Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 499: coordinate

Uh ...

A group of figures galloping in the forest, fast, like ghosts with only ghosts.

If there is an excellent pupil Ninja with insight, you can find that these people are all elites of the fully armed Uchiha Police Force, including Uchiha Fuyue, the contemporary patriarch of Uchiha.

This group of Uchiha elites chasing is a member of the Xiao organization wearing a red cloud suit. From the scarlet eyes in the eyes of the members of the Xiao organization, it can be seen that he is also a member of the Uchiha family.

"Shinichi, don't run away, look back!"

Fuyue's San Gouyu wrote round eyes staring at the figure in front of her, shouting loudly.

Needless to say, the members of the Xiao organization that were chased by the Uchiha elite were not others, but it was Uchibo who had defected from the leaves and joined the Xiao organization.

Zhen Yi turned his head and glanced at the people behind him without answering.

This chase was actually a deliberate intention. After receiving the news of the retreat of Nagato, he immediately understood that Nagato must perform a certain destructive move, so he intentionally appeared in Uchiha. In front of the people, the Uchiha elites were chased by him and left the village, avoiding the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" which had been brewing for a long time in the "Tiandao".

At this time, Fu Yue behind persuaded again: "I know you still hate the village, but this is not the reason for your defection! You saw that scene just now, Xiao organization is all crazy, and follow them is not a good end of!"

When ‘Tiandao’ was performing a wide range of ‘Shen Luo Tianzheng’, they just chased and reached the outer wall of the village, so they all saw the amazing scene with their own eyes.

In just a moment, the wooden leaf village of Megatron Ninja for decades has been reduced to ruins!

Fu Yue, who also has a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, was keenly aware of the surprised expression on his face when Zhenyi saw this scene, so he knew Zhenyi would not know it beforehand.

When I heard the words, I let my lips go.

When he initially decided to defect, he did hate the village and the family, feeling that he had been betrayed by everyone, and even awakened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, but as he was defeated by the sun mirror, he learned that he loved Uchiha When Jie Yi was likely to be resurrected, his hatred of the village and his family was gradually replaced by the anger of being fooled by the soil.

At this point, he had no hate for the village and his family. Instead, he knew what was going on and knew that the man behind the scenes was the guy who called himself "Uchiha-ban" in the organization, and he was as shy as all Uchiha He immediately transferred all his hatred, and willingly became the undercover member of Sun Xiangjing in the Xiao organization.

This was also the reason why he deliberately led the people to leave the village and escaped the previous catastrophe, but he could not say clearly, because there were always a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Since the three major Ninja villages jointly attacked Yuyin Village, Nagato and Zoto have strengthened the internal monitoring of Xiao organization. Perhaps they have noticed that Zhenyi's increasingly perfunctory attitude. Zoto even arranged a Bai Jue second Monitor him for fourteen hours.

In the past, even if it was monitored, because of its own perceptual skills, Bai Shi's avatar, who monitors Shinichi, did not dare to approach too closely, allowing Shinichi to find many opportunities to pass on the information of Xiao organization to the sundial mirror in secret, but now he is instructed to monitor Shinichi Bai Jue's avatar no longer cares about being discovered by Jinyi, so Da Lala stares at Jinyi in the dark, so that Jinyi has no chance to pass information to Sun and to the mirror, and cannot say anything to Fuyue behind him.

After a moment, Zhenyi stopped in a relatively open forest.

The elites of the Uchiha Police Force who followed him also stopped and spread out, forming a circle and surrounding him in the center.

Fuyue came out at this time, and Shen said, "The roots of Tuanzang have been abolished by the village. Let go of the past. The village needs you now, and the family also needs you! The kaleidoscope writes the eye of the wheel, and cannot be an enemy's weapon against the village. ! "

Fuyue considered a coup, but never considered defection. In the first place, even if the coup failed, he chose to die calmly, and never showed any plans to defect. In the mind of the Uchiha patriarch, Uchiha and Koba It has been integrated for a long time, and he will never allow outside enemies to use writing eye to endanger the village.

Really smiled: "Don't you think it's ridiculous to say this now?"

Fuyue said calmly: "It's nothing ridiculous. The village is destroyed and it can be rebuilt. As long as Uchiha is here, Koba will not perish."

To a certain extent, this attack by the Xiao organization is not a bad thing for the Uchiha family, because as the village is destroyed, the Naruto system will be severely hit, and as one of the founders of Muye U Zhibo, logically, can gain more village power. After all, because of pursuing Shinichi, the elites of U Zhibo have not been damaged in the previous large-scale 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng'.

Really shouted: "It's up to you, you can't keep me!"

Seeing that Zhenyi had no intention of repentance, Fuyue shook his head: "As the patriarch, I have to capture you!"

After all, the scarlet eyes of Fuyue suddenly changed, and the three hook jades changed into a three-blade shuriken pattern similar to the kaleidoscope shape of the ferret, except that the part of the blade was thinner, between each blade There was also a black dot.

"Kaleidoscope writes chakras !?" I hesitated, a little surprised: "You also have kaleidoscope write chakras? Why don't you say that!"

Fuyue hugged his chest with both hands: "I only concealed it for the sake of the family ~ ~, but I did not expect that in your generation, you and Zhishui, two outstanding people with kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, So if you return to the family, the Uchiha family can try to obtain the position of Naruto through normal means. "

After the initial surprise, I really smiled: "Are you still struggling with the position of Naruto? Patriarch, you don't understand what kind of strength our leader has, nor what kind of enemy the village is facing! "

Fuyue's face slumped: "Since this is the case, then I have to do it!"

Fuyue's voice didn't fall, and Zhenyi suddenly found that everything around him suddenly turned black and white, the boundaries of things became blurred, and everything was blurred.

"What a powerful illusion!"

After secretly speaking, Zhen, who was caught in the illusion, picked out a corner and spoke a coordinate to Fuyue.

Fuyue doubted: "This is a coordinate, in the country of iron? What exactly do you mean?"

Shinichi replied: "The coordinates I just said are exactly where Xiao organizes his new hiding place!"

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