Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 355: Roaring Golem

In a gloomy room with little light, the sundial mirror slowly retracted his hand from the wooden cart.

At the same time, the areas where the hands were pressed in front of the Hyuga mirror spread out a series of black seals. These seals, if spiritual, spread quickly around them.

Sitting on the wooden cart was the leader of the Xiao organization.

He has red hair that symbolizes the bloodlines of the whirlpool family, but his body looks very thin, and can even be said to be as thin as a firewood, like a hungry displaced in the war.

Facing the sneak attack of Hyuga, Nagato was not panicked.

He first glanced down at the "Four Elephant Seals" seal spreading from the wooden car to his body. Then he turned his head with disdain and turned to the back, and turned on the "Rebirth Eye Chakra Mode". The whole body was sky blue. The reincarnation eye was wrapped in a chakra, a sun mirror that was dressed up by Yan Mo, a godly organization, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "God organization 'Yan Mo'?"

Hyuga didn't bother Nagato, but urged Chakra, the reincarnation eye of the whole body, to gather Qiu Daoyu with all his strength.

Before, when Tae Ye, stopped the water, Kakashi and others were knocked to the ground, and life and death were hanging on the front line. Hyuga mirror sighed helplessly. He understood that he could not wait any longer, although it was not the best time. He also failed to screen out the real hiding place of Nagato, but for the lives of the eleven classmates, he had to risk gambling on it.

Fortunately, he had good luck, guessing the true hiding place of Nagato deity.

But when Xiang Xiangjing quietly approached Nagato's hiding place, he accidentally found that a small network of chakras was densely dotted with the position of Nagato's deity as a dot.

This chakra network radiates to the surroundings, forming a huge circular chakra induction circle. The closer it is to the area of ​​the Nagato deity, the denser the chakra network in the induction circle.

Hyuga speculates that this is the range of Nagato's black rod transmission and induction of Chakra, and after realizing this, he gave up his plan to directly attack Nagato with ‘Golden Wheel's Life Explosion’.

Because whether it is to gather Qiu Daoyu or to urge Qiu Daoyu to perform the "golden wheel rebirth", it will inevitably produce drastic chakra fluctuations.

And if there is too drastic chakra fluctuations, Nagato can be known in advance through the chakra network that surrounds him.

At that time, let alone a sneak attack, it is unknown whether it is possible to approach the Nagato deity, so Hyuga mirror decisively chose to attack with the 'Four Elephant Seal'.

I chose to sneak in the way of "Four Elephant Seals", in addition to avoiding being detected in advance by Nagato, but more importantly to cut off the connection between Nagato's deity and the six Penn roads outside, and to save the sidelines of life and death. Eleven colleagues.

Of course, Hyuga didn't expect a 'Four Elephant Seal' to completely subdue the Nagato. When he wanted to come, as long as the 'Four Elephant Seal' could control the Nagato for 30 seconds, it would be enough for him to gather more than four begging Taos to inspire. Out of the 'Golden Wheel Rebirth'!

Watching a piece of Qiu Daoyu flashing from the sunbrow of the mirror, the disdainful expression on Nagato's face gradually solidified, and a sense of crisis that had appeared for a long time suddenly burst into his heart, and he quickly raised his hands. As Hyuga mirror drank, he shouted, "Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

The sundial mirror also raised his hands. "Rotary rotation!"

Uh ...

The two huge repulsive forces struck together in an instant. At the moment when the sound was low and dull, the space at the impact seemed to have slightly twisted and deformed.

Nagato was startled, and his face grew more dignified.

Under the mask, the expression of Xiangxiang Mirror was more gloomy.

This is because he found that the "Rotation Ruyi", which was performed under the blessing of "Rebirth Eye Chakra Mode", was worthy of being equal to the "God of Heaven" that Nagato struck at will.

This is obviously not a good sign!


Outside the battlefield.

Looking at the sudden loss of consciousness, Payne fell on the ground six times, running, stopping water, Kakashi, and Kay looked at each other.

In the first second, they were still in front of the gate of the ghost, waiting for the death to come, but in the second, the unmatchable powerful enemy fell to the ground for no reason. This abrupt change really made them unbelievable.

Among several people, only Zhishui faintly guessed something, but at the same time, he also had a bit of worry. He was worried that his plan to disrupt the sun would be disrupted by saving himself.

Xiao Nan, who was originally indifferent in the air, changed her expression for the first time, showing a flustered look.

She was the only person present who knew the details of Penn's Six Words. Seeing this scene, she understood that Nagato's deity was probably an accident, so she immediately spun in the air and turned into a sheet of paper toward the Nagato deity. The hiding place flew away.

At this time, Kay jumped from the ground and went forward to look at the Shura Road closest to him.

The sturdy body of Shura Road was covered with black rods of various sizes, and the body was cold and pale, giving the impression that it was a dead body that had already lost its temperature.

After turning Shura Road over and looking at it a little, Kay hurriedly said to the crowd: "There is no trauma on the surface."

Everyone else got up from the ground at this moment, while watching Penn's six on the ground, he was alert to the large psychic beasts around him.

However, these giant psychic beasts also seem to have been affected in some way, all standing still, as if a puppet with a lost soul, and after a few breaths, they disappeared in a burst of white smoke and disappeared without trace. Already.

Without the containment of giant split dogs, the heavily wounded Yunyin Brigade finally arrived on the battlefield.

At the same time, Uchiha Shinichi and Yujizo who had been fighting the Yunyin brigade in the distance also rushed over.

The two sides did not fight again, but looked at each other while facing each other.

After a quick glance at the battlefield, a shadowy part of Yunyin asked the native on the field: "Our Lord Yuna ’s Kirabi, where is he?"

Zi Lai also pointed to the giant sphere still suspended in the sky and said, "He was sealed by the leader of Xiao organization in that stone ball!"

A group of Yunyin Ninjas startled, "What !?"

At the other end, looking at the six penguins wearing red suits and red dresses lying on the ground, Uchiha Shinichi and Aya Shizo were also stunned.

Jin Yi said with a lip: "No, the leader was killed?"

Although it is not clear which of the six corpses lying on the ground was the body of the leader, this scene undoubtedly showed that the wood side, Yun Yin, and Sand Yin side had won.

枇杷 Shizang ran his beheaded sword in front of him, and whispered to Shinichi: "I want to find a way out!"

The Xiao organization was originally a loose organization, completely deterred by the tyrannical Payne. If even Payne was dead, it would be natural for Lu Shizang to die here and bury his life in vain.


Suddenly, not far from the battlefield, there was a violent roar of shaking!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely dazzling golden light flashed, reflecting the gloomy and gloomy sky like noon in midsummer, so that everyone couldn't open their eyes!


Before the people present were able to adapt to this sudden dazzling golden light, a huge roar that shocked the soul and made people couldn't help but feel fear came to pass.

Accompanying this roar that stunned the soul, a huge shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that the dark shadow was a giant with nine eyes. Its skin was tree-like, with a taupe gray-brown color, and there were many protrusions like wooden posts on its back.

"An alien golem ?!"

Uchiha Shinichi and Minashizo were surprised at the sight.

As a secret place for each Xiao organization rally, Uchiha Shinichi and Aya Shizo are no strangers to the "God Golem", but both of them think that the "God Golem" is just an ordinary giant sculpture. After all, the Xiao organization is not officially The Tail Beast Capture Program was launched, so they didn't know the true identity of the 'Gaimon Golem'.

Soon, everyone noticed that the previous dazzling golden light turned out to be a golden sword about 100 meters long.

I saw the dazzling golden sword dancing again, flashing a dream halo, and severely chopped to the 'outdoor golem', and the 'outdoor golem' also roared his arms and greeted the dazzling gold sword !!

Boom boom ...

With the huge ‘God Golem’ waving his arms, the towers made of steel around it were like dead branches, and they were swept to the ground by the ‘God Golem’.

The huge tremor accompanied by the sky's smoke and dust swept across.

The crowd in the field at this time had no time to take into account the colossus and the gold sword that were not far away, because the tremor of the mountain and the shock waves mixed with numerous fragments and flying stones made them ashamed. Yes.

There were even some unlucky ghosts, who were directly hit by the huge steel fragments in the shock wave, and the death was unknown.

After retreating from the distance, several people on the Koyo side jumped to a high tower, the survivors on the Yunyin side jumped on another tower, and Uchiha Shinichi and Yujizo of the Xiao organization jumped away from the Koye side. On the third high tower far from Yunyin.

Neither side intended to do anything, but all looked at the distance in horror, looking at the giant and the golden sword in the confrontation.

Due to the distance and soot, all the people present, including the water stop with Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Shinichi, Kakashi, could not see the details of the distant fighting.

Everyone can only vaguely see the huge body of the "Golem of the Outer Road" raging in the rainy villages with high towers. Everywhere they go, they are unstoppable, leaving only a mess.

And the dazzling golden sword that is hundreds of meters long is fierce and unmatched. Each beating can make the "Golem" start a shout-like roar. If the sword awn spreads to the surrounding towers, the steel casting The sturdy tower is like tofu, it is easily divided into two, and the fracture is smooth as if it had been carefully polished.

Looking at this scene, all the people on the several towers could not help showing a horrified expression.

"what happened?"

Still clasped with his hands together, the tap that absorbed the natural energy, swallowed the saliva, he was a little cyanotic at the moment, and had no idea what was going on.

The two toad fairy standing on his shoulders were also stunned.

Whether it is the "outer golem" as the ten-tailed shell, or the hegemony of "Golden Wheel Rebirth", they all feel the fear from their hearts.

"Who is fighting who?"

Kakashi and Kai, who are supporting each other, have dull eyes, and the confrontation in the distance is obviously beyond their understanding of the ninja fight. What makes them helpless is that it is not clear to them who are at war.

The water stop standing aside secretly clenched his fists, praying in the bottom of his heart, "Senior, you must win!"

Unlike others, Zhishui naturally understands that the person who saved himself just now will not be others, but will necessarily be the leader of the divine organization, Sunward Mirror.

Zhen Yi grinned on another tower: "That's what happened!"

Shinichi, who was dangled by Hyuga's "Rebirth Eye Chakra Mode", recognized the dazzling golden sword that easily shredded himself "Susano Nobo" at a glance.

With Nagato's thought wave of the "slide of the magic body", after sending the news to all members of the Xiao organization that he is fighting with the leader of the **** organization 'Yan Luo', in Shinichi's mind, Hyuga and the leader of the **** organization Yan Luo's figure gradually overlapped together.

At this moment, Zhenyi figured everything out.

He understood that the leader of the God Organization, ‘Yan Luo’, which made Xiao organization extremely jealous, was not the others, but it was the sun mirror that ordered him to lurk inside Xiao organization!

枇杷 Shizang beside Shinichi murmured to himself: "I did not expect that the leader of God's organization is so powerful!"

Really smiled: "There's a good show here!"

He Shizang glanced around, reminding him: "Since the leader of the God Organization has shot, their members are also estimated to be nearby, whether it is" Chuanzhu "," Yanmo ", or the ninja using magnetic maggots , Are all extremely difficult guys! "

At this time, Xiao Nan also flew into the air with ashamed face.

Just now, she wanted to help Nagato, but never thought about the battle between Hyuga and Nagato, she was escalated to a life-and-death struggle, and Nagato was even forced to summon a ‘Gaimon Golem’ directly in the village.

Xiao Nan naturally bears the brunt of the impact ~ ~.

Fortunately, her paper grate is good at coping with such a situation, and the paper avatar made her avoid the fierce shock wave just now!

Flying high, Xiao Nan looked embarrassedly at the sundial mirror wrapped in the sky-blue reincarnation Chakra, and shouted: "How could he have such a strong Chakra! The intensity of this Chakra is almost comparable to that of Nagato The chakras in the eyes, no, are not inferior to the chakras in the reincarnation of Nagato, this ... how is this possible? "

Rain hidden outside the village.

Breathing in battle, Lei Ying and Bei Liuhu looked together in the direction of Yuyin Village, and the roar of the "Ghost Statue of the Outsider" and the dazzling golden light flashing from time to time disturbed their uneasiness.

At the other end, the **** soil was standing on the big tree that he made with wooden clogs, looking at the direction of Yuyin Village, and secretly saying, "What happened? Why suddenly use the‘ Outer Golem ’?”

Underneath, holding three generations of Naruto King Kong Ruyi stick looking at the dark part of the wood leaf where he was killed and injured, said bitterly: "I did not expect that our wood leaf would also be hit by the wood clog ..."

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