Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2197: Off repeater

The internal space structure of the London repeater began a new round of change. There was a clear sense of movement in the corridor where Omi and Dorothy were located, as if they were rotating around a circle at a rapid speed. The huge centrifugal force is making the corridor unfixed. Things rolled over the wall, and immediately after that, both ends of the corridor broke.

The broken part fell down, the collapsed wall also decomposed and fell, and the open field of vision could not see more things-up and down, left and right, and the parts outside the corridor were all nothingness that could not see the end. In just a few seconds, there were only fragments under the feet of the four of Omi, Marceau, Dorothy, and Father Sissen, still suspended in mid-air.

The huge flow that constitutes the figure in front of Father Sisen continues to infiltrate from the void. The entire void seems to be driven by this huge sense of flow, and it also shows a corresponding flow. However, no one paid attention to this change, because even if the invisible whole of Father Sisen all flowed into the repeater, it would not be able to expand the influence to the extent of affecting the entire repeater. Its morphological nature is indeed full of mystery. However, even if this level of mystery is like "mercury", then the mystery of the entire repeater is like "the sea".

There is too little "quantity" that constitutes the whole of Father Sisen. Even if Father Edward added the black water of Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut in the disguise, it is far beyond any mysterious expert individual known so far. Compared with repeaters in quality.

Mercury flowing into the sea, even if it can exist for a moment, will sooner or later be crushed in the natural movement of the current. Even if Omi did nothing, Father Sissen in its current form could not stay in the London repeater for too long. While Omi gradually covered the repeater's authority, Father Sisen's original authority was also being captured. Omi is trying to find a channel to attend the interaction between Father Mori and the repeater. This time will not be too long. Once completed, she can close the repeater at any time.

Father Sisen has also realized that during the brief few seconds of confrontation between the two sides, he has confronted the probe that Omi left inside the repeater hundreds of thousands of times. From the first few moments to gain the upper hand, to the current steady downwind, the situation has changed faster than he expected. At first, when he successfully penetrated into the London repeater, he also felt that he could persist for a longer period of time. However, Omi ’s coverage and integration of repeater permissions was faster than he expected. The processing speed is simply not what human beings can do. However, in his observations, the individual existence factor of Omi still stays within the scope of "human" in common sense.

How can there be such a thing? Father Sisen felt a huge contradiction and something terrible hidden behind the contradiction. If he can, he certainly wants to take advantage of this opportunity to stay in the London repeater. However, the current situation must be decisive, and temporary evacuation may be the best option.

The figure of Father Sissen, shaped by the flowing tiny matter, emits a lot of smoke in the eyes of both parties. The smoke particles began to vibrate violently, making a deep voice at first, and then becoming more and more sharp, and at the next moment, they became audible pronunciation again. This is not a human voice, but closer to a mechanical sound.

"Peach ... Dorothy ... must leave ..." The words reached the back, the vibrations became more intense, and the sound formed seemed to penetrate the eardrum.

In Dorothy's marvelous vision full of "lines", this vibration is even clearer. The "line" that constitutes the existence of "Father Sisen" is all shaking, and it is broken in an excessively intense shock. The outline of "Father Sisen" in this field of view is disintegrating. After the "line" depicting his image is broken, it passes through the gap between the surrounding lines and the lines like a school of fish and spreads in all directions.

When returning to a normal view, Dorothy only saw the cloud-like silhouette of Father Sisen around him disappearing, as if a huge suction came from his surroundings, all the clouds and mist that constituted its outline Suck away. Of course, compared to the idea that "Father Sissen is under attack", Dorothy felt that this was the preparation made by Father Sissen to leave the repeater.

Because, in the world of "line", she saw that although the "line" that outlined Father Sissen was being dispersed, the process of its dispersion was mobilizing more "line". A "channel" that cannot be described in words gradually emerged from the feeling in this process.

It cannot be directly observed, but it can be felt.

However, before Dorothy cut off the "wire" connecting itself to the repeater, Omi already jumped back.

After the corridor was cracked, the footing of the two sides did not exceed one square meter, and the jump near the river directly jumped out of bounds and fell below the void that seemed to have no end. Dorothy didn't move, because "Marceau" was staring at her. It wasn't until Omi completely disappeared into the field of vision that the outline of "Masuo" gradually faded and completely melted into the void.

Dorothy soon confirmed that the "lines" that constituted Omi and Marceau had changed, and even from this wonderful perspective, they could no longer be found.

"They left?" Dorothy looked at Father Sissen beside him, confirming again.

Father Sissen nodded only the figure of the human figure, which also disappeared in her vision, and the fragment of the corridor that provided the three people with a foothold was completely disintegrated. Now, in the entire void, only Dorothy was left. She could clearly feel that the fragment of the corridor under her feet also could not support it for a long time-probably only one tenth of a second.

Within one hundredth of a second, Dorothy has completely entered the line of sight, clarifying its own "lines" and other "lines" wrapped around these "lines." This is not something ordinary people can do. There are too many "lines" that need to be observed and operated. Even so, Dorothy also has the instinct mysterious power in this instinctive perspective, and she just completed the process of "wire management" at the same time she had thoughts.

The complicated thread structure was combed into a more subjectively regular appearance, and then, most of it was cut by Dorothy. After this, the line representing "Doris" finally passed through the gap between the line and the line like a swimming fish, along the passage left by Father Sissen that could only be identified by feeling, I didn't know that The direction to where to go quickly shuttle.

When Dorothy was once again out of the "line" perspective, she had already left the void space where the corridor was, but still in a room inside the London repeater. It is impossible to tell whose room this is, because everything that can be observed in the room has been refreshed, and its surface and internal structure are completely different from the room style when Dorothy is in charge of the repeater. Moreover, the whole room gave Dorothy a very unstable feeling, as if it would be refreshed again at any time.

——This way.

Some voice entered Dorothy's thinking in some way, and she could hear that this was Father Sissen's voice. Despite not observing its shape, Dorothy galloped in the direction of this sound. From the perspective of the "line", her mode of existence is also changing, and the obstacles of material form and traits under ordinary observation angles have almost all failed. Dorothy, like a ghost, penetrates the wall directly, penetrates the structure, and penetrates the unknown substances. Her speed is so fast, even if the passing place is refreshing, it can not affect her progress.

The guidance that emerged from the level of consciousness was always faster than Dorothy. Finally, Dorothy leaped forward. Although she didn't touch anything, she felt that her entire body was being kneaded like dough, stretched, and slipped out of a long and narrow pipe.

This time, when her vision returned to normal again, the London repeater, which appeared lotus-like in material form, was already a hundred meters away. She finally got out of the repeater.

However, the environment outside is certainly not so good. The huge distortion makes all the places that can be seen, those things that were originally just dead things, all creep like life, and the scenery in the entire visible area has deviated from the style of the ruins of the ruling bureau, which seems to be no longer. It is a "ruin", but more like a cavity of a certain kind of creature. The power of distortion always exists, continuously enlarges and spreads. After leaving the repeater, it must rely on its own power to resist the influence of this distortion.

However, even in the face of these indescribable abnormal scenery, Dorothy can still enter the perspective of "line". In this wonderful perspective, the "line" is still the only tangible existence that outlines these twisted anomalies. The distortions seen from a normal perspective, in this "line" perspective, also show a certain pattern-because they are too complicated to understand.

However, it is precisely the complex regularity presented by these "lines" that makes Dorothy feel that the core subjects that cause these distorted scenes still stay in a very distant place that cannot be directly observed. That is not the remoteness that can be described by the normal concept of space and time, but through some kind of movement, the nature of this "distance" will change, allowing the core subject to reach this area directly-this process is not "movement" in common sense "It can be described that if it is necessary to describe it, then it is better to regard this core subject as" always exist here ", but" no more contact "is better.

There are still many situations that Dorothy cannot describe. In her thinking, the cognition from a human perspective and the cognition from Super Dorothy are all full of limitations. Obviously something that you can observe, but you can't find a correct and appropriate word to describe.

The more you say the more wrong, the more you think about it, the more deviations occur, you can only understand but not speak. Do not--

Even the part that is only noticed is full of omissions and mistakes. Perhaps when you use your own limited cognition to feel and understand, the deviation has already occurred.

This core body, which is hard to imagine what its formal body looks like, should be the "deviation" that the Torchlight believes in, and it is also what the deviation ritual is calling? That is by no means a "monster in the collective subconsciousness of mankind", because Dorothy can feel that it is not in the ideology of human beings. What it presents more is that many of the physical properties that are not in common sense exist in a material way.

Dorothy wanted to further pursue her way of existence. Her consciousness was based on the "line" she could observe, and she went towards the unobservable distance. However, with the speed of consciousness, it is still impossible to shorten the distance between oneself and that core subject. This distance seems to be unable to be conveyed by "consciousness" under the existing circumstances.

The next moment, Dorothy felt an extraordinary sense of fear. Because this kind of fear is too heavy ~ ~, before Dorothy was completely engulfed by this kind of fear, she had already passively disengaged from the "line" perspective. Later, she only felt that her body was completely stiff. Although she wanted to do something, it was very difficult to even "think about something".

After breaking away from the "line" perspective, she no longer felt horror. However, this "no horror" feeling was completely useless for her to get rid of the current situation.

When Dorothy tried to "think", a huge resistance directly interrupted the operation of this "thinking".

Unable to think, move, feel, but recognize, Dorothy cannot judge anything at all, nor can he observe himself. Gradually, when she began to have a feeling, it was "fear".

Fear comes faster than any feeling, and it is clearer than any feeling. There is nothing but "fear". Dorothy is no longer able to run on her own. She is standing like a stone sculpture, standing quietly a hundred meters away from the London repeater. The twisted things around her, like a tentacle, like a tongue, like some kind of mucus, rushed at her. No one knows whether Dorothy is aware of the danger from her side, and her body shape is undergoing some alienation.

Before this distorted alienation of the body showed more features, the morphology of the London repeater had already taken the lead in directly observing the changes-that was originally a lotus-like appearance, showing a spiral Twisted, just like a towel that was tightened, many of its contents, like the squeezed water, flowed out from below.

No one can judge what these flowing things are just from their physical appearance. As soon as these things touch the twisted things of the outside world, it is like sulfuric acid sprinkling on the skin, which produces a violent reaction.

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