The Promise Destiny is telling Xiao Naihe that it wants that thing.

"That compass is not easy."

Since Chuangshen Tree moved into the Wuji Destiny, the Wuji Destiny has evolved crazily. It has jumped out of the Eternal Avenue system and turned to the Chuangshen Avenue cultivation system.

Even the current Xiao Naihe is actually somewhat helpless in the cultivation of the Promise Destiny, and he can only let the Creation of the God Tree and the "Four Elephant Scriptures" toss.

But now the Promise Destiny seems to be telling himself that he wants the compass. Although he doesn't know what it will do, this opportunity is rare and not to be missed. He wants to see what the Promise Destiny or Chuangshen Tree wants to do.

The competition for the mysterious compass was fierce, and in a short while, one hundred thousand lower grade holy crystals had been called.

Although the role of this mysterious compass is still unknown, the background of this kind of thing is obsessed with the background, comes from a long time ago, and may not have untapped value.

Now basically no one is bidding in the lobby, only the VIP boxes above are competing.

Everyone in the VIP room is either rich or noble. In fact, one hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands of low-grade holy crystals are nothing to them.

"Ten middle-grade sacred crystal!" At this time, a childish voice came from the VIP box No. 3, which was a girl.

Ten middle-grade holy crystals! This suddenly surprised many people at the scene.

Saint crystals have upper, middle and lower grades. A middle-grade Saint crystal is equivalent to one hundred thousand lower-grade Saint Crystals. A piece of high-grade holy crystal is equivalent to one hundred thousand middle-grade holy crystals.

The higher the grade of the holy crystal, the higher the purity, and the purity of energy in the holy crystal is of great benefit to all cultivators under the ancient immortal.

The higher the purity, the more energy is absorbed. Generally lower grade sacred crystals are used by cultivators below the lower sages, middle grade sages are commonly used by middle sages.

The high-grade holy crystals are more used by high-ranking sages.

Ten middle-grade holy crystals are equivalent to one million lower-grade holy crystals.

Even for those guests in the VIP cabin, it would be painful to buy this mysterious compass with millions of inferior crystals.

"Which baby boy actually came here to fight with this uncle? Is it really a bully for this uncle?"

The voice calling for one hundred thousand lower-grade Saint Crystal came from the seventh VIP room, and a faintly condensed air between the words.

"That's the evil spirit of the black wind, where is the sword king of the magic sword gate?"

"It sounds like the Black Sword God King, who has already entered the Hao Xiong God King in his cultivation. If he is a Sword Swordsman, he is indeed eligible to enter the VIP room."

"The elder sister of the Black Blade God King, but the concubine of the descendant of Zhetianzong."

"The heir of Zhetianzong, is the Zhetianhou of Xianmen Academy? It is rumored that Zhetianhou has received the holy light, stepped into the sage, and became a member of the holy mansion. The black sword **** king also received the appreciation of that Zhetianhou No wonder the Hengzong Chamber of Commerce would invite him as a guest."

Speaking of the Black Sword God King, maybe not many people know it.

But the three words Zhetianhou are unknown to everyone in the ancient city.

The sacred mansions of the Immortal Gate Academy are all geniuses who are qualified to step into the sages.

After entering the Holy Mansion, these geniuses without exception received the Holy Light and climbed the sage road.

For example, Zhetianhou and champion emperor became sages after entering the holy mansion.

The most important thing is that the geniuses selected by the holy mansion are all under six thousand years old.

In the world of spiritual practice, all practitioners under long live are young.

Because stepping into the realm of immortality, even if it is a genius, it will take thousands of years for thousands of years.

And most of it takes a long time to accumulate from the immortal period to the **** king, and it often takes hundreds of thousands of years to rank as the **** king.

The saints are far away.

Some veteran **** kings have cultivated for millions of years, and they can't even touch the threshold of sages, because the chance of becoming holy is too small.

Moreover, there is a holy calamity when we are sanctified. Almost one in ten thousand can survive this calamity.

But Zhetianhou came to the sage at the age of less than six thousand years, and he was a rare genius in the entire eastern realm.

Every student in the sacred mansion is called a sacred son, and in the ancient city of Xian, he is the proud son of heaven.

Even if the authority of the Taoist family meets the holy son of the holy mansion, they have to give three points of face and treat each other with respect.

Hearing the discussion in the hall, the black sword **** king couldn't help but proudly said: "Yes, I am the black sword **** king, and my brother-in-law is the holy son of the current Xianmen Academy..."

"It turns out that it is the incompetent brother-in-law of Zhetianhou, but your black sword **** king came out in the name of Zhetianhou, and this lady will not cover Tianhou's face."

The Black Blade God King hadn't finished speaking, but was choked by the opponent.

And listening to the words of this little girl, she didn't feel cold to Zhetianhou.

At this moment, the cultivators around him were shocked, even if it was Yanran who had been smiling like spring, Qiaomei's face was in disbelief.

Zhetianhou's name is so big, no one knows the whole six seas.

One of the youngest sages in the contemporary era, and even valued by several old monsters, is very hopeful to step into the ranks of the heavenly sages.

Such a genius, there are people who don't take it seriously.

"I'm so daring, I'll say it again, my brother-in-law is damning the sky." The Black Blade God King said angrily.

"Hmph, it's the same how many times you ask, don't say you are the impeccable God King, even if you are here, this lady points to his face and scolds him, he dare not put a fart, believe it or not. "The little girl smiled leisurely.

As soon as I said this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

The black sword **** king smirked: "Does the little girl look for death? Dare to insult my brother-in-law!"

While they were speaking, there was a sound of ‘brushing’ in the entire hall. The weapons and swords in the hands of many cultivators kept humming, almost about to scoop out, leaving the hall and rushing to the VIP cabin No. 3.

"It's evil spirit!" The face of the strong man changed and was taken aback.

The Black Blade God King didn't get it, but his own evil spirit had already surrounded the No. 3 VIP box.

It seems that all the weapons are swallowing divine light, transforming into substance to pierce into the VIP room.

But at this moment, there was a cold snort from VIP Room No. 3: "Presumptuous."

The sound just fell, and an unparalleled coercion came oncoming, like a turbulent wave, even the king of gods could not avoid it.

Suddenly, I don't know how many cultivators in the hall were almost crushed by their knees, breathless.

As for Xiao Naihe who was sitting in the other VIP cabin, the pressure spread over him at this moment, and his chest was also slightly uncomfortable.

However, after he read a passage from the "Four Elephant Sutra" in his heart, the pressure quickly dissipated.

"It's a sage, and still a very powerful sage."

Xiao Nai knew it all at once. In the VIP room No. 3, there was another person who was actually a sage!

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