems to have seen it. It is recognized by the United Nations and NOG at the same time. It has defeated powerful enemies countless times. The hero who is truly sung by people, Mr. Gao Chuan, seems to be standing beside him at this moment.

There is Madoka, a magical girl who prays in a distant London repeater.

"Maximum liberation-!"

The water and light at the feet of the magic girl Xiaomei spewed out completely, and the huge wave immediately tore the illusion of the rainbow: the original light that seemed to pollute the water and water plane, but it was like a water surface. It's just a layer of oil, and under the water and light, it's really no amount of water and light. They rolled up like a tsunami, and will float on the surface. The rainbow light that has been connected into pieces is torn and broken, and another roll will engulf it without any trace of it.

The individual behaviors were cut off, leaving only a frame of independent images, and the slower it seemed, the Qiubi, who seemed to be stagnation at any time, was beaten by this monstrous giant wave and swept through. It was suddenly empty. In the distance, there is more Chubby, that is where the spear of the magical girl Xiaomei points.

"This is my strength, this is my world! _"

The world has become black and white, as if everything is frozen in old black and white photos. The only thing jumping is the light of the magic wand in the hands of the magic girl Xiaomei.

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