Restricted Area

Chapter 20: Neighbor

There is a large supermarket near the community where Jiang Chijing lives. The agricultural products produced in the Southern Prison are sold here.

Jiang Chijing knew for a long time that the strawberry jam he ate was produced in the prison, but the glass jar in his hand was not the same as the one sold in the supermarket. There was no label on the jar, and the fruit pulp was not as finely crushed as it was sold.

This is obviously not an assembly line product in the factory.

According to Lao Wang, this is a strawberry jam handmade by Zheng Mingyi, which seems to be somewhat different from the factory's products.

Jiang Chijing put the jar of jam on the passenger seat, started the car and drove out of the prison parking lot.

Recently, Jiang Chijing has always had a vague idea in his mind. He always feels that Zheng Mingyi knows that he is his neighbor.

Whether it is perfume or the distance of residence, Zheng Mingyi's probing is too precise, as if he had a clear purpose from the beginning.

And Jiang Chijing's answer is not qualified.

Zheng Mingyi asked him why his bedroom was full of his perfume, but Jiang Chijing chose to avoid it. Normally, he should be inexplicable about Zheng Mingyi's problem, because he wouldn't know that someone had smashed a bottle of perfume into Zheng Mingyi's bedroom.

As for the distance, Jiang Chijing’s answer directly exposed his knowledge of Zheng Mingyi’s home address.

He can have many excuses to perfuse the past. For example, he is a prison guard. He has read Zheng Mingyi’s detailed information, fzf, but Zheng Mingyi didn’t give him a chance to perfuse. After getting the information he wanted, he didn’t Keep asking.

It feels as if Zheng Mingyi already has the answer in his mind, just confirm it again.

It's a pain in the brain.

If Jiang Chijing’s first impression of Zheng Mingyi is that this man is sexy, and the second impression is that this man is dangerous, then the third impression is that this man is very troublesome.

As the car drove towards his community, Jiang Chijing also gradually accepted the facts that he might have exposed.

But he still couldn't understand when and why it was revealed, and how much Zheng Mingyi knew about his little habit.

But what is certain is that he first said "I believe" to Zheng Mingyi and expressed his trust, so Zheng Mingyi would have such a "self-destruct" behavior.

Slowly stopping at the door of the large supermarket, Jiang Chijing unfastened his seat belt, not wanting to waste his brain cells for Zheng Mingyi.

You should relax well on weekends, and bring the things in the prison to the rest day. It is really not Jiang Chijing's style of behavior.

He went to the supermarket and bought everything on the list, but he didn't buy strawberry jam.

A jar of jam can last for half a month. Now there is more than one jar in the car. If you buy it early, you can only store it before the expiration date.

After returning home, Jiang Chijing put the big and small bags on the coffee table, then picked up the can of Sanwu products that had no production date, no quality certificate, and no manufacturer and came to the kitchen.

He took out a spoon in the cupboard, dig out a small spoonful of strawberry jam from the glass jar and tasted it. The entrance is the sweetness that permeates the whole mouth. Only after squeezing it can he feel the slightly sourness of the strawberry. aroma.

Good and sweet.

Jiang Chijing frowned, his shoulders shrunk so sweet, the goose bumps on his back came up.

Is Zheng Mingyi trying to get tired of him?

Everyone has different feelings about the ups and downs. In short, for Jiang Chijing, the sweetness of this jar of strawberry jam is beyond the standard.

He hesitated, and finally went out again, bought a few lemons from the supermarket, and reprocessed these three products to barely meet his taste.

This weekend, Jiang Chijing spent most of the day taking care of his lawn, and by the way washed the garage and the road in front of him.

The small bungalow on the opposite side was still as depressed as it always was. The courtyard was overgrown with weeds, and the goose-yellow curtains in the bedroom turned dark gray. There should be no one to sort out the overturned items in the house, I am afraid that a lot of dust has accumulated.

I don't know what Zheng Mingyi would feel when he saw his house become like this after he was released from prison.

But having said that, this small bungalow has been sealed up by the court, and maybe it will be auctioned before Zheng Mingyi is released from prison.

Even if Zheng Mingyi washes away his grievances and according to the law, the person who photographed the small house does not have to return the property rights, then Zheng Mingyi will no longer be his neighbor.

It seems to be a little farther away.

During this period of time, the house opposite had been empty, Jiang Chijing had no one to peep, but gradually got used to it.

His voyeurism seemed not as serious as he thought, just like he was too lazy to watch the prisoners in the recreation room smoking and playing cards. If there were no people interested in him, then he would not be interested in voyeurism at all.

That night, before going to bed, Jiang Chijing wound the old clock again.

I don't know what's going on. Recently, this watch is going slower and slower. I only needed to twist the mainspring two or three days ago. Now I have to twist it almost every day. Perhaps this is a common problem with old watches. If it doesn't work, Jiang Chijing may still have to buy another new watch.

Putting the watch on the bedside table, Jiang Chijing lay down on the bed.

The advantage of living in the suburbs is that the night is very quiet and there is no annoying light pollution.

After Jiang Chijing closed his eyes, the world in his eyes was nothing but quiet darkness, but before he could fall asleep, the darkness in front of him suddenly began to flicker, mixed with an unknown red light.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, opened his eyes quickly, opened the curtains, and saw that the small bungalow opposite was surrounded by a raging fire, and the open bedroom window was frantically spraying out flames.

"It's on fire, put out the fire!"

There were neighbors around who came out to put out the fire in their pajamas. Jiang Chijing quickly called the fire alarm number, and then got out of bed and joined the firefighting army.

The fire truck arrived soon, and the firefighters took the fire hydrant pipes from the residents and cooperated with the high-pressure water guns on the fire trucks. The fire was finally extinguished within an hour.

Neighbors gathered around and talked about it. Jiang Chijing vaguely heard some information. For example, some people said that a fire of this degree must have a combustion-supporting agent, otherwise it would not burn so fast, and it would not take such a long time to extinguish it.

When Jiang Chijing returned home, he called Guan Wei and told him that Zheng Mingyi's house was on fire. Guan Wei hurried over from the city immediately and stood in front of the "ruins" of Zheng Mingyi's house, looking very angry.

"I recently asked my superiors about investigating Hengxiang's organization, but there is no evidence and the case cannot be filed."

"What kind of evidence do you want?" Jiang Chijing asked. He doesn't know much about the economic case, but he knows how much he knows that the regulator will not review a certain institution for no reason, and only when suspicious things arise, will the case be filed for investigation.

"The last time Hengxiang was investigated, it was because there were obvious abnormal fluctuations in the short-selling stocks. This matter has ended with Zheng Mingyi's imprisonment, and it is impossible to investigate again. Unless there are new abnormal fluctuations in the stock market, or other Suspicious clues appear, otherwise, there will be no way to file a case against Hengxiang."

Jiang Chijing frowned and thought for a moment, and asked, "So the most important thing is still the clue in Zheng Mingyi's hand?"

"Yes, I now tend to believe that Zheng Mingyi does have clues." Guan Wei said, "Otherwise, there is nothing so coincidental. I only proposed to my superiors a few days ago that Zheng Mingyi's house was burned. NS."

After all, this is the third time someone has invaded Zheng Mingyi's house. It must have been because I didn't find what I wanted two times before, and I still felt uneasy, so I simply burned Zheng Mingyi's house with a torch.

"What kind of clue is it?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"In the last call, he mentioned that there were photos and recordings of Wu Peng, the boss of Hengxiang organization, having dinner with an important person."

"Could it be hidden online?"

"We checked his computer, and there is no record of uploading these things. And the things on the Internet are easy to erase, and he will definitely hold it in his hand."

"Is that so?" Jiang Chijing thought, "so it's still in the memory card."

"Headache." Guan Wei scratched the back of his head indiscriminately. "His interpersonal relationship is very simple. I have checked everything that can be checked. He can't bring this thing into prison. Could it be that he was actually burned?"

Jiang Chijing lifted his chin and looked at Zheng Mingyi's house. Even the window frames had been burnt and deformed. If the things are really in his home, even if he hides them foolproof, I am afraid they have lost their value now.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chijing said, "He must have a back hand."

Guan Wei retracted his gaze from Zheng Mingyi's house, looked at Jiang Chijing inexplicably, and asked, "How do you know?"

"Intuition." Jiang Chijing said.

Zheng Mingyi's brain is so good, he will definitely hide the clues in the safest place. It mainly depends on whether he is willing to trust Guan Wei and hand over the clues.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing exhaled and looked at Guan Wei faintly: "I said you should check yourself internally?"

"Hey, I also know that there must be a ghost." Guan Wei couldn't help but cursed.

In this case, Jiang Chijing is absolutely unwilling to hand over the chips in his hand easily.

"I applied for a meeting before, but he didn't agree." Guan Wei said, "I want to apply again next week. Can you help tell him?"

Jiang Chijing fell silent. To be honest, he didn't really want to help Guan Wei.

It's not that he is too lazy to care about this, but Zheng Mingyi himself does not trust Guan Wei. If he becomes the guarantor, if something goes wrong with Guan Wei, he really can't explain to Zheng Mingyi.

"Don't worry, I'll just chat with him casually." Guan Wei said, "He should also want to know the current situation of Hengxiang?"

Jiang Chijing thought about it again, and knowing more about the outside situation is not harmful to Zheng Mingyi. Besides, he is very smart and can make appropriate judgments, saying: "Okay, let me tell him.

Jiang Chijing doesn't like to mix with the private affairs of prisoners, because the chance of an unjust case is really very, very small. He can see who really regrets, but it doesn't mean that these people deserve sympathy.

During the half year of working in the Southern Prison, only Zheng Mingyi was framed and imprisoned. This is the first time Jiang Chijing has encountered this situation. His useless sense of justice is always beating him. Maybe he can provide a little help for Zheng Mingyi.

On Monday of the new week, Zheng Mingyi went to the library as usual.

Jiang Chijing sat in the office area as usual, turned on the computer and entered the password, looked at the computer screen and asked, "How do you know that I like strawberry jam?"

Zheng Mingyi moved his newly liberated wrist and replied flatly: "I happened to see you bought it in the supermarket."

This is no longer a temptation, nor a hint, but a clear statement Jiang Chijing: I live near your home.

Jiang Chijing paused when he entered the password, and then hit the Enter key, and the computer made a pleasant start-up sound.

He leaned back in his chair and looked at Zheng Mingyi and said, "Yesterday your house was burned."

Neither of them mentioned the issue of residential address, but they have completed the exchange of information tacitly.

No one is hiding anymore, they are all actively telling each other, I know you know that I am your neighbor.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

"It should be a group of people from before." Jiang Chijing said.

Zheng Mingyi fell into deep thought when he heard that, Jiang Chijing bored his index finger on the tabletop and said, "By the way, the strawberry jam you made is too sweet, and I have to process it myself."

"Really?" Zheng Mingyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Chijing, "I thought you were eating very sweetly, so I added more sugar for you."

Jiang Chijing was speechless: "Which one of your eyes sees me eating sweetly?"

"I don't know." Zheng Mingyi tilted his head slightly, and looked up and down Jiang Chijing, "I feel that you are very sweet."

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