"You let go, my mother told me to go home for dinner."

"Don't fool me."

Lu Feng looked at Lin Que, who was holding his feet, and fought back.

What kind of world, he came to beat people by himself, but was held on to his feet by a neuropath.

"You are here, isn't it a pity not to beat me?" Lin Que said, but he shouted in his heart, damn it.

Lu Feng's strength, if he beat himself, it is estimated that he could fully activate his qi and blood.

"Ah, I can't bear it!"

Lu Feng was entangled by Lin Que, feeling that he was about to collapse.

"This is what you forced me."

Lu Feng's face was full of flesh, and with force under his feet, he directly threw Lin Que out, spitting and falling to the ground.


Lin Que coughed violently while clutching his chest, his meridians qi and blood banging.It's the smell, that's right.

"Come again!"

Lin Que suppressed the tumbling breath in his chest and rushed towards Lu Feng with excitement, his eyes hot.


Lu Feng was about to collapse, why did he feel that Lin Que's eyes were full of joy when he looked at him? Just like a married girl, waiting for the groom's caress.

It's disgusting!

"Lu Feng, the twenty-first-level assault system spirit guardian, martial spirit, stone gibbons!"

"Please advise!"

Lu Feng directly summoned the spirit of martial arts, the stone gibbons, and the burly giant ape phantom appeared, making a deafening roar.

And Lu Feng's black hair instantly turned into a yellowish-brown, exactly the same as Shi Jibei's appearance.

His hands are also twice as wide as before, and the whole person is like a grumpy stone ape.

"The first soul skill, Petrochemical!"

Lu Feng's arms were gradually petrified, with stone-like patterns appearing, and he slammed Lin Que's abdomen with a punch.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)With the petrification skills, Lu Feng's attack power was increased by 15%, and with his twenty-first-level spirit power, it was at least severely damaged against Lin Que, a tenth-level spiritual master.

Lin Que didn't dare to be careless, the martial arts Zhen Qi congealed in his body, protecting his vitals.


Lin Que was directly punched into the air by Lu Feng, his blood surged, and the seven meridians and eight meridians quickly opened up.

It's not over yet!

"Second spirit ability, gravel!"

Lu Feng ejected from his body and kicked Lin Que down to the ground in mid-air.

"I can't move my body!"

Lin Que's body was stiff for three seconds, and there was no time to react. Lu Feng kicked it to the ground, smashing a dirt hole, and dust everywhere.

In the dirt pit, Lin Que was hit hard by Lu Feng one after another, his throat was sweet, and he couldn't help coughing up blood.

Lin Quewang Lu Feng, thinking that he couldn't move just now, it should be the control attached to Lu Feng's first spirit ability, a three-second stiff effect.

The strength of this sophomore is really not comparable to that of the freshman.However, even without the rigid control of those three seconds, he would not hide.

According to the attack intensity just now, one more time, the qi and blood in his body can be fully activated.

"Haha, come again!"

Lin Que stood up supporting his body and rushed towards Lu Feng.

Lu Feng frowned. He didn't keep his hands for the two attacks just now. No one dared to resist even if he was a student of the same class.

Lin Que not only resisted, but also didn't matter much from his appearance, so he felt a little angry.

"I don't believe I can't defeat you!"

Lu Feng roared, strode forward, and a set of combined punches greeted Lin Que.

Lin Que was beaten by Lu Feng, holding his head back, and his exposed skin was bluish and purple.

"It's over!"

With a full punch, Lu Feng sent Lin Que flying out with a sonic boom, hitting a sycamore tree not far away.

The big tree broke directly at the waist, splashing a cloud of dust.

"Now, you can't get up, right?" Lu Feng breathed a little tiredly.Everyone looked at Lin Que, who was inundated with dust, and said with some worry.

"Lin Que, won't be beaten to death by Lu Feng?"

Lu Feng was also a little worried, did he start too hard, the opponent was only at level ten, and he wouldn't really be beaten to death, right?

You have to testify for me, he begged me to fight.

Let's slip away first.

"Hey, the fight is not over yet, you just left like this, isn't it appropriate?"

In the dust, a figure stepped out.

Lin Que was in torn clothes and an unruly expression on his face.

"Lin Que, tenth-level Assault Elementary Spirit Guardian, Wuhun Chiyou...please advise!"

call out!

On both sides of Lin Que, a pair of arms came out of the void, the whole body was dark, exuding mysterious air, muscles and muscles, and five fingers were sharp as knives.

At this moment, everyone was awakened.

It seems that Lin Que didn't summon Martial Soul before, right?

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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