Leaving Hasa Island to continue his travels, Ash is rarely interested in enjoying the tropical sun.

"Eevee, are you comfortable?".

Ash lay down on the tyrannosaurus, surrounded by the playful Pikachu and Pokébi and the Ice Six-Tails, an Eevee lying on Ash's lower abdomen curled up in a ball, Ash pillowed his head with one hand, and gave Eevee a smooth hair with the other, Eevee comfortably wagged his fluffy tail under Ash's hand, looking very enjoyable.

"It's wonderful..."

Even though she has been away from Hasa Island for a while, Xiaoxia is still holding the Poké Ball and playing silly, the previous Gotha Duck is leisurely following Chenglong at this time, and the Duck is not very happy.


Suddenly, the Gotha seemed to sense something and looked back at him.

In the distance, a large splash of water exploded, and something seemed to be swimming quickly on the surface of the sea.

"What is that? Is it a motor boat?" Xiaoxia guessed when she saw it.

"No, which one is..."As a Pokémon observer, Xiao Jian's eyesight is much better, although it is far away and fast, Xiao Jian still vaguely sees the true face of that thing.

But before Xiao Jian could say his point of view, the thing had already quickly skipped Chenglong and rowed straight into the distance.

"What was that just now, the Maritime Ramber?" because the past was too fast, Xiaoxia hadn't seen it clearly.

"No, there's a guy rowing, and he looks a lot like Joey. Xiao Jian denied Xiaoxia's speculation.

"Miss Joy's rowing speed is so fast, Xiao Jian, are you mistaken. Xiaoxia couldn't believe it, in her impression, Miss Joy had always been that kind of gentle nurse lady, and this kind of rowing was obviously not related to Miss Joy.

"I'm a Pokémon watcher, my eyes can't be mistaken, she's Joey. Although Xiao Jian was also a little surprised by the speed of the rowing, Xiao Jian was also full of confidence in his eyesight.

"Let's go check it out. Ash also noticed the boat that had just rowed, stopped his actions to give Ebu Shunmao, straightened up and suggested.

"Well, if it's really Miss Joy, then there's something going on with her paddling so fast, Ride the Dragon. Xiaoxia nodded and gestured to ride the dragon.

"Tyrannosaurus. "

The dragon and the tyrannosaurus nodded in response, and then accelerated in the direction of the boat.


"Come back, Chenglong, hard work. "

"Thank you, Tyrannosaurus, come back and rest. "

Following the boat to an unknown island, Kasumi and Ash retrieved the Pokémon respectively

"Well, judging from the footprints, one is a gilly egg, the other is a human cloth shoe, the foot length is 23.5 cm, there is no doubt that this is a woman's footprint, she got off the boat here and went this way. Xiao Jian took a magnifying glass and observed the footprints on the beach, said while observing, and then walked forward along the footprints, and Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia also followed.

"It's strange, I followed the footprints all the way to find here, but when I got here, I didn't have it. It didn't take long for the beach to disappear, and it turned to a more solid coastal land, and the footprints disappeared, Xiao Jian said puzzled.

"The rocky shore is different from the beach, and it is not easy to leave footprints, but is the person who rowed the boat just now really Miss Joy?" Xiaoxia still didn't believe it.

"Actually, now that I think about it, the woman just now is much stronger than the usual Joey, her arms are about 2 centimeters thicker, and her shoulders are about 1.5 centimeters thicker. This is not the first time Xiao Xia has asked, Xiao Jian was a little hesitant, and after thinking about it, he said, "Then the muscles on her body ......."

Just at a glance, Xiao Jian had already roughly judged the subtle difference.

Ash glanced at the sea next to him, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but it seemed that something was looking at this side...... But Ash didn't feel any malice.


Before Ash could respond, the surface of the sea water churned, and then a column of water rose into the sky, and a huge figure jumped out of the sea and smashed at Ash and his party.


The group was taken aback and hurriedly scattered and fled.


With a loud bang, a huge carp king smashed to the ground, and Ash and the others didn't escape far, and they were staggered by this huge shock

"I've never seen such a big carp king. Finally relieving herself, Xiaoxia looked at the huge carp king in front of her in surprise.

"Yes, this one is too big, the biggest king carp is only a meter long. Xiao Jian also said at this time, and then took out the observation scope, "But this one is three meters long, and the big one is not like that." "

"Leave it alone, it's going to be dried. Looking at the carp king bouncing on the ground, Xiaoxia said worriedly, this is almost a common problem of fish Pokémon, most fish-shaped Pokémon will become like that once they are stranded and landed, they will not return to the water in time.

"Gotha Duck, it's up to you. "

I don't know if it's because of the lack of water or because of other reasons, the carp king seems to be a little anxious, and the huge body launches a water splash, although it has no effect in the game, but at the moment, this huge size is already a huge threat, Xiao Zhi and others dare not approach at all, Xiao Xia had to take out the Gotha Duck, planning to use the Gotha Duck's superpower to push the carp king back.

"Okay, Gotha Duck, use your superpowers to push King Carp back into the sea. "

"Gotha ~".

"Wait a minute!".

Xiaoxia gave an order, and Gotha Duck was about to take action, when a female voice suddenly stopped Xiaoxia and the others.

According to the prestige, it was Miss Joy and Lucky Egg, but unlike the usual white Miss Joy, the Joy in front of him was much darker and stronger, "This king carp has become very agitated because of the lack of calcium, you better not approach it casually." "

"Ah, you're the one you just had, and I knew it was Miss Joy. Xiao Jian looked at Miss Joy in surprise, which proved that his eyesight was fine.

"It's a little stronger, but it's really Joyer. Xiaoxia also looked at Miss Joy with some surprise, and the Joy in front of her obviously broke Xiaoxia's previous impression.

Miss Joy smiled and walked towards the Carp King, and then helped the Carp King up directly under the somewhat surprised eyes of Ash and others, and the Carp King, who was originally struggling desperately, seemed to be very close to Joey, stopped struggling, and let Miss Joy touch him.

"Okay, good, you're the best. "

Miss Joy seemed to be familiar with the carp king, and took out a bottle of calcium tablets from Jili Dan's hand, and immediately fed the calcium tablets to the carp king.

After doing all this, Miss Joy adjusted her posture, raised the carp king with both hands, and threw the carp king back into the water.

"Joey, you were sitting in a small boat, weren't you? After Miss Joy's matter was settled, Xiao Jianke ran over and asked, "Are you doing itinerant medical treatment for Pokémon?"

"That's right, because there are a lot of islands around here, but there are no Pokémon Centers, so I have to travel to these islands to help those Pokémon who are injured or in danger. Miss Joy smiled and answered Xiao Jian's question.

"That's right, you're great. "

"Thanks, are you?".

"My name is Xiao Jian, and I'm a Pokémon Observer. "

"My name is Kasumi, and my goal is to study water-based Pokémon thoroughly. "

"My name is Ash. "

The group introduced themselves, Xiaoxia and Xiaojian seemed to be very curious about this different Miss Joy, and Joy simply invited the group back to their clinic for lunch.

Lunch was a few sandwiches and snacks, and Xiaoxia and Xiaojian were very happy eating, while Ash took the opportunity to talk to the Ghost-tailed Tiger.

Away from the clinic and into the woods, Ash unleashed Mewtwo just in case, and then released the Ghost-tailed Tiger.


The ghost-tailed tiger came out with its wings spread and roared in the sky.

With a simple action, a force dispersed, and the sand and dust on the ground around it were directly blown away by the invisible air waves, if it weren't for Mewtwo blocking the surrounding movements, it might have alarmed Xiaoxia and the others.

Unexpectedly, the Ghost-tailed Tiger roared and didn't make any other moves, retracting its wings and sitting quietly in place looking at Ash.

His eyes were still blood-red, but Ash didn't feel the hostility and malice of the Ghost-tailed Tiger, but was full of closeness.

Ash scratched his head a little puzzled, although it was a good thing that the Ghost-tailed Tiger was obedient and avoided the possibility of them fighting again, but this sudden closeness, Ash was a little unsure for a while whether it was a disguise or something.

Ash tentatively stretched out his hand to touch the Ghost-tailed Tiger, and the Ghost-tailed Tiger leaned over very obediently, rubbing Ash's hand to himself, and there seemed to be no difference between it and an ordinary big cat.

Something is wrong, something is very wrong.

Mewtwo looked at the Ghost-tailed Tiger and then at Ash.

"There's something familiar about it, what do you do with it?".

"No, this is my first time touching it. "

Ash shook his head and said, this is the first time Ash has taken it out of his notebook after subduing the Ghost-tailed Tiger.

"I mean, there's a familiar aura of energy in it, it's the time of the new island, and that power in you has weakened a lot. "

Mewtwo clasped his arms and explained lightly.

Ash was slightly stunned, and the hand that touched the Ghost-tailed Tiger tightened unconsciously, and the Ghost-tailed Tiger naturally noticed it and looked at Ash.

I thought that the Ghost-tailed Tiger would not be able to help but burst out, but the Ghost-tailed Tiger approached Ash and licked Ash's arm, as if he was coquettishly telling Ash not to hurt it.

Ash silently withdrew his arm, not long ago, he was fighting with Mewtwo, but now he is coquettish like a big cat, the gap between them is too big, and the big Ash is not only how to say how to feel at the moment.

Mewtwo's face was also complicated, and without waiting for Ash to speak, he turned around and returned directly to the Pokéball.

Mewtwo left, but the Ghost-tailed Tiger didn't even look at it, and Ash didn't care if Mewtwo left, and the thoughts in his head were complicated.

Is it the power of Arceus? Is that right?'

The previously arrogant and domineering ghost-tailed tiger has become the low-eyed appearance it is now.


The arm was pulled, and Ash looked back at it, but it was the dark night he had seen before.

When they met before, the fear in their hearts prevented Ash from taking a closer look, but now when he looked closely, he found that Yuye's body was emaciated, his skin looked a little fair, his eyes were still red, like rubies, and there was a tuft of crescent-like white hair in the center of the bangs of black and purple hair on his forehead.

Looking at this kind of dark night, Ash's mood became more complicated.

'The right to choose...'

People more or less have their own guidelines to follow, and Wisdom's is choice.

Everyone has the right to choose, whether to do good or to follow evil is a choice, and the price of making a choice must also be borne together.

Now that you have made your choice, you must have been mentally prepared for the corresponding price, even if you go to the dark, don't regret anything.

His thoughts shifted for a moment, and Ash came back to his senses, shook his head slightly, and stopped thinking about it.

The absence of an evil person is a good thing after all.

Retrieving the Ghost-tailed Tiger, Ash returns to the clinic, but the clinic is empty, except for a note left on the table.

Ash picked up the note casually and looked at it, it was left by Xiaoxia for himself, Xiaoxia and Xiaojian were very interested in Miss Joy's work, so they went on a medical tour with Miss Joy.

It's also boring to be alone, but luckily there are Pokémon with you.

Ash returns to the beach and sits under the coconut tree and watches Pikachu and them play.

I don't know when the wind started, and the originally clear sky gradually became dark, with some dull atmosphere of dense clouds and no rain.


The waves got bigger, and Ash stood up, called back Pikachu and them, looked at the churning waves, and sighed slightly.

"Wanderer Angelica. "

"Come back, come back, lost traveler. "

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