Traveling to see a lot of scenery, Ash and the others came to an unknown city, and happened to meet the carnival.

"Wow, there are so many beautiful women." Looking at the dancers who were dressed up a little cool, Xiao Gang said with a flushed face, it seems that he is a nymphomaniac again.

"There's a lot of fun too." Xiaoxia also happily looked at the carnival's various amusement equipment, and didn't bother to care about Xiaogang's for a while.

"It's a loss if you don't dance along, let's dance!" Xiao Gang said, grabbed the clothes on his body and shook it, instantly changed into a dress that he got out of nowhere, and ran over to dance happily.

"What are you doing? Xiaoxia and Ash, what a pity it is not to dance. "

Xiao Gang said to Ash and Xiao Xia while jumping.

"We... Go over there and play. "

Xiao Zhi lowered his head and said nothing, Xiao Xia left a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a dry smile.

"Pika..." Pikachu was also speechless.

Pikachu wanted to play, so Ash asked Xiaoxia to take Pikachu to play with him, after all, he really couldn't go out and play a game like a merry-go-round.

Spin the car, spin the little fire horse, Kasumi and Pikachu have fun, and Ash is at the edge of the crowd, licking ice cream while waiting.

"It's fun, Pikachu, what's going to happen next?" Xiaoxia came to Ash's side after getting off the spinning firehorse, and didn't politely take the other two ice creams in Ash's hand, one handed to Pikachu and the other tasted by herself.

"Anyway, I'm quitting."

Without waiting for Pikachu to answer, a woman's voice suddenly came from the side.

Xiao Zhi and the others followed the sound, an elegantly dressed cat-eared woman stood in front of the tent door with an ugly face, it was obviously her who spoke just now, there was a ball on the box next to her, and a somewhat chubby man knelt on the ground and begged in a low voice, "I will definitely pay you for the part-time job, please don't resign." "

"Then you pay now."

"But I don't have any money right now." The man said helplessly, "But there will be no problem this time." "

"Dandan~" Dandan~" Dandan, who was next to him, nodded.

"I asked you if there were any guests for the previous shows." The woman said angrily.

"Please don't leave me." The man choked and hugged the woman's thigh directly.

The result of this commotion was that in front of Dandan, the woman gave the man a few slaps, and then kicked the man away, and Dandan, who didn't stop it, looked worriedly.

The woman turned around and left, and Xiaoxia stepped forward a little unbearably, "Sir, are you okay?" "

"Miss, you are so kind-hearted, and you are also a beautiful young lady, I have no regrets in my life if you can let such a beautiful young lady save me." The man said, struggling to get up from the ground.

"It's not that exaggerated." Xiaoxia said a little speechlessly, although she has always called herself the world's number one beautiful girl, it is the first time that Xiaoxia has been evaluated like this.

After the man finished speaking, he seemed to have used up his strength, and he lay directly on the ground, startling Xiaoxia, "You cheer up a little!" "

"Could you please grant me one last request?" The man said again.

Xiaoxia was stunned for a while, and didn't know what to say for a while, but this kind of appearance was directly regarded as a default by the man, and she leaned over to Xiaoxia with some excitement, "Are you willing to listen to me?" Is it true? "

"Hmm... Well. Xiaoxia hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I'd like to ask you to be my assistant, okay?" Hearing Xiaoxia's agreement, the man stood up and said at once.

"I'm a magician, do you know what a magician is?" As the man spoke, he reached out and handed it to Xiaoxia, conjuring up a flower.

Ash watched the man's actions coldly, and he was not interested in continuing to watch, so he asked Pikachu to follow Xiaoxia and go to Xiaogang by himself.


After finding Xiao Gang, I returned to the tent, where a performance was being held, and it was Xiao Xia and the man's magic show.

Xiaoxia seems to have accepted the request of her assistant and changed into a horned goldfish-like dress, although she is still young, but this outfit also shows a bit of future elegance.

But that's all I have to do with it.

Ash thought expressionlessly, ten years old, what kind of love are you talking about?

The man's magic show looked like a farce, and the man would just play a punching bag game with his balls, which was booed by the audience.

said that it was the whole audience, but with the addition of Ash and Xiao Gang, there were a total of five spectators present, but there were only a handful of them.

The man was sweating profusely, and after hurriedly justifying himself, he continued to perform the next magic trick.


Pikachu hid behind the man and discharged to make special effects, the man posed and brewed for a long time, and only when Ash and the others were a little impatient did he wave his magic wand, "Flame!" "


A small puff of fire sprang out from the tip of the wand and vanished.

"Bang knock!"

The man's performance did surprise the audience to fall out of their chairs, but not frontally, but by the man's poor technique.

"Rice bucket! Seriously! "

Getting up from the ground, the audience was already very unhappy.

"This time it will definitely work! Flame! The man blushed and tried again, this time successfully, and the thick pillar of flame burned brightly.

"Flames! Flame! Once he succeeded, the man seemed to get excited, and kept trying the fire magic directly at the audience, trying to make the audience who looked down on him recognize himself, but obviously the way was wrong, and the audience who were scared by the pillar of fire in his face avoided it, and as long as he took a slow step, he would inevitably be burned.

"Ma Jian!" Xiaoxia hurriedly called the man, hoping to make him stop.

"I'm lucky, today is a special service for everyone, Flame!" Ma Jian seemed to be a different person, and raised the magic wand with some high spirits.


The flames are just below the sprinkler device, and when the temperature is felt, the fire extinguishing device spontaneously starts spraying water to extinguish the fire.

By the time this round of indoor precipitation stopped, the entire site was flooded. Whether it was Ma Jian and Xiaoxia on the stage, or Xiao Zhi and others in the audience, they did not escape.

"What the hell are you doing! A sucker! "Give the money back!"

After two times, the audience finally couldn't bear it anymore, and countless items were thrown towards Ma Jian on the stage.

"Let's go." "It's bad luck." After venting, the audience left the venue one after another.

"Wait a minute, don't go, the magic show is just starting to get interesting..."Ma Jian tried to stay.

"Less verbose!" Where will the audience who pays for it have a good face? Hearing Ma Jian's retention, a drink bottle smashed over, which happened to hit Ma Jian's head and directly knocked Ma Jian down on the stage.


The audience all left the venue angrily, and almost burned the performance tent, and Ma Jian was directly fired by the angry boss in the end.

"Looks kind of pathetic." Seeing Ma Jian being scolded and expelled, Xiao Gang said.

"It can't be helped, it's because he's too carried away." Xiaoxia said helplessly, after all, she persuaded Ma Jian to stop, but Ma Jian didn't listen, but in the end Xiaoxia stepped forward to comfort her. "Mr. Ma Jian, cheer up."

"I've been fired, and I can't step on stage anymore, I'm sorry, ballass, it's all my clumsiness." Ma Jian finally hugged the balls and cried while saying.

"Hey, you're a man, what's the use of crying, and you're a magician, you just have to create tricks that others accept." Xiaoxia couldn't get used to this kind of performance, and said angrily.

'Seems to be an easy guy to get in. Xiao Zhi looked coldly at the back, Ma Jian said a few words, and Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang volunteered to stay and help Ma Jian practice Xi magic.


Maybe it was because he was angry to see Ash standing aside without helping, Dandan ran to Ash and looked at Ash unhappily.

Ash glanced at Dandan, and strolled over to Xiaoxia and them, "How's it going?" "

"It seems to be a little less talented." Xiaoxia said helplessly, on the other side, the shower that Ma Jian had just conjured fell to the ground.

"Throwing sandbags, flames, flowers. Nothing else magical? Ash asked lightly.

"Yes." Ma Jian said with some loss, "Sure enough, becoming a magician is just a dream, I really wanted to see the happy expressions of the children after watching my magic tricks, but now everything is over." "

"You should work hard knowing that it's a dream, instead of feeling sorry for yourself here," Ash said impatiently, "If you want to perform the magic tricks that children like, you should practice seriously Xi who are you lost here?!" "


Hearing this, before Ma Jian could say anything, Dan Dan was not happy at first, and the six seed bodies stood in front of Xiao Zhi, looking at Xiao Zhi angrily.

"What? Did I say the wrong thing? Or is it an adult who doesn't even have the ability to hear the truth? "

Ash also glared back.

Dandan didn't speak, and his six bodies swayed in a certain pattern, and his eyes gradually shone brightly.

Ash suddenly felt dizzy and became a little dazed.

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart, Ash closed his eyes and shouted angrily, "Get out of here!" "

Two lives, Ash's mental power is extraordinary, Dandan's superpower is not a very powerful Pokémon after all, a loud shout, with spiritual power, instantly smashed Dandan's hypnosis.

"You... Damn it! "

With an angry scolding, Ash simply kicked the ball to the side.


"Ash! How are you..."Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Ma Jian looked at Ash in amazement.

Ash ignored Xiaoxia and them, stepped forward with a cold face, and stepped on one of the eggs, "You dare to use hypnosis to control me, it's really... Damn! "

Ash said, straining under his feet.

"Dandan..."The one at his feet kept wailing, and the rest of the Dandans tried to be rescued, but they were directly knocked over by Ash.

"I'll tell you, no one is used to your master and wants to die, I don't mind sending your master down together." Xiao Zhi said coldly, glanced at Ma Jian, the other party seemed to be frightened, and he didn't dare to step forward to stop him.

"For the sake of the master's daring to launch hypnotism to control others, you are sincere, but unfortunately, you got the wrong object."

Ash's most annoying thing is being controlled and ordered, you can ask me for help, if you can impress me, I'm willing to take the initiative to help, but you just can't order me to help!


Cracks kept popping up on the eggs under his feet, and it seemed like they would shatter in the next moment.

"Ash! Calm down! "

Xiaoxia reacted at this time, or recovered from Ash's fright, and hurriedly tried to dissuade her.

"Pickup pickup!" Pikachu tugged at Ash's trouser leg.

Ash closed his eyes and slowly moved away, "Forget it this time, if there is a next time, I will directly kill you." "

After this, Ash was not interested in looking at Ma Jian and Dandan, and turned around and left here.

"Pika..." Pikachu followed, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang glanced at each other, and quickly chased after them, leaving only Ma Jian and Dandan, standing in place.


"Say whatever you want." Walking on the road, Ash felt the complicated gaze behind him and said lightly.

"Ash.. You just now—" Xiaoxia stopped talking.

"As I said," Ash didn't care about Xia's hesitation, "if you dare to make a move, that's the enemy, and you're ready to come to your senses." "

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang opened their mouths to say something but couldn't say it, looking at Xiaozhi, they felt very strange inexplicably.

"Afraid of me?" Xiao Zhi tilted his head, and looked at Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang lightly, clean and clear, but it seemed that there was nothing left....

"No, I just think..."Xiaoxia and Xiaogang hurriedly shook their heads.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill people and Pokémon."

At least it won't be killed in person, but there will definitely be no less counterattacks.

The latter sentence, Ash did not say.


The group walked on the road with their own concerns, but the ground shook.

"What's going on?" Xiaoxia was puzzled.

"The forest is coming this way." Xiao Gang said as he looked at a forest approaching in the distance.

"No, it's an egg tree." Ash shook his head and denied Xiao Gang's statement.

"It's so serious, all the houses have been flattened." Dodging the trampling of the coconut egg trees, when Ash and the others returned to the town again, almost all the buildings were destroyed with the naked eye.

"Hey, you guys should run away as soon as possible." At this time, the owner of the magic tent ran over to Ash and the others and said, "Those coconut egg trees are going to run over this side again." At the end of the town is a curved rock wall, a dead end, and the coconut egg trees have turned back again, "We've set a time bomb in this square, and when those coconut egg trees pass through this neighborhood, we'll ..."

"It's brutal." Xiao Gang immediately shouted, "Those coconut egg trees are hypnotized like this, they don't know what they are doing." "

"In short, we can't let the city be destroyed anymore." The other party also knows that it is not good, but after all, it is still necessary to focus on people, and leave after speaking.

"Let's go," Ash said, seeing Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looking at each other puzzled, "If you want to save the coconut egg tree, stop them before the coconut egg tree passes through the square." "

"Yes, let's go."


Standing in front of the coconut egg trees, Ash and Gang glanced at each other and released Pokémon.

"Little Fire Dragon, please." "Six-tails, you also come out to help." Because the coconut egg tree is grass-based and super-energy-based, Ash and Xiaogang sent out a fire-type.

"Flame squirting." "Six-tails, Flame Vortex."

The little fire dragon and the six tails immediately used their special move, and the coconut egg trees came to their senses after being hit by the flames.

"Great, it works." After seeing the coconut egg tree wake up, Xiaoxia said happily.

But there are too many coconut egg trees, and they can't support it with just the little fire dragon and the six tails.

It would be nice if it could be hot air, and this situation is the best way to attack. Ash thought with a slight frown.

"Little Fire Dragon, don't launch it directly yet," Seeing that the little fire dragon condensed another blow of jet flames, Xiao Zhi stopped.

"What?" The little fire dragon looked at Ash suspiciously, obediently brewing flames but not firing them.

"Ash?" Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were puzzled.

"Try to spread the flames, not focus on one target, and spread the breath of the flames." Ash explained.

The little fire dragon tried a little puzzled, and a wave of heat rushed away, and the coconut egg tree running in front of it suddenly woke up.

"Little Fire Dragon, try a few more times, using hot air."


The little fire dragon responded, and spat out a breath of hot air again.

At first, the range of the little fire dragon's hot air was not large, and it could not even be used, but gradually, the range of the hot air expanded.

"Xiao Gang." Ash gestured to Xiao Gang, and Xiao Gang understood, "Six-tails, use the flame vortex with all your might." "

"Little fire dragon, full hot wind."

The heat was the largest and widest this time, and all the remaining coconut egg trees woke up and turned back to the forest.

"Bang-" Just then, the bomb in the square behind Ash and them also exploded.

"What~" Ash and the others were rejoicing, the little fire dragon suddenly screamed, and then his whole body glowed with white light, and he began to evolve.

"Evolved?" Ash raised his eyebrows, looked at the fire dinosaur that appeared after the white light dissipated, stepped forward and hugged him gently, "Congratulations." "

"Huh~" The fire dinosaur also hugged Ash back, and a jet of flame came to the sky.

"It doesn't look like I'm going to be disobedient." Ash breathed a sigh of relief, this can be regarded as a proof of his ability, right?

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