Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 97 Approaching Lingcheng

Gu Luosheng's departure has been a long thirty years...

How many thirty years are there in a person's life?

This journey is indescribably long.

Although it was painful from the beginning, I was full of hope.

Feeling anxious and disappointed, fearing that the jade slip is just a scam.

To indescribable despair, with no end of the road in sight.

In the end, he was left with only numbness and confusion, and his mind was close to collapse.

Gu Luosheng flew for thirty years.

This distance was far longer, more painful, and more desperate than he imagined.

You will feel extremely happy after flying for ten minutes, and you will feel endless after flying for one hour.

After a day of flying, you will feel a little tired.

After flying for a month, you will feel that you are familiar with the road and there will be no sighs anymore.

After flying for a year, looking down at the earth day after day, boredom and loneliness spread more and more...

After Gu Luosheng had been flying for several years, or even ten years, he could no longer hold on.

During the subsequent journey, Gu Luosheng stopped and walked, suspecting that he had been deceived by the owner of the jade slips, that he had gone in the wrong direction, and that he had missed Wanhualing City.

He took out the jade slips again and again to confirm, so that both jade slips were broken.

In the past thirty years, Gu Luosheng encountered human dynasties many times and stayed for a long time, looking for a new path.

Along the way, Gu Luosheng found that the concentration of spiritual energy in this section of the road fluctuated high and low, and there was no definite number. However, the highest concentration was only slightly stronger than Luoshan, but it was still not enough to give birth to a sect.

After all, Gu Luosheng had been walking for many years. He also met some casual cultivators on the road and learned a lot from them.

Wanhualing City existed and was just ahead, but the distance was so far away that it took Gu Luosheng thirty years to reach the vicinity of Wanhualing City.

"It's really coming, the spiritual energy is rapidly decreasing..."

Gu Luosheng stood on the hill, with not much emotion visible on his weathered face.

He is fifty-five years old and has been on a long journey for thirty years. What has he not encountered?

His temperament has been tempered to the extreme, and his heart is as calm as water.

Although the current Gu Luosheng is fifty-five years old, his appearance is much younger than that of the first life. He has a tall and straight body and calm eyes. If it were not for a few gray hairs, he might be closer to a mature middle-aged man.

The journey of thirty years is really too long.

Great changes have taken place in Gu Luosheng.

His personal temperament, way of doing things, and judgment of things have all undergone tremendous changes.

He will step into the City of Ten Thousand Flowers with this attitude!

"The concentration of spiritual energy dropped sharply, which is a characteristic of approaching Wanhualing City..."

"The Ten Thousand Flowers Spirit Gathering Array can extract spiritual energy from beyond the domain, so the closer you get to the Ten Thousand Flowers Spiritual City, the lower the spiritual energy concentration will be. Once you enter the Ten Thousand Flowers Spiritual City, the spiritual energy concentration will suddenly increase!"

Thousands of Flowers Gathering Spirits Formation.

This is the information Gu Luosheng got from the casual cultivator, and it is also the reason why the owner of the jade slip does not worry about taking the wrong path.

Extract spiritual energy from the super domain. This ‘super domain’ represents a scope that is so huge that it is unimaginable.

Normally speaking, as long as you go in the right direction, you will never find Wanhualing City.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Gu Luosheng soon realized the fact that he was close to Wanhualing City through the sudden drop in his spiritual energy.

And after flying thousands or tens of thousands of miles, the perceived spiritual energy concentration is still declining.

"It is worthy of being the strongest force in this domain, and it can actually extract such a huge range of spiritual energy."

Gu Luosheng could imagine the grand scene of Wanhualing City.

A small spiritual place like Luoshan Lingdi could barely support him in cultivating to the first level of Qi refining stage.

How amazing would it be to have the power of tens of thousands or even millions of spiritual lands gathered in the Ten Thousand Flower Spiritual City?

Even if only a little bit of soup leaks out, it is enough to make people soar. No wonder it has become a holy place for countless monks.

After advancing for a while, Gu Luosheng suddenly landed and took out two pieces of jade slips broken by the owner of the jade slips.

"Senior, although I have gone through a lot of hardships, I finally succeeded. Anyway, thank you for your inheritance. I will set up a monument for you to comfort you!"

He buried the broken jade slips.

The owner of the jade slip was most likely a late-stage qi-training monk and possessed a high-quality flying spiritual weapon. Because of this, he only escaped for ten years, but it took Gu Luosheng thirty years to catch up.

It is precisely because of crossing such an astonishing distance that the owner of the jade slip can enjoy his old age in peace.

Although Wanhualing City is powerful, it is not idle enough to waste ten years catching a Qi Refining Stage monk.

After paying homage once or twice, Gu Luosheng once again sacrificed the flying spiritual weapon, which turned into a silver stream of light and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Wanhualing City is already very close, closer than ever before!

Wu Kingdom, the mortal dynasty closest to Wanhualing City.

It is said that the Taizu of this dynasty was a master of martial arts. When he was young, he swept away the old dynasty with a pair of iron fists. It only took three years to establish the Wu Kingdom. The national essence has continued to this day for more than 300 years.

For more than three hundred years, the Wu Kingdom's national power reached its peak and then began to decline suddenly.

Stubborn diseases common to all dynasties gradually emerged, corruption among officials, extravagance became common, factions fought constantly, officials everywhere were severely exploited, people were displaced, and their sons and daughters were sold.

In stark contrast, Wudu is still prosperous, with a population of more than 300,000, strong demand, and a huge market. Businessmen from all walks of life want to come here to make a fortune, so a large number of cherished things have gathered here.

This further increased the appeal of Wudu, causing many monks to play for days when they passed by.

There are even many monks living in seclusion in Wudu, and there are also some famous families.

There are countless entertainment venues in Wudu, and the famous "Yizhuilou" is now bustling with people, singing constantly, and guests coming and going like crucian carp crossing the river. It seems that it is still in its prime, and everyone is very rich.

As one of the largest restaurants in Wudu, No. 1 Drunk Restaurant has a huge flow of people and the best information.

After Gu Luosheng arrived in Wudu, he was ready to stop and rest for a while, so he changed into ordinary local clothes, walked into the restaurant, sat down by the window amidst the warm hospitality of the waiter, and ordered a large table of dishes. He ate and drank alone, quietly picking up news from all sides.

"The immortals from Wanhualing City have come to recruit disciples again. It is said that they discovered a child with excellent talent a few days ago, and he was directly accepted into the Five Spirits Alliance and became an inner disciple!"

"Inner disciples are starting out. This talent is incredible. Could it be a high-ranking spiritual root or even a spiritual body?"

"Yes, it is said that this child shocked the whole audience when he tested his talent. He has very pure and high-level water spiritual roots. He is born with the ability to control water. Once he starts practicing, he will definitely be very fast."

"So outrageous? Don't all the immortals say that the spiritual energy of the Wu Kingdom is thin and difficult to cultivate the foundation of cultivation? How can such a genius be born?"

"Everyone can understand everything about immortals. I just heard that the so-called 'spiritual roots' seem to be born for this situation. Even if the spiritual energy is thin, the chances of pregnancy are higher. Those physical talents are really difficult to appear. Yes, at least our Wu Kingdom has not appeared in the past hundred years."

"The assessment for the outer disciples of the Five Spirit Alliance, which is held once every ten years, is coming soon. There are many masters this time, and there is even a genius who has broken through to the tenth level. As long as he joins the sect, foundation building is probably a certainty!"

"Tenth floor, who broke through the tenth floor?"

"Jiang Dongyun!"

"Hiss, it's him? I didn't expect that one day he would avenge his shame and step into the realm of perfection!"

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