Red Rebels

Thirty-five tactical core

Cassell has been in Manchester United's youth training camp for more than 20 years, and at the same time is Eric Harrison's right-hand man. It can be said that he knows the core of Manchester United's tactics.

As the main central defender, Bruce has played for Manchester United for 9 years. He is the most powerful witness of Manchester United's Ferguson era. He is also a personal experiencer of Manchester United's step by step towards the peak of glory. understand and recognize.

It was these two people who knew Manchester United's tactics well, but they caused fierce conflicts in the new Manchester United's tactical system.

Almost from the first day Cassel joined the new Manchester United, he began to criticize Bruce's team tactics, and the two would have a big discussion from time to time.

Xiao Yu and the others were used to this kind of scene!

"I always believe that running without the ball is the core of a team's tactical construction. As long as the three aspects of running without the ball, passing, and receiving the ball are combined, this will definitely make the team's tactics stronger. Fluidity and aggression, whether it's defense or offense!" Cassell insisted on his point of view stubbornly.

In fact, his views are in the same vein as Eric Harrison's.

"That's right, but if you look at our players, the passing efficiency is simply impossible to compare with professional players, even Darren Lyons, who is the best passer, you can see that he can pass the ball every time. Under the feet of the running object, or in front, so that the opponent can make movements without hindrance while receiving the ball comfortably?"

Bruce seemed more excited than Cassell.

"Come on, Jim, this is an amateur league. In my opinion, even if you give Lyons a hundred chances, he may not be able to pass, that is, 60 passes in place. Then think again, Leon who has the best pass That’s what happened to Stu, what about the others?”

"I don't deny your point of view, Steve, you are the head coach of the team and you have a lot of say in this aspect, but this does not mean that I agree with your emphasis on scrambling, despising off-ball running, and the idea of ​​passing and catching the ball. "Cassell was as steadfast as ever.

"Jim, no one underestimates off-ball movement and pass and catch!"

"But your tactics are like this. You look at the newspapers outside and what the fans think of our team? Crazy fighting, oh, my God, do you still want to deny it?"

"That's because our team lacks such a foundation. You should know, Jim, whether it's passing, dribbling, or controlling the ball, these all require talent, but the talents required are different, just like Michael. Johnson, the first time I saw him, I was attracted by his ball handling and passing. I think he is very talented in this area, but you look at our current team, you think there is something similar to Michael Johnson. people?"

"Listen to me, Steve, don't get excited. I'm not criticizing your team. On the contrary, I agree with your team building. At least we are now at the top of the Northwest Division 2, ahead of the second place. 14 points, what an amazing advantage, but it doesn't mean your team tactics are reasonable and balanced."



"How long have they been arguing this time?" Xiao Yu sat at the side and asked Walsh beside him.

Since the desks of Bruce and Cassel are back to back, the quarrel between the two has become face-to-face, and on the two desks, a messy pile of training drawings, team tactical drawings, etc. .

Due to the lack of professional knowledge, Xiao Yu had only a half-knowledge of the contents of these artworks, and could only comprehend some of them occasionally when he heard their conversations.

Xiao Yu, who used to be a fan, thinks that it is not difficult to become a professional coach. He arranges tactics, such as 442, 433 and other positions, and then arranges according to the positions of different players. Forwards play forwards, defenders play defenders, etc. , followed by training, let them train according to the requirements of different positions,

Practice the so-called tactics, and then you can play.

But in fact, the head coach is not so easy to be.

At least Xiao Yu knew that Kassel had drawn nearly a hundred artworks just for the running positions of the four players in the midfield. At the same time, there were different arrangements and layouts on the artworks according to different players' specialties, such as Some players are left-footed, and you must pay attention to this when passing the ball to him. Therefore, when making targeted arrangements, the arrangement must be different from that of right-footed players.

In addition, there is also the defensive organization of the defenders. The difference between a single midfielder and a double midfielder is huge. The difference in the forward penetration of the two fullbacks also directly affects the construction of the entire defensive system. These are very professional fields. Knowledge.

As a fan, Xiao Yu is experienced, but he can't understand these at all. When he sees the drawings of Kassel, he is like reading a bible. This is the gap between professional coaches and fans.

In the early stage of crossing over, Xiao Yu also thought about whether he would also be a head coach for fun, but later he completely dismissed this idea, because he knew that he was not the material at all.

In this world, the tactics of any team are very cumbersome, which is why it took Ferguson more than ten years to lead Manchester United to the top, and it took more than ten years for Cruyff's philosophy The core of being mastered by Barcelona.

But now, Xiao Yu hopes that Kassel and Bruce can formulate a tactical system for the team that can be in line with the youth team, and then the team will go all the way towards this tactical system!

Learn Manchester United today, Arsenal tomorrow, Barcelona the day after tomorrow, and Real Madrid the day after tomorrow. Such a team will never succeed. Even Xiao Yu, who is a fan, knows this very clearly!

"Almost two hours!" Walsh replied with a smile.

"That's almost over!" Xiao Yu said with a smile, Xiao Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with their argument, at least this would make it easier for both parties to absorb each other's ideas.

Moreover, as a player, Steve Bruce is undoubtedly brilliant, but as a coach, he has just started, and he is still lacking in many aspects. After all, players and coaches are two completely different fields.

"By the way, Xiao Yu, the day after tomorrow is Christmas, and the team will be on holiday from tomorrow, so come over to my house and spend time with us!" Walsh suggested.

"Christmas?" Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, and immediately came to his senses. It turned out that Christmas had already arrived before he knew it. "It still doesn't work. I'll find some programs by myself!"

The three members of the Walsh family enjoyed themselves happily, and they turned into light bulbs by themselves. Besides, Westerners attach great importance to Christmas, so it’s okay to be alone, why bother others?

Speaking of loneliness, Xiao Yu immediately thought of Curtis and Evra, and seemed to be looking for an opportunity to ask these two boys if there was any Christmas program.

As for Messi, Jorge moved here with his family from Argentina a few days ago. Xiao Yu had asked someone to help them find a house before, so they can live as soon as they come here. Christmas.

It's just me, all alone, so lonely! Xiao Yu was secretly depressed.

"Program? What kind of program do you have?" Walsh scolded with a smile, "But seriously, Xiao Yu, I think you should find a girlfriend and start a family!" Walsh knew Xiao Yu's situation.

Ever since his parents passed away, Xiao Yu has been living alone, maybe it's not a problem on weekdays, but once the festival comes, when everyone else is reunited with the family, he will definitely feel lonely to some extent.

"No suitable match!" Xiao Yu smiled and shook his head.

"I think that female reporter is good!" Bruce had reached an initial agreement with Cassel at some point, and walked over with a smile, "You guys had a lot of quarrels before, but I think she seems to have surrendered to you recently."

Walsh kept nodding at the side, obviously supporting Xiao Yu!

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled wryly, "I can't stand that kind of woman!"

"Then why don't you come to my house? My son has been talking about seeing you all day long!" Bruce laughed.

"I don't want it anymore. You don't have to worry about me. I will definitely find some shows for myself. If it doesn't work, I'll go upstairs and have a big fight with that woman. Anyway, I'm making enemies with her. I'm not happy. Don't even think about being happy with her!" Xiao Yu laughed exaggeratedly.

Everyone laughed out loud when they heard it, but they were sure in their hearts that Xiao Yu was definitely not the kind of person who would do such a thing.

"By the way, Steve, Jim, what's the result of your discussion today?" Xiao Yu quickly changed the subject.

Cassel looked at Bruce. The latter shrugged, pretending to be indifferent, so he smiled and said: "I won the victory for the time being, and I will be in charge of the training of the youth academy in the future. He can't interfere. As for the first team, I will follow my proposal." , appropriately adding more off-the-ball running and passing and catching training."

"Then will this affect the team?" Xiao Yu is most concerned about upgrading.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, I will pay attention to control. I plan to use the league to train. You know, we have a great advantage in the league now. We have already led by 14 points in only 18 rounds, so we can use a relaxed attitude. Look at this change!" Bruce was not worried at all.

In addition to the league, the new Manchester United also won all the way in the knockout rounds of the FA Cup and entered the first round of the main match. The opponent is Gran Forest from the South Anglo-African League. This is also a veteran team with a long history, but the league results have not been high. It is already the best result in their history.

Although the Premier League has the tightest schedule during the Christmas period, in the amateur league, there is a one-week truce on Christmas, and then there will be a round of league matches, and then they will play against Gran Forest at home.

Since the opponent is from a league with a higher level than himself, Bruce is also very fancy about this game. Once he wins, he will enter the second round of the FA Cup and meet a team from the professional league.

And if you can continue to pass the second round, the third round will start to appear League One and Premier League teams.

Although Bruce didn't say anything, Xiao Yu knew that his goal was the third round. He hoped to meet a League One or Premier League team. Of course, it might not be the Manchester United that the fans or the media expected!



PS: New day, new request for votes, hehe...Old Chen pretends to be thick-skinned!

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