Reiki Recovery: Good Luck for Me As A Straight Man

Chapter 379 Qin Hao's requirements, build the second layer The Underworld

Qin Hao was not very interested in seeing Shirley and a kind of Medusa, and he also started to change the subject with interest.

"Next, Demonic Beasts retreat, you decide what to do"

"Counter offensive, first take down everything that can be taken down, those...contaminated Mercury.

We also need to be purified.

But you may need your assistance, after all, Demonic Beasts is more afraid of you at this time."

Shirley spoke out their thoughts naturally.

This idea was discussed by them using Universe will to spread the word before Qin Hao came.

"Well, I have two requirements."

Qin Hao seems to know their thoughts and has to make two demands.

"any request"

Shirley responded intently, because at this time, it would be a negotiation field.

"The first is to take down passage area that connects our Terran world. The second is that I need this kind of abandoned planet with the rules of soil properties."

Qin Hao made his request.

As Qin Hao finished speaking, Shirley was taken aback.

She thought that Qin Hao had to make special things and requests, but it turned out to be just these two simple things.

The first spatial channel to connect to the human world, without Qin Hao's words, they will also take it.

Because they also want to see that...the fusion of the two-star 2 universe, and Gana, which looks very similar to Medusa.

In some universes, Medusa and Jana are together in Life, but Medusa in this universe has never seen Jana.

In addition, they also want to go over and see how a two-star 2 universe can cultivate a seven-star Holy Lord. This kind of thing is not... just talk about it.

That kind of... is more difficult than most people think.

As for the second one, an abandoned planet with soil attribute rules, this condition seems a bit excessive.After all, a planet with such obvious rules is what everyone wants.

But for Medusa, especially Medusa in this Universe, they can send it out.

If... if it weren't for Qin Hao's existence, their entire universe might eventually be occupied by Demonic Beasts.

In that way, these planets will become the paradise of Demonic Beasts.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the future development of the entire world seems to be more pressing on Qin Hao.

If the next Universe Fusion, or if you want to drive Demonic Beasts out of the Universe before the next Universe Fusion, it is difficult to do this with Medusa alone.

But if Qin Hao helps, especially if the opponent's strength becomes stronger, it is not impossible to drive out or even eliminate Demonic Beasts.

If you can get a complete universe, or it can make them more advantageous in the future integration of the worlds, there is a relationship between the several planets. "Okay, we agree to your request."

Shirley simply agreed to Qin Hao's request, and Qin Hao was taken aback.

...The simple negotiation with Medusa ended, and Qin Hao appeared on a planet of 1 Demonic Beasts.

This planet is not only Demonic Beasts, the key is that there are countless statues on it.

Statue of Demonic Beasts.

On each statue, there is the power of rules with the attributes of the earth.

And the entire planet is full of the power of the rules of the earth attribute.

"This planet is the first land planet to be invaded by Demonic Beasts.

We used to compete here with Demonic Beasts for 100 years, and in the end, Demonic Beasts was even better.

This time, because of your appearance, Demonic Beasts retreated, and the planet was abandoned by the opponent.

You need a planet with the power of rules with the earth attribute. I think this course is very suitable."

Shirley took Qin Hao and stood on the void, looking at the planet in front of her with a sigh.

"I see."

Qin Hao nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom emanated from his body, and the universe phantom instantly covered the entire planet in front of him.


A strange power appeared, and Shirley watched as the planet in front of her gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared before her eyes.

Qin Hao converged on the Universe phantom, standing quietly in the void, feeling the situation of the planet after it entered the body.

Shirley opened her mouth wide, dumbfounded.

She had no idea that Qin Hao wanted the planet like this.

A planet has just disappeared! That illusory "Realm"

, It looks like a universe, and she even saw "Star" in it

At this moment, she finally understood why Qin Hao would be regarded as a half-step world master.

Such a real Realm, what else could it be if it wasn't a half-step world master Qin Hao didn't know and ignored Shirley's feeling.At this moment, his consciousness was concentrated in the universe.

This new planet has entered his Universe, exuding the power of powerful earth attribute rules.

The power of this kind of rule is stronger than any previous 1 continent into the body.

If only this is the case, this planet enters the body, and all the power of the rules are quickly stripped out! Those.........the power of the rules is dragged by Qin Hao and enters the former goblin continent , Which is Jaina's natal planet.

As the power of the rules of the earth attribute entered, the goblin continent became: more and more heavy and vicissitudes.

The perfection of the...rules makes the whole continent more...cohesive.

However, Qin Hao didn't pay much attention to the goblin continent for the time being, because this continent has always been: getting better.

His attention has always been: on the planet that has just entered the body.

As the power of rules was stripped away, the planet began to gradually shatter.

However, Qin Hao had already prepared. He directly controlled the planet and threw it into the Death realm.

Entering the realm of the Death rule, the entire planet quickly absorbed death.

The originally broken planet has now become: more...broken, but it has never been scattered.

A dead planet with countless statues just stayed in the realm of Death so quietly.

The statue above is lifelike, and it exudes a terrifying atmosphere in this world.

If someone comes to this planet and looks at everything on this planet, they will definitely be frightened by the terrifying scene above.

Countless statues were once alive, and their petrification is already a tragedy.

But at this moment, he was abandoned to the Death realm, absorbing the breath of Death.

This makes them even more terrifying.

The second layer The Underworld! This is the second layer The Underworld prepared by Qin Hao!

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