Qi Luoli left, but the dinner of Yuan Zi and Xiaolan had just begun, and the salty and sweet and soft Dongpo meat was enough to be perfect, and after that, the Longjing shrimp was the finishing touch.

Longjing shrimp does not exude a hooking luster like Dongpo meat, if you have to evaluate it next, it is Qingya, it is Qingya, it can only be Qingya.

Simply dozens of white jade-like white and flawless shrimp meat, just by looking at it you can feel its deliciousness and elasticity, that is the delicacy of Qingxin, that is only when you notice it you will be attracted to it.

A few fresh and tender buds and leaves dotted on the white shrimp flesh, indescribable elegant and indifferent feeling, a few green plums and rosemary used as a foil on one side, and a white lily on top, Ya, only one Ya.

If the previous Dongpo meat is rich and charming, noble and moving noble concubine, this Longjing shrimp is between the mountains and waters, the sun and the moon and the breeze accompanied by the world's dwellers, free, elegant, like mountains and flowing water, although there is no gorgeous decoration, but at a glance will never be underestimated, the world's noble people are like this.

The chopsticks are sandwiched on the shrimp, and the feeling that comes from the chopsticks is called elasticity, called freshness, and from this feeling, you can clearly understand how vibrant this river shrimp was when it was alive.

Longjing shrimp is made using the simplest method, water stir-frying, it is so simple, but it fully expresses the taste of Longjing and shrimp as the hero and heroine, it seems that they should exist like this, and the process of water stir-frying is just the emcee of this wedding, just right.

Shrimp entrance, what you taste is not the fresh aroma of shrimp, but the tea aroma of Longjing new tea, under the rich tea aroma, the whole person broke free from the tempting illusion of Dongpo meat just now, the real person was quiet, after that the fresh fragrance of the shrimp, the deliciousness was transmitted to the whole brain through taste buds and teeth, Ya.

It is such an elegant, such elegant cuisine, but can bring the shock that those hot dishes cannot bring, peace of mind, fresh and tender, fragrant buds and leaves, elegant color, containing their own flavors and endless aftertaste.

At this time, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were completely attracted by this wonderful taste and rich taste, simple is sometimes the least simple, ordinary is often the most extraordinary, this dish perfectly interprets all this.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi are not people who pay much attention to aristocratic etiquette when eating, and eating should be polite for them, but they don't necessarily have to pay attention to so much etiquette.

When Mao Lilan put the last shrimp in his mouth, he breathed a sigh of relief, this is the correct order of meals, first the thick Dongpo meat and then the tea-rich Longjing shrimp, exhaled with the aroma of tea.

Yuanzi patted his stomach and said: "Ah ~ finished eating ~ so delicious!" Brother Bai Yu's cuisine really can't eat enough, right~ Xiaolan! "

Mao Lilan wiped his mouth and said, "Well, the cooking ability of the manager of Bai Yu is very powerful, I originally thought that my cooking ability was already very powerful. "

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, but it's not as powerful as you say, it's just right in line with your appetite." "

Yuanzi rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Bai Yu, although you mean to be modest, it is really annoying for you to say this!" "


"Lord.... White feathers, white feathers, white feathers! Shiraba's cuisine is the most delicious! "

Yuanzi waved his hand and said: "Yes~ see no, Cerberus said so, can you bear to fool Cerberus?" "

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Then again, Yuanzi, is your hairband cracked?" "

Yuan Zi was stunned, reached out and touched it, sure enough touched a crack and then sighed and said: "Ah~ really broken, it's over... I still like this hairband~"

Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "I remember that you seem to have been this hairband all along?" "

"Of course not~ It's just that I always carried this with me when I came to you, it seems that this is going to be broken, so it's a pity not to wear it~"

Mao Lilan said with a smile: "Yuanzi, let's buy another one tomorrow when you pass by that store after school~"


Yuanzi said and took off the hairband, and the moment the hair fell, Cerberus and Lucifer were stunned for a moment, and Yuanzi noticed it and said suspiciously: "Huh? What happened to the two of you? Why are you looking at me like that? "

Cerberus said dumbfoundedly: "Is it really a garden?!" What a change! "

Lucifer also said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth: "This is no longer a change, this is a direct change into another person!" "

Yuanzi smiled and waved his hand, Mao Lilan covered his mouth and chuckled and said: "Yuanzi is very beautiful to put down his hair, but he usually brings a hairband, I don't know why~"

Yuanzi thought for a while and said: "Maybe the hair is too long~ This is not important, there is no need to pay attention to this!" Huh? Lucifer, what are you doing? "

"The photo was posted in the group, and Qi Luoli said that she was very interested."

The corner of Yuanzi's mouth twitched and said: "I don't want to be interested by her, but is the response that big?" "

Mao Lilan smiled and said: "Of course ~ because.... Huh? Did Dad actually come back so early today?! It's so rare! "

Yuanzi also said with a smile while playing with the hairband: "Uncle Maori actually came back so early, it is indeed very strange, so Brother Bai Yu, Lucifer, Cerberus, let's go first~"

Mao Lilan also said with some hesitation: "Well, I'm sorry, Bai Yu store manager, by the way, a total of..."

"You two have a total of twelve hundred yen~"

"Huh?! Is it so cheap?! "

Yuanzi smiled and said: "Normal~ Brother Bai Yu, the money is here, let's go first~"

"Be careful when walking at night, pay attention to safety, and have a good journey."

"Hehe, rest assured~ tell you ~ Xiaolan is a karate champion, and it's not that kind of flower rack, it's really powerful!"

"Huh? I can't see it, it's really powerful, okay, go back quickly, come back when you have time. "

"Good! Brother Bai Yu, let's go! "

"Goodbye to store manager Bai Yu!"

Bai Yu waved his hand with a smile, and then supported Lucifer's chair and said with a smile: "What's wrong, suddenly so silent~"

Lucifer snorted and pointed to the corner of his mouth, Bai Yulang then reached out and touched it, and sure enough, he saw a little more cyan lipstick on his hand, this Qi Luoli is really...


"Hmph! And who is that woman named Yalbed? "

Bai Yu smiled and pinched Lucifer's face and said, "It's a game character." "

After breaking free, Lucifer hugged his hands to his chest and looked at Bai Yu and said, "Tomorrow, I want to play that game too!" "


"I'm going to rest! Cerberus, you rest early too! "

"But I'm not sleepy!"

After Cerberus finished speaking, he saw Lucifer's eyes with a hint of meaning, looking at Bai Yu pitifully, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Lucifer is also right, if Cerberus rests early, if he plays tomorrow, he will have more energy~"


Cerberus was called up by Lucifer, and the night slowly deepened...

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