Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 632: The chasing villain, for the dead doll

what! "

Liu Xuguang was shocked, as if his father had died.

This is simply a thunderbolt in the sky. Liu Zongtang is one of the only two pseudo-kings of the Liu family in Langya, and its importance is beyond doubt.

In the end, the Langya Liu family is the royal family, even without the protection of the king, the background is far beyond that of the famous family. Naturally, there are many special methods, and Lingpai is one of them.

Langya Liu's family mastered the technique of refining spirit cards, which can well preserve mental power and have the means of early warning.

As long as the demon master puts a trace of spiritual power on the spirit card, when the demon master falls, the spirit card will be completely shattered.

This is the case with Liu Zongtang!

"when did it happen?"

Liu Xuguang's tone became a little more stern, and he unconsciously released his aura completely.

Liu Zongtang treated him kindly and gave him a lot of help in his growth, so even if Liu Xuguang becomes a pseudo-king, he still claims to be a later generation.

Feeling Liu Xuguang's huge momentum, the clan elder was a little bit out of breath as if being pressed by a mountain, but he still replied with a trembling sound: "About four hours ago!"

There was a fierce light in Liu Xuguang's eyes. They were Li Changsheng who had ambushed four hours ago. It was inferred from time that Liu Zongtang did not escape the enemy's pursuit and eventually fell.

However, Liu Zongtang is a veteran pseudo-king after all, and Liu Xuguang, the person who chased Liu Zongtang at the time, still remembered that although there were as many as four people pursuing Liu Zongtang, there was only a pseudo-king like Zhang Kaishuo, or a newly-promoted pseudo-king. With Liu Zongtang’s strength, he escaped. It shouldn't be difficult.

"Damn, patriarch, I will avenge you!"

Liu Xuguang's nails were unconsciously digging into the palm of his hand, even if it was deeply pierced into the flesh, he didn't notice it, and wisps of blood dripped on the ground.

Six months ago, the Liu family of Langya lost a large number of elite children of the highest quality. This was the time when Liu Zongtang, the biggest reliance, fell again. This was a disaster for the Liu family of Langya.

Today's Langya Liu family can be said to be in a precarious state.

If it weren't for a pseudo-king like Liu Xuguang, the big powers nearby would probably show their fangs, and would like to swallow Langya Liu's heritage and industry.

The inheritance of the king's family, thinking about how much temptation, is an individual will be worried about.

Liu Xuguang's face is extremely hideous, where there is the elegant and romantic of the past, the first time he wants to locate the real murderer, so as to avenge the patriarch.

With the profound background of Langya Liu's family, there are naturally treasures like Qi Yao Xuntian Incense.

Liu Xuguang took out a heavy treasure from the depths of the clan. This is a villain that looks like a straw woven. It is called the soul chaser. The material used is naturally not straw, but is made of several rare top spirits. The plant is woven by a special technique.

Unlike Dou Yuanbin's Seven Lights Surveying Incense, the Soulchaser can be used repeatedly, but it has a cooling time, which can only be used once every three months, and a large amount of fairy blood is used to soak it.

Well, the soul chaser uses blood sucking to charge.

The next moment, the clan veteran handed over a piece of old-fashioned clothing, but it was the clothing Liu Zongtang wore before, still retaining his breath.

Soon, the clothes began to burn, extracting Liu Zongtang's breath.

At the same time, Liu Xuguang activated the soul chaser.

This little man seemed to have life, opened his blood-like eyes, got up from Liu Xuguang's palm, and made an inhalation action against Liu Zongtang's breath.

As if a swallow plunged into the forest, Liu Zongtang's breath instantly poured into the mouth and nose of the soul chaser.

In a moment, the soul chaser seemed to have an itchy nose, and sneezed vigorously, expelling a large cloud of mist like red clouds.

This cloud mist is extremely condensed, not scattered at all, and exudes a **** atmosphere, faintly resonating with this world.

At the next moment, the **** clouds quickly twisted.

It is a pity that the soul chasing range of the chasing villain is far beyond the Qi Yao Tianxiang Xiangxiang, but after all, it has the same limitation, as long as the murderer is not in this world, it will automatically fail.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Xuguang's face instantly turned pale, his veins violent, and his anger reached the extreme.

Obviously, the murderer is either not within the soulchaser's scope of the soulchaser, or possesses a treasure that shields the soulchaser.

Who is it, who is it?

Liu Xuguang's heart was full of resentment, his hands squeezed involuntarily, the soul chaser in his right hand twisted his head, his scarlet eyeballs silently stared at Liu Xuguang, his eyes seemed to flicker.

Liu Xuguang didn't notice the abnormality of the chasing villain. His mind was full of the figures of Li Changsheng and the seven giants of Yuanling Academy, wishing to cut them all.

No matter how you look at it, Liu Zongtang's death is related to them.


Soon, Liu Xuguang took a deep breath, his inner resentment was forcibly suppressed, and his reason was restored.

Wanting to avenge Liu Zongtang, the badly injured Langya Liu family was obviously not strong enough, so he had no choice but to set off to the Three Princes' residence, preparing to join Dou Yuanbin again.

This is also very helpless. Li Changsheng's progress is too fast, not only Li Changsheng, but Yuanling Academy is the same.

In just over a year, Yuan Ling Academy has changed from the original Big Three to a Big Seven, and its strength is close to that of the Royal Academy. Such an increase can be described as terrifying, and it has a lot to do with Li Changsheng.

Liu Xuguang didn't have the idea of ​​replenishing energy. Once he did so, he would kill himself. Li Changsheng and Langya Liu clan are deadly enemies. He could not pray that Li Changsheng would forget the Langya Liu clan.

The best way is to kill Li Changsheng at all costs before he can fully grow up and kill the threat in the bud.

Unfortunately, Liu Xuguang had a closed door.

Dou Yuanbin happened to be in retreat, recuperating and recovering the turbulent sea of ​​consciousness. Due to the death of Zhan Qingfeng, he could be said to have suffered heavy losses, and he was almost distressed and about to go crazy.

For Liu Xuguang, who was aspiring to become a king, even if he eventually ascended to the throne of Langya Kingdom, the absence of a demon king-class demon pet would undoubtedly drop his probability of becoming a king.

In this 300-year history, apart from the founding emperor Dou Cangqiong, Langya Kingdom has experienced a total of 12 emperors, and currently two kings have been born.

Unfortunately, these two kings have fallen.

The current Emperor of the Langya Kingdom, Dou Changsheng, has reached the limit of a pseudo-king, and may become a real king at any time. If he is unlucky, he may not become a king for ten or twenty years.

Even if Dou Changde became king, the probability of Emperor Langya becoming king was only 1/4.

Naturally, Li Changsheng didn't know Liu Xuguang's thoughts. At this time, he had broken the second treasure tank and was holding the treasure from the treasure tank with joy.

In Li Changsheng's hands, he was holding a delicate and lovely doll, which was only the size of a palm without any sound and light effects.

However, Li Changsheng is quite valued, because this is a legendary replacement doll, which is equivalent to one more life.

Death Doll: Collect the breath of yourself or the demon pet. When you or the demon pet receives a fatal blow, the replacement doll will automatically be activated. It can save the fatal blow and prevent yourself or the demon pet from falling. Note: The offensive of the Demon Emperor cannot be exempted.

The surrogate doll is very strong, equivalent to one more life, but it also has a tolerance limit and cannot be exempted from the demon king-level offensive. This is also the main reason for the fall of Yum King. It is rumored that the demon lord who killed the king of Yum The existence of pets on par.

"I wonder if it can hold multiple breaths?"

Li Changsheng secretly said that if it can contain a variety of breaths, then the dead doll is even more precious.

He immediately experimented, first withdrawing his breath and falling into the mouth and nose of the dead doll.

The dead doll shimmered slightly and disappeared in an instant. It seemed to be heavier.

At the same time, Li Changsheng had a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

The next moment, Li Changsheng took out Kailan's breath again, and fell into the mouth and nose of the dead doll. What made him delighted was that the dead doll absorbed the breath of Kailan again.

Li Changsheng and Kailan felt the same, they felt exactly the same, and they didn’t feel like anyone was kicked In the following process, Li Changsheng ingested the breath of a demon pet and fell into the dead doll. In the nose and mouth.

It can be said that the surrogate dolls are not rejected. Including the temporary demon pets, the breath of the 14 demon pets has been taken in, and it still feels more than enough.

I don't know what the principle is, Li Changsheng can clearly feel that the weight of the dead doll has increased a lot.

After the rest, the monster pets began to attack the next treasure tank.

Soon, under the strong offensive of the monster pets, the energy barrier of one of the earth-type treasure tanks had ripples, and it had reached the point where it could be broken.

"Don't stop, go on!"

Seeing the changes in the earth-type treasure tank, Li Changsheng’s eyes lit up. Encouraged by him, the monster pets hurriedly launched a long-range offensive again, attacking the earth-type treasure tank in a more frenzied manner.

Under the powerful offensive, the barrier of the earth-type treasure tank began to weaken, and the demon pets were fighting spirit and working hard.

After three minutes, the demon pet began to gasp, but with their efforts, only a thin layer of the earth barrier remained, giving people a feeling that they could be broken at any time.

In order to avoid harming the treasure in the treasure tank, Li Changsheng hurriedly divided the monster pets into two teams and attacked the earth barrier alternately.

After another half minute passed, the earth barrier flickered violently, and finally disappeared.


Li Changsheng's voice came into the minds of the demon pets, and they subconsciously stopped the offensive, and sat on the ground one by one and began to rest, obviously extremely tired.

The continuous offensive that lasted for more than three minutes caused a great loss of physical strength.

After the energy tide disappeared, Li Changsheng came to the treasure tank and stretched out his hand to take out the treasure inside.

Unexpectedly, there are two identical treasures in this treasure tank.

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