It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and my heart is really upset!

First of all, thank you to the readers who have been with me for two months. Thank you for your support. It is because of your support that this novel can go step by step!

Next, I would like to thank the editor, Ruo Yeda, and thank Ruoye for supporting him so that this novel can be seen by more readers.

The step of putting on the shelves is the most critical step in determining the value of a novel.

So I'm here to ask everyone for a subscription!

Seek the first order!

I sincerely hope that everyone can help, so that this novel can be valuable, so that my efforts can be recognized, and the results can look better!

To be honest, my mood is the same as the results of the college entrance examination. I have suffered a lot, and I have thousands of words in my heart, but I don't know what to say.

Codeword Codeword ...

I wholeheartedly do a part of myself, the rest, please take care of everyone!

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