Originally, the frontal battlefield where the four 44 Cosmos Star City Lords died had been suppressed.

At this time, following the retreat of Nadraculas.

On the frontal battlefield, he immediately entered a defeated situation.

Then, the defeat of this high-level team quickly spread to the entire battlefield.

The soldiers of the many cosmic star cities in all directions are all retreating, retreating, retreating frantically, retreating at any cost.

At this moment, the soldiers of the sixteen universe cosmic star cities were completely defeated.

From extraordinary masters to extraordinary semi-sages, holy ranks.

All the soldiers are retreating.

At this moment, Lu Chan's Reaper Legion, it was at this moment, frantically unfolding the harvest.

Attack, attack, attack again.

The battlefield has completely entered a one-sided harvest situation.

Above the misty void.

Lu Chan looked at the overall situation and smiled brighter.

"It's really not trivial to speak out and follow the law."

"The legendary soldier dared to get too close, was directly controlled by me, and then fell."

"Even if it is the demigod, if you lean over, it will end up being directly suppressed and then killed."

"Nowadays, many of the city masters of these universe star cities have already been defeated, then..."

"I should start cleaning up these guys too."

Immediately, Lu Chan began to give the four Reaper squads that sneaked on the four 44 universe star cities just now.

Let them quickly kill the other cosmic star cities.

Today, Lu Chan wants to complete this battle in one battle.

...When Lu Chan began to gradually occupy those cosmic star cities.

Naturally, the many cosmic star cities were destroyed one by one.

Even the demigod Draculas was wiped out.

So many cosmic star cities have disappeared in a short period of time, and the light of the cosmic lighthouse disappeared.

Naturally, it has attracted the attention of many people.

This is a time of war.

The demise of this cosmic lighthouse is by no means trivial.

When the cosmic lighthouse began to gradually.

There are already gods paying attention to the situation here.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Given that they are too far away from here, those... gods can only vaguely see the general situation.

But Rao is so.

They also saw a large number of Reaper soldiers pouring into the city and killing a large number of soldiers.

Then occupy this cosmic star city.

This couldn't help causing the many gods to be moved.

Reapers! This is this period of time, and their hearts are suffering.

On the battlefield of the gods, they were restricted by the strong from all sides and couldn't make a move.

At this time, they can only look at the land of the transcendent realm, and the large number of harvesters have risen and become stronger.

Even slaughter their men.

Fortunately, the current situation of the battle has been stabilized.


The sudden appearance of the large number of Reaper soldiers at this time made the many gods unavoidable to worry.

Could this be a war that a certain Reaper occupied after occupying a cosmic star city?

...Gods! It is a collective term for many gods.

In fact, within the scope of the gods.

There are three camps in total.

On one side are the gods dominated by the ancient wise race.

The ruler on this side is the "heaven" known as the god of wisdom

On one side is a family of angels and gods that are formed by the many gods of the heavenly angels.

The ruler on one side is the "Filal" of the King of Angels

There is also... the power of the ancient superhuman beasts who made gods.

The ruler of this power is the ancient beast "Ancient God"

Moreover, there are disputes between the gods.

Therefore, within the year of the universe star city.

There are more than 300 gods in the three parties.

In fact, there are only less than fifty gods occupying the universe star city.

The gods of each party are not allowed to occupy more of the universe star city by the other gods.

When the many gods here saw the cosmic lighthouses of the dozens of cosmic star cities collapsed.

They quickly reported this situation to the three gods.

...In Raphael's angelic kingdom.

Inside the Supreme God Void Temple.

The god projections of the heaven and the ancient gods descended directly.

The projections of these two gods came down.

Feral's voice has already passed.

"Then I have received news about Lu Chan."

"And, just now I have sent someone to investigate this Lu Chan related information."

"It's true that Lu Chan is a guest from the universe."

Gu Shenyun and Tian heard what Feral said, and they all looked over at once.

"You all know, these... visitors from the universe have always been very weird."

"And in this extraordinary world, these cosmic visitors are very'genuine', but they are very malicious to us...the gods."

"So... this Lu Chan must die."

"Yes, you are right, Ferrar.

This Lu Chan is really going to die."

The god of the projection nodded slightly.

"However, this Lu Chan is now the master of a city, and his strength is not trivial."

Tian began to elaborate.

"According to the information I got, this Lu Chan seems to have the terrifying power that can easily destroy the legendary soldier."

"Furthermore, the methods are very strange. My god's Sifa, his three legendary soldiers, were... by Lu Chan using some incomprehensible control method, and then beheaded by the legendary soldiers."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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